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Full text of "International Herald Tribune , 1985, France, English"

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κ τὴν ἐς 
i Bob κ΄ Ken 

“SOVIET APPEAL TO WEST — The new Soviet foreign 

of the 

minister, Ednard A. Shevardnaze, 

Tight, was received by his 
arching lah 

Gorbachev Says 
Soviet Will Halt 


Nuclear Testing 
For Five Months 

Compiled by Our Stef} From Dispatches 

MOSCOW — Mikhail S. Gorba- 
chev, the Soviet leader, announced 
Monday a five-month unilateral 
moratorium on nuclear tests begin- 
ning en te the 40th bear wiaie 
ry atomic bombing, 

At the same time; he asked that 
the United States also refrain froas 
iod. In Wash- 

The Soviet Union has proposed 
such a test ban in the past and also 
has mentioned the Hiroshima anni- 
versary a5 ἃ possible starting date. 

Agency, was 
released shortly after President 
Ronald Reagan issued an invita- 
tion to the Soviet Union to send a 
team of observers to witness nucie- 
πὶ tests at the U.S. test site in Neva- 

Although Mr. Gorbachev put ἃ 
tine litt on the moratorium, be 

Ν cide with the openn; 

States, for its part, refrauns from 
conducting nuclear explosions.” 

ir, Gorbachev callnd the arms 
ae an “immense threat to the fu- 
ture of the entire world cusliza- 
tion” and called his announcement 
of a han a step toward forging 3 
fuller agreement on nuziear disar- 

“Suiving tv fuciijtate the termi- 

nation of the dangerous canspeti- 

tion in building up nuclear arsenals 

. and wishing τὸ set αὶ poad example, 

the Soviet Union hus decided to 
stop unilaterally any nuclear explo- 
ΠΝ starting from Aug. 6 this 
year.” he said. 

His announcement Monday ap- 
peared to have heen tioned tos τὸ coin: 
ores ΤΟΣ 
¥ signing 
Helsinks acconis on European se- 
curily, cooperation and fuman 

The senior U.S. ufficial, who 
spoke on the condinon that be wis 
not identified, said that Mr. Gorba- 
chev notified Mr. Reagan on Sun- 

(Coutinued on Page 2, Col. 3) 

Pushed Mr. 

Rapiisesn λέροι Sepanciey 

ἘΞΞ : With Tutu on South al Unrest 


move 50 

‘The Soviet Union is a country of 
potential, ἃ country 

------ 3 
our Classified A > 

sad, i the US J: 
i bottom of the Tangara διαὶ: be br peel ένα ; 
sit’ tween the home islands of Hokkai- P Berea erie og hee 
x do and Flonstis, Tapancse intel osed a threat not only: ἐπ the 
sega BARE experts Η northern Pacific but along the en- 
voi crawling tracks of Soviet miniature © Pacific ram and into the South 
wast, submarines The tracks are mule δας το oo tan Oceans, He 
Fie Signs that Soviet special forces are OV the threat to new navel and 
toe’ drafting contingency plans for am- air bases at Cam Raoh Bay and 
tot* Ρηϊδίους landings to seize con! in Vi ῃ ὃ 
_ [1 of that key waterway in time of Danang τ, 
aes = crisis, ‘The U.S. ambassador to Tokyo, 
uly scot, Similar tracks have been detect. Mike Mansfield, said: "What you 
mes — ediin the Soya, or La Perouse, Strait εἰὸ γρεῖοα ὑεῖς ely pre elo 

aan et tat wipe he Soi mi 
in the 
tary expansion region. 

Ὁ. defeat in Vietnam im 1975. 

The defeat was Sten as pre- 

Mr. soging a wholesale U.S. withdrawal 

polit- ‘by these events, Mas- 
order cakes of the cow's round forbes alg the Sint 


It was the Chinese-Soviet : gence studies were being: 

cal split and 

Alan Riding 
New York Times Service 

- LIMA’ — Pern’s announcement that it 


women’s conference i 
Nairobi brought unity and sur- 

prising agreement on. a 
W-year strategy. _. Page 6. 
@ Major British banks an-. 
nounced .a cut in their ‘base 

than 10 percent ofits 

scum to renegotiate its Ta-balioa se μος 

ig wold tou S30 min Ole 

enmasamon Homas Pree iene Ton, ᾿ ι 

paid more than $1 billion annually before commercial debt 

falling in arrears. . year and is $475 million m arrears on interest 

. Althoogh the ides οἱ inking debe eee Ν μδὺ 

ments to earnings has been, frequently 

feced “a petiodlof difficulty and auster- 
dine “a economic 
Lberidopted. But, while ne- 

iny’s economic crisis. 5 
he Penman later said x united Lata, 

America should treat the foreign-debt issue 

gm aaa base 

‘as a way to enable them to resume ecdnomic ty fi 
growth, 50 ao eal hort, tl ow iy” and 
adopted such a policy. program” 

ag rao ow re 

Officials said a number of intelli- 
fad ee part of a contimuing review of 

that meeting. 
“T had hoped that I might have 
games, been able to do something: οἱ 

at By οἷν YY 

office involved in arr on 

Peru’ s Debt Plan το φος World on System 

κὸν patna 
re eee ‘will limit its payments to the « 
οἵ 10 percent of its exports, he 


Bishop Tutu took a political risk 






General Tito Okello 

ὕυμο New Leader 
cat Is Sworn In 

delegatic because a direct 

nD OP ΟἹ carry sirong 

Piscine... BY Uganda 
Bishop Tutu and Mr. 

been sharply critical of each other 

since ‘Tast meeting, down Unsted Press International 

in} KAMPALA, Uganda — Lieu- 
Mr. Botha has come under firest tenant General Tite Okello, ihe 
(Continued on Page 2, Col 8) commander of Upanda’s armed 

South Africa sce the disorders there 
as part of a cycle of violence, pres- 

should sure for change and 

with the cycle geiting a lille worse 
each time. They expressed the 

oe ualess progress was was aiade bo- 
power with the black 

‘who moat. the cycle would eventual 

toan explosion, but they did, 
ἐδηγελου outa cela es nee 

“There is no sense that this could 
getout of hand in ἃ life-threatening 
for the government,” said an 
otal favoaiar wal the State De, 
ich was pre- 

Αἰοὺς Ped I Pared ast week, caren could have ad- 

short-term economic effects 
baveotts and no-shows shows for work. 
pe it is not to stop foreign 
i Ἢ who want fo 

(Continued on Page 2, Col. 7) 

Guadeloupe Court 
Orders Release 
"Of Jailed Activist 

The Associated Press 
ie See Οσαι Guadel 
eee the release πὴ a Guade- 

: hea advocate from 

ΤῊΣ three judges deliberated less 
than 30 minntes alter beara ape 

and thao an hour of arguments 

fenst attomeys for the rece of of 
Georges Faisans, who has been on 
a hunger strike since June 3. 

Mr, Faisans’ provisional liberty 
from jail in Paris was tied to four 
conditions: that he surrender his 

his driver's license and 

cpr alo pole sue 

he report daily τὸ station 

in the Paris suburb of St. Denis, 
where he is a teacher. 

The same court rejected on July 
19 a French prosecutor's call for 

(Continued on Page 3, Col. 6) 

forces, was sworn in Monday as 
president of 2 new military govern- 
ment, two days after rebel troops 
toppled the civilian escerminet of 
President Milton ΟἹ 

Genera) Okello, ΕΝ promised 
elections and a return {o civilian 
government within ἃ year. 

The new president is no relation 
to Brigadier Basilio Olara Okello, 
who was identified by Radio Ugan- 

5 Staged the coup Sat 
Both Okellos are mae of ms 

Order was retumming Monday to 
Kampala, where soldiers had gone 
on a two-day looting δ rampage. 

Miltary sources said 115 haley 
Korean Army and police insi 
tors who had been Working for the the 
Obote ᾿ἰΒανετηπιεαι have been 
placed under guar 

Radio Uganda said that General 
Okello, onve ἃ close friend of Mr. 
Obote, would act as head of state 
and chairman of the Military 
Council until elections were held. 

The radio said General Okello 
would appoint an executive prime 
minister, who in tum would ap- 
point a cabinet. 

The pe military rulers have sus 

Military officials said all former 
Obote cabinet ministers who sur- 
τεπάειοῦ ne been released, ex- 

for former sécutity chief, 
Gis Cris Rwakasisi. 

Permanent secretaries who bead- 
ed ministries under Mr, Obote have 
beea promised amnesty if they re- 
tum to their jobs, offisals sald 
The Fea aapore has 

confi in Nairobi 
that Mr. Oboe has been granted 

refuge mn Prictan tele μὲ 
e the 

Ween diplomats ὡ 
ate ἄρας aa hun 

16 Britons, bad fled to Kenya. tae 

UNE, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1985 
Strict Law 
On Wines 


Shevardnadze, in Helsinki, — 
Calls for Better Ties With West 


Promised = some mate ery ep is ede 
iatory i i i i it had obtained a recent J . Sakharov feavy 
By Mark Wood pean earl rataryrat Aaah ince, ed ee ᾿ in Gor th τῆς where hei ander exile, and being reunited With 
— Foreign Minister rohan ars states that signed and its erosion prevented,” he said. In Austria Bild said the 10-minute color film showed the dissident, a Nobel Peace 
Eduard A. Shevardnadze of theSo- he accords 10 years ago. The meet- Shevardnadze appeared not Η ἢ fet, Ina film obtained 
and in his Prize laureate, in good health and apparently alert by 
viet Union, on his firs tip αἰτοδά “braking the eg Τυεαν, ‘wet einem ore obs <<, ener the newspaper fast month, Mr. Sakharov’s doctor {5 a Teport saying 
since ἊΣ office this month, which the West regards ὃς having aly Roadae Teporters VIENNA — pee eel the: ist, who is 64, was being treated at the clinic for heart 
urged fest. on Monday tojoin Wc Sov mallitary i Sinowatz pledged y that 2 syauptoms of Parkinson's di é 
in a drive for a radical improve a sony 9 ΜΒ Moscow Press Attucks West suet new wine law would be Bid said Mr. Sakharov, who was exiled το Gork ἰ 1980, was admired 
[ ment in East-West relations. τα ἐι ghanistan in 1979, The Soviet press issued a broad passed before the aunumn grape tothe Zemashco hospital tere in mid-April of his year, apparently afer 
In a statement issued after his τ} of the Helsinki accord attack on the West on Monday to to prevent ἃ repeat of AUS- starting ah Two scenes from the latest film indicated be was 
H artival for the commemoration Of he used to i East-West ties, ouster the criticism that the Soviet tria's wine scandal. released July 11, the newspaper said. It did not say how it obtained the 
προ ες 05 τ a sno at ste. Gi 
plans to use 5 A τ ἘΦ. 
. Shevardnadze praised the ase Tint from . clared his confidence in Agricul- © Π 
— aor nd τοῖα ὑμὴν should be 19 stl the Soviet Union for what PPT ἀρ pe ture Miner Gnter Hiden de Bonn Said to Expel 4 Libyan Envoys. 
Hien by the human rights commitments #ily, charged that the West spite opposition calls for bis BONN (Renters) — West Germany has expelled four Libyan diplo- 
ἘΞ “We are convinced,” he said, of the Helsinki agreements violated the Helsinki accords while ignati : . mats on suspicion of conspiring to niurder exiles opposed to the Libyan 
Σ ὀἠἠ ὀ οὐρα the current tense situation in ides the meeting with Mr. pis, Soviet Union had remained = ἀΐψεσὶ liters (13 milion  jeader, Colone] Moamer i, the weekly news magazine Det Spiege! 
Pay to them. ons} Ausirian wine have a - 
τὰ the world calls for joint efforts Shultz, Mr. Shevardnadze, 57 said ; 
aimed ically improving ‘sched separate Ὁ iti been seized and exports have been German Foreign Ministry ibya's di i - 
a om pene: Ἵν erope ad in Sip sit incurs sae amp, pon fm : on revelations that some sah ἐκ βοτὰ teclbel roommate ema le four 
Zs international relations asa whole.” pajor West Eoropean states the United States and some West- wines were sweetened with diethy- Giolomars left at the end of last week. “Security agents in Bonn accused 
ie in he said that is statement, Mr. Shevard- ὅττι counties over thelr lene glycol, a chemical used in anti- them of plannin criminal activities inorder to eliminate opponents of 
Be τὰ the Us scx ae of state valood the opporteaiy for soon of the Final Act only bells the Health officials have warned of“ Qedet Ravel tienen sie 10 Bp eaten Libyan 
ἘΣ P. Shnltz on Wednesday, contacts offered by the Helsinki intentions of the architects af such dupe and ts scence had τῆς Het ag bis ssastmten uead: ite ben vos sated oll ek 
“we will have to obtain peace.” thering. campaigns, βου for a possible assassination 1 Was 
ἢ two are to a the agenda for a a the 1975 accords, he “All they want,” Pravda said, “is dermined Austria's image abr oad. week, 
Soviet 3 summit mecing in No stid that Moscow had demonstrat- to use the Helsinki Accords ts a especially in West Germany.” νον 
a vember. Mr, Shultz ‘ashing- its commitment to pretext for interference in the inter- es The Amociated Press chemists habe heen arrested in the . - wo. 
im ton for Helsmki on Monday. and viewed them as a good founda- nal affairs of countries whose polt- Wine ed to be Α with 2 toxk tainting, which is believed to have India Asks U.S. to Curb Sikh Training 
ῬΑ The Soviet minister's comments tion for improving East-West coop- ical system they want to under- ne believ contaminated toxic sweetener started uiore than ve fuss NEW DELHI (UPI) — The Indian government asked the United 4 
ΞᾺ appeared to indicate that Moscow eration. mine’ was removed Monday from the shelves of a Vienna market. See Sens wold Lie errs: < States on Bounty to chops paceeslitony wrocting ταῖπρν (us ὃν pefeare -, ᾿ 
ΠΗ te 2 seen ῳσυὶά cal saps καί οἵ cateaas anh δε ae We Alabama eters severed Ah rales τερεῖνες Rat 
Ἐς rbachev L : ALL or the begisnin The foreign minisier, Khursheod Alam Khan. told the lower house of , 
Ἐὰ Go Sets Testing Halt; Gunmen Kill ballph., he mg of mies 10 phone ἂς Caled Saas sho igh terrors ether by cag 
By : nt i or its laws to it trainin; 
ai U.S. Invites Soviet Observers Spai “Govrument sources Dave sid τ  ενεῖος our telaioes wiaral countries but we can compromise” 
= . Spam the law will oblige wine makers to When it comes to terrorism, he said. He said it would be “unfortunate if 
a (Continmed from Page 1) Hos was θα το τὰ end Cuneta iS τΤ' include fol details of < aes the United States took an exireme legalistic view on the saue by allowing 
ἡ would diti iy source and its contents on terrorist training camps to opera! lv. 
ἅν eS on ee πδῃ τα noted that Me had On Terror and will outlaw the use of sweetea- 
Ξ codes ding eer τρις ἘΝ sac poser imenign. Hudson Wants to Hospitals 
tae ident to make a similar decision. i his address to the United Na- ae ; __ A public prosecutor investiga- ΓΙΤῚ m Wan ΟΒΡ 
Ὧν ‘The official said that Mr. Reagan tions on Sept. 24. i, MADRID ists killed one [8 the cases of those arrested said = pa RIS (UPI) — Rock Hudson has asked to be transferred to a French 
ἸΏ made his in a letter “The president views this pro- OF Soainve ton anti-terrorist in a television interview that other τ τς ital for treatment for acquired immune deficiency syn- 
δὶ that was delivered to Mr. posal as a means to increase confi- Of Spain's top : substances had also been found in rome or AIDS, the actor's publicst Yenc Collar said Mimsy.” 
Ξὶ i ming dence in verifiable limits on under- in central Madrid, ἃ De- wine, added to enhance ; ‘denufied. sat ol 
Zz Gorbachev. He said that the timing rere eT tense said. : Another source, who not to be identified, said Mr. Hudson, 59, 
a of Mr. Reapan's letter was coinc ground testing.” Mr. Speakes stid. “Major Jost Marzo, a Defense 6S 2nd that this could give an- wig is in a special isolation unit at the American Hospital here but has 
κε: dental and bad nothing to do with “To date, the Sevier’ Unica Bas yeni said Vice Ad. ther dimension to the scandal. tot been trested for AIDS. asked to be transfered tothe malitary hoepial 
Fit Mr. Gorbachev's bee agree Practical’ ral Fansto Escrigas Estrada, 60, m Discovery in Japan because he had met a Freach military doctor and had confidence in 
> (Reuters, UPI, AP) minded approach. director-general of defense policy, 1} Officials have soported AUS. Embassy said the French Defense Ministry agreed 
1 ΙΝ Reagan’s Proposal “As a demonstration of our seti- died of bullet the of more last week to accept Mr. Hudson's request if his condition warranted it. 
ξ Davi Hera of The Weting. fax cadet το Ὡς Sone ese iments ave, Francis οἱ vein ets vine conan 
ἐ ton Pot repre from Was ship our jcviaion for ἃ Sov and listed ictal ondion The καὶ ΤΟΙΣ. sd two of the Soviet Central Asia Hit by Earthquake 
4 ΜΕΝ ᾿ bsexve measure ἃ police said more bullets officials aca Ἢ enh F 
2 Union on at mere τὰς πράως i agi ‘Nevada test site. were fired into the car. three inated wines had been Monday fain pect Porat pore hee and couaee vie 
ξ of experts toobeerve and messaren Τὴν ree, μῆβοῖ Is πος Major Marzo said the admiral found in Tokyo and the otherin the Sacead damage to buildings in the city of Dushanbe, according to the 
3 US oucear fosion at the Neve- 5,2, Unilateral step which clearly was on his way to wock at the western city of Two other sovernment newspaper, Ixvestia, 
ΕἸ da test site. Ἠὰ the US. intention 10 Defense Ministry when acarcut in brands, one each from Ausiria and No figures for casualties were given. The state-run medi normally 
Β Summer EXHIBMON OF ! go the extra mile. front of his vehicle and blocked the West Germany, had already been ify no human losses when minor earth tremors occur. 
ἢ h to his account, 2 contaminated. ν δι n ehh τον Ὁ 
ἢ RARE JEWELS OF THE WORLD . oo ee Dushanbe, a city of 530,000, is the capital of the Soviet Union's 
# gan’s invitation “clearly demon- vices republic of T: evita sold the earthquake sepiscred eis to 
μη i i seven points on the 10-point Soviet scale for measuring the intensity of 
“ὁ strates the U.S. intention to go the e. a 
i ea a emo Israeli Jets “πο 
ἐ . υὐπίπαισον, at pros Bomb Base i, For the Record 
¥ +55 BROMPTON ROAD - KNIGHTSBRIDGE - LONDON SW3- TELEPHONE 01-684 8571- TELEX 21206 by Mr. Ua grey mb ΠΊ τω: Council of three candidates for the 
18 : both countries it On-site in: . ἧς : : 
ἢ ἈΝΌ WoRLDwipe By APPOINTMENT spections of a tests. : , bresidential ng tea ι 16. δι οἴει Iranian news agen 
3 te Mr, Speakes said that the invita- Bekaa Ve term, former Economy δ ee Habibollah Asgar-Owiadi iy ove 
Ff The Assocloted Pres ‘At least 408,000 people were stranded as rivers flooded six districts in” 
ἢ BEIRUT —Isracii Air Forcejets orthern after rains, officials said Monday. (Reuters) 
ἢ raided imi A van parked near the ἐστ courts in Belfast exploded early Monday 
ξ in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Leb- while the police were evacuating the area. Buildings were and 
3 anon on Monday, setting ἃ com- one officer was injured by glass, officers said. {AP) 
% mand A Sicilian police inspector active against the Mafia, Giuseppe Mon- 
¢ backed a on fire, radio tana. 35, was slain Monday by two a Bs ὃ (fenen 
H pees Monday not to show an interview with Martin McGuiness, feportedly a: 
a Lebamcn’s state-run radio and key of the outlawed Irish Republican Army. {Reuters} 
2 the Christian-controlled Voice of 
1 : spondents as sa} six 2 Ἦν ΑΝ 
ὶ Ἱξειμὰ ατρόϊοῦ υᾷ μετ εἴα, ττα, U.S, Expects No Revolution ~*~... 
= ἄτα πέλοι οἱ τα αν coin a Corrent Pretoria Crisis 
! International Telecommunications Conference Suprin nana Cements.” puclacs bad Rai .. \eTicaeuaie teal 
Ϊ his driver Ji the day of the Syrian » admimistrati 
i Cannes, France, September 22-24,1985 Sen el πεν ἀρ Sas Sree Ar Come MSIE et alae Sind sway dots aon pe on Sox 
: to the Community. mostly women, oe - will subside. One said, “! 
i 7 : ται, ταν Killed or wounded” in tehigence’and Research poten Ber over, καὶ το τὸ μὰν over, 
᾿ ᾿ African and even Is worse, 
F usIN n In Tel Aviv, the military com- Gat te Sent A cies int ly there's se ἡ ἐν really go."" 
Oc on the cei eer ee τ - πῆμ Aik coc τὴ 
Ϊ | e n pilots had reported hits on their ipa αἱ aes pa al cued see Dat omas 
i : ὰ ἐόν offictal said. about what thi led an overTeac- 
re volution, impact and Sa aeenng ire ¢ See 
Py target was a command Lon GF the South Abs c put nica, Furth 
, re of competition πε Ἐπττ τειν τοῖς 

in the telecommunications 

3 Syrian ; 
i 1 ate aioram βγάδα Atay οἴει, ΕΑΝ 
i in US Wwor je Abweed . to what it says is a generational 
Tc “The air strike was Israel's eighth factor, noting that the protesters 
wil in Lebanon this year. Incamea day St generally younger than those 
ἱ Join leaders in the world of telecom General Meccafa Tiss made man’ after ese, such ἂς that in the 
«ἢ munications fo discuss telecommunications AUNIQUE SYMPOSIUM specton tour of Syim fores aux toys of Sharpes in Marc 
ge policy development in the U.S., Europe and WEEK Five am Arab Leagué peacekeeping Weep i Pes 
εἶ Asia and the global implications. INTELEVENT, INC. ἐν cml ct tis off even if κε 
te __The outstanding group of more than COSPONSORED BY ᾿ Cn nd thal th toport owed tha 
53 erate od ἐλᾷ this fourth annual confer- FINLEY: KUMBLE WAGNER δὰ oblong edad 
ai ence will Include: : " pean τ protest- 
é H Rick IE. Butler, S ry General, Inder: HEI ᾿ UNDER. = neither arms nor access to 
FH national Telecommunication Union. EF HUTTON CO. INC. The State 
«ἢ —Bryan Carsberg, Director General, Οδεί, ᾿ po ΞΕ ΜΘ ΒΝ ΧΩ 
he —Sir Donald Maitland, Chairman of the In- &CO. 
+e dependent Commission for Worldwide Tele- 
a communications Development, ITU. 
εἰ —Sir Eric Sharp, Chairman, Cable & Wire- 
ἢ bes pe 
ἐξ Herald ribune 
sun monthly rates available. ᾿ 
τὸ Call Gen. Mgr. Tom O'Brien 
ea (212) 475-4320 © .. 
ig ‘Telex 668-755 
ist Cable GRAM : 
ΓΗ Γ 215: St. and Ave. 


‘New York, NY, USA 10010 | 


Page 3 

By Sarah Oates 




to date, 
ae ps 
aot : 

smoke at work after Oct. 15. 
Pacific Northwest decided on the 

Mickey Mouse Receives China’s President 
President Li Xiannian of China pats Mickey Mouse on the nose in Disneyland in Anaheim, 

font Later, in a speech 1o memibers of the Chinese-American community, wr. Li said Sunday 
that Taiwan would retain most of its independence if it were reunited with the mainland 
principle αἵ “one country, two systems,” Mr. Li visited California at the end of a 10-day U.S. tour. 

: US. Experis Say Computer Program 
ὡς; Used to Tally Votes Is Open to Fraud 

By David Burnham “reads” the holes in the cards and trols had remained “essentially un- 
New York Times Service presumal ting, in recent 4 
i In 1984, Computer Election 
ided more than 1,000 
county and local jurisdictions wi 

cast for president, 
votes for other offices and issues in 

bomie kind of compuleriaed election 
system in 1984. No allegations have 
panies. Ἵ 
Concern aboot weaknesses in 
venting computer fraud led the 
“There is ἃ massive patential for pending. . National of Si is and 
problems,” sail 1. Green- u the Federal i 
halgh, director of the International Οἱ Election Systems, de- Ξαραταιοῖν ao eee δὰ 
Center on Election Law and Ad- nied in a telephone interview that 8 series of saf But state 
ion, a consulting ja the company was involved in federal i cowledged 
Washington. He said computer-as- , fraudulent sch ty the recommendations, made in 
sisted voting systems “cen! cials involved in the cases have also 978 and 1981, have not resulted in 
the opportunity for fraud.” categorically denied participation ane a 5 
Mr, Greenhalgh said that while in fraud. τ in three of the four legal chal- 
lever-type voting ines could © But Mr. Kemp also said thatany lenges brought against Computer 
have their counts rigged only ma- computer system could be tam- Election S thé losing candi- 
chine by machine, vote-counting pered with. “It is totally dates te computer con- 
‘by computer was done at one cen- cally infeasible 40. bave a fraud- sultants who said in court affi- 
tral site in most counties. proof .” he said. davits, testimony and interviews 
With most computer systems, Mr. said that while there that their examination of the com- 
when a vote is cast, holes are were differences in the programs ’s program showed it had been 

pemcta ta cat cartooer δῖον. 
δ computer program then 

leaving an: of 
Abe allegatons that Comput- 
U.S. Request to Restrict eiinwnemeainae 
sme ritnced ter consultants Who 
--- mn examined material 
mae obtained in the ing court Cases 
=>. eta Computer Use Is Refused satan 
dR UUM? The Associated Press fear whal users might get out of the Ons of the experts was Howard 
ἢ PRINCETON, New Jersey --- computers since they would con- Jay Straus, associate 
(Officials at & πιο compas om ey τῶν en puter Center. Ἧς said the program 
Seen Depatvatroqoent that i να δος might gain Δα used to count votes in Indiana was 
- simply by i vulnerable to i i 

“Extra votes may be entered in 
the form of bogus ballots on 

Michael Marks, speci ι 
Under Secretary of State William 
Schneider Jr. “We think the Soviets ᾿ 
could gain certain insights by using, 
these computers.” 

Mr. Sintsgalli said use of the new computer 
knowledge” could turn off the por- 
tion of the program designed τ 
document any changes made in εἷ- 
ther the program or the voles being 
tion is funding the four U.S. com- e i 
puters. ‘The machines also wil be Eric K. Clemons, an associate 
located at Cornell University in 
Ithaca, New York, the University 
of ΠΗποὶς at Urbana; 

computers would be-lo- 
cated have tumed down the Stat 
Department request pending a rul- 
ing by Mr. Reagan or Congress 
ote machines. ὴ 
le would citizens, 
sonree, and ly with whatever 
is,” Mr. said. 

Mandy Lawther, Ρ, 
THT Executive, 

Dies at Age of 31 - 
International Herald Trilume The Associated Press seen the stars in the heavens in this 
fe ee w ὍΤΟΝ πε : con g 
ΣΆ ΕΙΣ πὶ Mandy, GEOTBe ative John Ὁ. Dingell, a Democrat — Last year, Mr. Dingell made 
Geta econ Po son ale pepe ed ei er laary comtiae 
bane, di i . the Pentagon, will not cus nation’ tractor, 
parent bs key [eo tomary military nrceatt for a had taxpayers for such Se 
Mrs. Lowther, a native of soathong overseas trip, aides ecative benefits as country 
joined the 
DMT the Load afte im 1979 The τ of Defense lob- 
ee ee μὴ Oe ee teed 
‘was advertising sales manag- it was rejecting, 
cr of the newspaper's special ro- : t for of the Energy belie llr 
: Ports, In this job, where she worked aul headed 
: mi bot alerts τοῦ journal- lr ploy Meg rons i : 
Hels, known for her energy, mand for bransportal as ee ey: 
care and invariable cheerfulness during the recess period. YOU NEED 

WesitLB is one of 

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machines Surance, absenteeism, cleaning and 

the major banks in 

Germany, where dedication to quality 

is almost provertial. We offer made- 

to-measure loans, bonds and services. ἴο financing. 
This amply iifustrates our ability 

to provide individual .solutions 

« | tailored to specific needs. Of course, 
sophisticated services depend on 

tery ras 
Wis, ONE wi 
con da sues ioe a 

per employee snnvally, counti 
the expenses of health and ifs ine 

tute a smoking policy for employee 
and business considerations. 

Mr. Rosner said that some com- 
panies consider merely limiting 
smoking but abandan the plac 
when il becomes too expensive. 
One of his clients originally wanted 
to set up smoking {oumges on every 
floor but eventually instituted a no- 
smoking policy for employees 

Tlmenanes, aud work Eine wen. 
The tobacco industry disputes 

‘The bottom line is that Pacifie Northwest 
Bell decided it would be better to invest in 

helping people to quit rather than investing 
in setting up places for people to smoke.” 

when it realized that the cost would 
be $60,000 τὸ set up and veniilate 
each ing room. 

Another company that switched 
to a no-smoking policy received an 
extra savings when its custodial ser- 
of vice took $500 off the monthly bill 

because the office stayed cleaner, 
according to Mr, Rosner. 

The executive director and chief 

(Continued from Page 1) 
Mr. Faisans’s parole, Guadeloupe 
is a French overseas department. It 
has litde local autonomy. 
Outside the courtroom, about 
200 demonstrators applauded and 
singing when the decision 
was announced by the judges. 
“This is what we asked for,” said 
ses, aman who said he was a member of 
the Popular Union for the Indepen- 
dence of Guadeloupe. one of the 
Political μα that had banded 
together for four days of protests in 
support of Mr. Faisans, 
In Pointe-3-Pitre. where the big- 
gest protests were held, police were 

some Way, and 24 percent 
considered bat rejected a 
smoking policy. The report foun 

banned ing in 

of ᾿ 
ied by law to do so 
percent chose to insti- 

German quality in banking: West 

ἀν UTR TA 

do business 

Release of Faisans Ordered 

tangible assets: The vast resources 
of international banking. Plus an 
imaginative and innovative approach 

U.S. Employers Taking a Harder Line on Smoking 

counselor for a group called Action Tsutsui. the v 
on Smoking and Health, John F. inspector w 
Banzhaf. sad thal ounsmoking = for 

igaretic smoke have been 

Estimates of the effect of ciga- δ 
rettes, pipes and cigars on peuple 
who do not smoke but ave exposed 
to smoke range from S00 τὸ $900 
additional cases of cancer each 
year. The highest estimate comes ἃ 
from a study co-written this year bs 
an Sevan Protection 

gency epidemuolagist 

The Tobacco Institute contends 
that studies asserting thut passive | 
stacking causes cancer are based 
On “questionable research.” 

At least eight states and more ὁ 
than 100 municipalities have Laws 
that prohibit smoking in the work- 
place if uny nonsmoker requests a 
smoke-free environment, accord- 

ing to Action on Smoking and | 

San Francisco received extensiv2 ὁ 
publicity for its ordinance suppart- 
ing workers whoa requested «ἢ 
smoke-free office, put unto effect in | 
March 1984. According to Bruce | 

clearing away the remaining barri-: 
cades and debris after the prowests. : 

Mr. Faisans. 48, was convicted in! 
Guadeloupe last yeur aod cn-. 
tenced to three years im jail for! 
slashing with a machete a wluie! 
French teacher in Guadeloupe who: 
had allegediy kicked and insulied 3s} 
black student. Born on Gosdz-| 
loupe, Mr. Faisans was active in the! 
independence movement. and was ' 
vacationing on the isiand at the: 
time, court records shus. : 

He went on a bunger strike in, 
prison on the iskand, and wes trans: | 
ferred to jail in Paris on June 25] 
because of superior medical faci 

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pee FL οὐκ, νὼ mre 

Soins ΞΡ ΒΞ ENE SG Ta PRbR eR Se aSA Reo ta eeANAAlARS. AKER. 


IA «δῆς τα τῷ ον ie »ὺ τῷ σ᾿ COVE ENDO? PF PP δ ΓΞ TONINGANT ESTEE e>d 


Page 4 

ce esas 


Pablished With The New York Times and The Washington Post 

The Budget News Is Bad 

The news from France is very bad, said 
Churchill in June 1940. Is the same true for 
America’s economy today? 

The problem is tat whether growth in the 
second quarter, or some such arbitrary peri- 
od, was 3.1 or only 1.7 percent. Economies 
eaeenty Inve geal ups and downs, and 
weather them — partly ‘automatically but 
Sometimes with the help of moderate discre- 
tionary policy changes by the authorities. 

The actual problem is far more funda- 
meutal. The American economy has been 
weakening because real interest rates have 
been high and the dollar far too high. All this 
is because the borrowing needs of business 
and government combined far outrun the 
savings of the public. When that happens, 
one of three things results: 

Φ The Federal Reserve can print money 
to enable the commercial banks to absorb 
the part of the government deficit that ex- 
ceeds America’s savings — a hopelessly in- 
flationary course that the Fed is not taking. 

Φ Or competition for scarce savings can 
force interest rates up 50 high as to choke off 
corporate investment and consumer borrow- 
ing. The budget deficit can then be financed 
from genuine American savings, but at the 
τῶν! οἱ αὶ eee eee ores 
more productive borrowing. 

© But since America does not live in ἃ 
closed economy, the path to disaster is 
slightly different. As interest rates rise, 
funds are attracted from abroad, bloating 
the dollar against other currencies and mak- 

ae emcees Pee et ἑκτάρ 105 
the industries exposed to foreign competi- 
tion and in all the industries allied to them. 
It is because the budget deficit crowds for- 
eign funds i that American jobs are at stake 
and passions for protection run high. 

President Reagan's role to date in the 
battle to reduce the budget deficit is uncon- 
vincing. He started by reducing taxes, be- 
lieving either that Congress would then have 
to reduce social expenditure or that lower 
taxes would work a supply-side miracle; but 
both beliefs were naive. igismreenelt 
tion has been inadequate, partly through 
bad judgment and partly through bad Tuck. 
Bad judgment made him too inflexible for 
too long on the near-term levels of military 
spending, Social Security benefits and taxes; 
and he distracted attention from the imme- 
diately acute budget problem by proposing 
fundamental reforms of the tax system. Bad 
luck intervened when the Beirut 
distracted atlention from the budget (lives 
ΔΓΕ more important than jobs); and there 
was then the Lagiaer 
sioned sympathy further 

There is crying need for wolieal vader 
ship to knock sense into Washington's war- 
ring factions. Public opinion on its own will 
certainly not do this; Ἧς eee γεῖ ie 
stage where the populace, as envisaged by 
Lewis Carroll, demands less bread and more 
taxes, When France fell 45 years aga, there 
was de Gaulle to rally strength from chaos. 
The American economy will fare ill without 
stronger leadership now. 


A Short List of Capa 

stp Die Getic bis become 8 menace to 

the financial stability of America and most of 
the world. It happened over the past four yeurs 
gradually, steadily and with plenty of advance 

Th οἱ cose ead me oe 
attempt to reduce that deficit 
has (allen into political deadlock. Wha is to 
blame? The answer is, many people, but a 
handful bear prime responsibility. 

First of corse is the president. He was the 
chief advocate of the great tax cut of 1981 — 
reckless legislation that weat along, 
a he een op fe oe ἂς ead 
of the revenue to pay for even the 
that the Ler reed peta 
— doned prepa geen 

ὧς budge fart, but has also continued his 

ition to any tax increase. How 

coe with the implications of a con- 
ἀπεῖπε dtict of $000 bilion ἃ year” Hi He 
But Mr. is not alone on the list. 
Deni ee 

and helped cut off the inconvenientl: pony a - 
det vitrs nt the president used (9 get from 
the Council of Economic Advisers and the 

ats bears such ofthe blames ingens: 
ed pursuit of more defense 

answer for, but it is very difficult for them to 
give ground on social programs when Mr. 
successfully demands more for the 

Dares Depart than it is able wo spend. If 
t itis to: 
the deficit results in the financial 

security weaker than they found it, despite 
those immense it contracts. 
As for the House Democrats, Speaker 
Thomas P. O’Neill, Majority Leader James C. 
ὙΠΕΡ κοῦ drei ΟἿΣ 5, argc 
udget Committee, have all made substan- 
tial contributions to the impasse with, most 
recently, their insistence on the full cost_of 
living increases for Social Security benefits. 
Like the military forces, so Social Security can 
only be by the cumulative effects of 

eficts. Under the dance of 
Mr. O'Neill and Mr. Gray, the Democrat 

vclasebe me rag on yc = 
fics h Reagan 

pat siege Mgr pediment 

cy. imy ts to success 
fre the evtitudes and habits of those listed 
above. If inertia and the deficit win again, the 
threat to the American economy will keep 
rising. No one needs to be in any doubt about 

money, well be- 
yond any justifiable claims of the defense 

what's happening, or who's responsible. 

Scientific Data Need Air 

Many scientists are reluctant or unwilling to 
share the raw data on which their published 
articles are based, notes a committee of Ameri- 
τῶν National Academy of Sciences. 11 recom- 
mends that sharing of data should be a “regu- 
lar practice.” The advice leans in the right 
direction. sor ce ῊΝ isa 

inay fone find it impossible to 
And unverifi- 

able claims do not a ee in science. 
Scientists are usually generous in sharing 
special materials or t iques, because every- 
one haved from the free interchange. But a 
luest et oof lac hainen’ 
pen βοιδῖξης 7 3 diligence or veracity. 
to protect data from criticism or preda- 
often prevails aver the scholar's duty. 

In & case noted in the Academy's report, 3 
eagle mate b 

researcher maintained that 
America prevented seven to Sat RTO ὁ a 
clsim cited by the Justice Department in 

ing the Supreme Court to restore the oath 

Experiments are easier to replicate in phys- 
ics or biology than in social science, but that 
does not imply a lesser duty to make raw data 
available on request. Access to data is the only 
way to establish that it has been fully and 
ΜΙ reporsnd. Somme data ore aeured aubess 

identiality, trade secrets or military 
poy but most science is a process of free 
and open inquiry, intentionally kept free of 
such en ts. A scientist who denies 
legitimate inquirers access to the data frus- 
trates the validation process of science. 

SSS ee EE A  τΣ 

1910: Why So Few British Babies? — 

ference {on July 29]. “Tennyson’s ‘torrent of 
babies,” said Dr. J.W. Ballantyne, who 

their popularity resting on the presentation of 
unions in which disunion is impend- 
ing. “Parents argue that children are expen 
ne” Dr. Ballantyne said. “They hardly seem 
to think of the future. Present-day civilization 
seems to have no room for the baby. The baby 
finds no place for itself in the apartment sys- 
tem.” Other causes, he said, were late mar- 
jos at higher education of women, the 
entry of women into economic competition 
with men, and even possibly athletics. 


1935: U.S.-Soviet Protocol Is Tested 

MOSCOW — Ambassador William C. Bullitt 
has been instructed by the State Department 
to follow the current session beze of the sev- 
eath congress of the Komintern, with a view to 
detecting possible violations of the Soviet un- 

Communist propaganda in the United dear 
The question of propaganda might be 

eced to arise in connection with primed 
such as those made by Herr Pieck, in his report 

to the congress. Pieck the American 
Caumunirt Pang "1s faerie te comes at 
a massed party of workers and ” The 

the Soviet government for the 
cessation of ist in the 
United States was one of the terms of i 
tion by the latter country in November 1933. 


JOHN HAY WHITNEY, Chairman 1958-1982 


_ LEE W. HUEBNER, Publisher 



pes ie 
Assotaie Editor 

International Herald Tribune, 18] Avenue Charl 

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T1985, Internanonal teveld T True All rights reserved 

Jota bat 

ss sae ety legion ἐβόα 
πτΞ Πα τπ whieh bed i100 mh. 

By Flora Lewis 

hoes see 

beet es 

cynicism. Still, the world 

" has bea the beter forthe coos and the aided 

fans ns lasing ben a ato 
condition was parallel pro- 
to redsce Com 

of obligati 
gress in the Vienna 

The ae Near East 
Could Be Less Mysterious 

jerkbead,” he writes, to 
conclude that Israel's Shiite prisoners 

detriment of a balanced public perception of the 


‘West Bank settlements, opposition to 
“peace initiative,” dis- 

-ι - 
sod by 

a doing business in Tel Aviv 
roclaiming ae ae for Israel 
Obes passengers who 
had anything ak nice to say about their 
captors or their treatment, or saw 
symmetry between their plight 
that of the Shiites in an Israeli prison. 

Fights 1 
it gave as much intemational 

Washington Post Writers Group. 

borders was not 
could be 
arg re ore 

. The Helsinki Final Act cannot 

Ὁ th 

Soviet Union are |e current ings to 

Jalon are using the corre oe 

oe a Wee forall μα eters who ives the 

it for others who live in 

shadow of giants, whether by force or by choice, 

asia tie Woet And perhaps i wes useh to make 
clear that there is not going to be a sudden 

; gen algebra nag pele ard 

nuh of cplomacy pact a eoena psodactie. 
kiis Ss ταττ, 

The Bomb Exists, So We Live With It 

By Stephen S. Rosenfeld 

Yorks ly 1), with noni refetons on one of the 

or “explosion-aff persons.” 
Kiyoshi Tanimoto “read in the papers that the 
linbing the siep steps of deterrence” Me, Hersey 
rea “He ved a faug κῶας μου wk arate 
τοῦ πὸ television sets, ἃ 

difficult care for their 
reases and, meanwhile, τὸ get on with their ives? 

‘There is a common view that people who are not 

phenomenon is sometimes 
Hbriags thea toe pouarof auctioned 
wea t of emoti 
aad fiecheguaay bs ρα; 

of our destiny. Hot itis more akin 16 

five abou te ncn 

the political tensions not feel that laying 
ae ee Ee era 


with the negatives, 
years, the nuclear powers 

pea tl Diplomacy Is a Craft 

Sih oks oe 

ion, good sense and 

sl-terest ave ore them. bambi per 
bombs have ign of car το θεῖ, tit 
would be foolish to deny the instruction that comes 

" from understanding of why they have not been. 

These days, for instance, there is a new wave of 
attention in and out of the American government to 
the and apparatus of nuclear command 
Sooesebly pe ‘The onset of more accurate warheads 

provoked new consideration of nuclear 
arias keener atteation then started 
le “nuclear winter” effects of 
sobies tiegematiagie You do not have to be 
sanguine about the eventual results to see that public 
opinion and internal debate have worked to draw the 
American and Soviet 

Ξε: τα one 

In the 

and saving the many American 
grater numberof panes ives tat woud have 
lost in an invasion of the home islands. 
But grea fo of roping he bomb was 

‘The demonstration 
Slayed into ie calculatoas ns by which the powers have 
iba (yop co direct 

honor = have helped them to 
by sey ὁ ects Are Bleak for Πα response to “Galbraith Urges. ii from ade ary cs wi open 
Real Pages (duly 24): eal Appoones for Eboses” is a9: Saceie παῖς 
ἘΞ aa In urging political appointees for ests of the United States 
Prospects foran Arab- major embassies and tthe When Tall Praised his sub- 
Israel setlewent are bleak. But 1 State , Evan G. Gat ordinates for intelli and lack of 
would add that at this juncture ἃ braith, former U.S. miei to Zeal. he was not advocating laziness 
settlement is not an Israeli priority, Franoe, pursues his vendetta against but condemning cager-beaverism of 
me Israel's strategic advantage. the Foreign Service. which he regards the sort that led Evan G. Galbraith to 
fe ase entering what could be ἃς disloyal to president and country Staller so much crockery in France, 
termed an ear go in which Is- — je, to Republican tism. Public diplomacy is essential, but 

pee ἢ pee Secure, _ Career morale already suffers from it has not lessened the clue αἱ ὡς 
an as having no need for com- the-system that selects and trains off- preferred diplomatic instruments of 
Promise, Its borders with E are cers with care, encourages their ex ἃ prominent French 
ort ini hen Pe occ pertise and promotes them with pai - diplomat of the early years of this 
with S ἘΥ ταὶ ul slowness over ἃ lifetime, οἱ ly to century: two honest men speaking i 
ments; those with Lebanon byacom- hand over the most jobs Confidence and with absolute trust in 
Plex network of tacit arrangements. to i ienced beneficiaries of °@¢t other's discretion. A lifetime of 
wt Israel faces chal- White House patronage. can-do dynamism may y bring success 
lenges at home and abroad. The fu- — More successful non-car eerists — in a political appointe's ira career, 
τεῆς ἧς estan de- such as Mr. Galbraith’s homonyn. bst too often it unfits him for the 
P Changing Israeli circum- former Ambassador to India John ticklish business of his second career. 

FADI KHALED AGHA, : sing oy ap ἰ epee te One 

af AL in; ie Foreign Ice as 
Ramatuelie. France. en have aluans been sient ᾿ saris Foncen se grind 


Looking at central Narobi a 
tain angles. you believe the, 
There are shining towers and farrier 

names such as Coke, Datsga ang 
Barclay’s, Neghborboods sack ἧς 
Muthaiga look more than a τς im 
Beverly Hills in the daylight. 

ΑἹ might. men with machine gums 
walk the roads of Muthaiga, passed 
periodically by privale radti-petny 
teucks carrying men and attack dogs 
behind iron-grilled windshields. 

A Nairolt newspaper recent Ν ot 
fered this advice: “Create ἃ ὁ 
sen.” DO NOT try_and ae ἡ 
intruders, and DO NOT switch og 
any inside fights. Build ἃ grill pate 
(fixed to masonry. not to woodeg 
frame) separaung the being area 
from the sleeping, area, Remain in 
your ‘safe haven’ and activate Wor 
alarm and wait for assistance.” 

Residents of neighborhuods: all 
over the country are trying to prowet 
themselves against panga (The 
name is the Swahili word for ma 
chete.) The of 15 of 20 young 
men mug in the cites and invade in 
the suburbs, charging over πῆς and 
fences, killing wuichmen and break- 
ing through front doors and windows 
with th large ¢ racks and bat rams. 

ind of vidlence is new, as: 
that Kenya is not really working. 

ulation growth. The gangs are 
pe up of high schoo} and 
graduates whose fathers got “ 
Jobs — office fobs — when while cr 
servants left after independence 
of British East Africa in 1963. Bor 
cow there are no pew Ἂς ae 
The British and 
ro an that stent was wat te 
very morning. ἃ 
yon see uniformed ite 
fens fp The og fields, holding 

appening OD δ ese days.) 

's “free tee se" system 
χοὰς bene than rege socialism of 
poring conics La it isa par 

ΕἸΣ of capl τ ita 

HP is decning ata tate of 4 er 

th oe Alana cey transaction is con- 

wolled —anot by the government but 
more high in the government. 

‘or example, a recent law banned 

of secondhand clothing 

and the United States. ἡ 

τον y have, to buy from private 
enyan manufacturers, companies 
whose stockholders are widely said to 
be front men for the politicians who - 
Promulgated the new law. 

Political leaders have imitated the 
life-style and manners of the former 
British colonial masters, but have 
done little to maintain the substance 
of British systems or replace them 
with workable indigenous systems. © 
haps a ‘itera Αἰ τόσον, went (0 

¢ police after a nightuime mugging . 
in central Nairobi recently. the offi- 
τ μα που τὴς bape ei be : 

Same route the next night. 
did. and. sure enough, the same pan- . 
ga Sy. Te pol nb appeared from the same 
le police, unbeknownst tothe 

fe for 
vermment’s failure to govern. 
"ve made a Mess 

but these things work oulone vay of 
another,” said a bored-sounding Brit 

ish consultant to the Kenyan gover 

ment. “Natural factors, you kno®. ἡ 

Famine, war. went 

all of this. too, and it survived.” 
Universal Press Syndicate. 

Always After the Deed 

Would-be historian Wayne Keystt +. 
(“American Toprcs,” Jedy 22) should 
be told that Robert Todd Lincatt 
was not at Ford's Theater when bis 
father was shot in 1865, Nor was be 
present at the assassinations of Pres 
dents Garfield and McKinley. 
Abraham Lincola’s eldest a waS 
in the White House. 
John Hay, ntl be was called 0 tH ᾿ 
house across the street from Ford's © 
Theater where his favher lay dying. 

Tn 1881, now Garfield's secretary 
of war, Robert Lincola went to the 
Washingtoa railroad station to delis- 
ἐγ a message, only to find that the 
President bad just beea shut there. 

In 1901 he was invited to meet 
McKinley at the Pan-Amsrikan Ew. 
position at Buffalo. He armed wz 
lary ἃ group guihered ur the 

aon president, mort » 

St Tropes. Fraace. 

“πὰς ες ἴσο clear that Soviet society was 
εἰ γελᾶν for changes. 

when the dissidents were just start- 

rominent Soviet personalities 
the scientific and cultural 

om t 

By tne et be KGB post 
in 1982, most prominent ¢ ts 
had either been forced into exile, 
Tike Alexander 1. Solzhenitsyn, or 
panda aes Cae 
im tric ἢ 
ΤῊ ἃ few, such as Andrei D. 
ἡ were sent into intemal 

In its efforts to the dissi- 

rcipcor pat petal wptiir 
Here, however, the KGB is also 

fas year nd of one, 
us Medical care and 

Teco, peargpoatcal 

virtual paradise on earth. For the 
Marans οἱ Fisrae en wae di tt 

was Temanarized by Nika 5. 

Khrushchev. By 1980, he said, the 

Soviet Valen would ene 

America” in everything — 

wealth, comfort, industrial 

By the early 1970s, it had become 

the world, but it also 
with an aura of δὰ 

one of the 21 top people who ran 
the Soviet. Union, and he bad just 
been ted KGB chairman’ As 

Andrapov said: 

. my life I have beep 
pat this Yulding with's feng 

unease and awkwardness. 

Pm going to become its boss.’ 

ise of hope. The very picture of the 
new leader taking charge as 
smoothly as if he had been 
. groomed for it all his life could not 
but create αὶ surge of optimism. 
‘What he told the people was 
hardly new, the whole coun 
aware of the chasm between 

The authorities sought to put np 
a brave front to obscure Tae) 
content and the loss 

and confidence. Yet it seemed all 

Andropov served for 
rs as chairman of the KGB, the 

Fence, agency. in pond ag Myer th 

matically new was that the Kremlin 
leader himself was telling it without 

HOB chotronn in 1067 ate te ; 

national leader he held out a prom- this fe 

was . 
shetoric and reality, What was dra- ‘i 

_ ing to gain momentum, with many 33 

In 1983, wben Yuri V. Andropov tade an appearance in 
public, he was so weakened that aides had to support him. 

The Kremlin rule of Andropov was brief, - 

een of ie 's objectives, 
wean said, bad f “the test of 
time.” Many of its enshrined goals 
were unjusiified and some con- 
tained “elements of separation 
from reality.” The 
bein; Tun ona trial-and-error basis, 

si, oe, en σαι 
ie eee sae 


authority, this also meant almost 
automatic job security for officials 
at the middle and lower levels of 

a eruggia 
ta dome cs 
tween, on one hand, an establi 
and largely corrupt machinery, im- 
pervious to reforms, and, on the 
other hand, a coalition of younger 
and better educated people who 
wanted lo sevitalize the nation. — 


‘The Anoooted Presa ** 

ἊΝ 15 months, but the reformist policies ps ages ply Opie wail pate 14 
initiated and the people he turned to, about how prep ef κω στ Γ΄ eer 
ae Mikhail 5. Gorbachev, suggest 7 “the coalition for change led by 
that it might have been a turning point. ce pein sockty. AMS, tex 
: ne Po oer ncaa wom pore 
in general, some senior officials 
pose and resolve. Strict disciplinary of Marxism-Leninism, these were who had become increasingly con- 
measures were combined with ap- ing admissions. cerned about the feebleness of the 
Peas loge and reso, the ater fie ain. said, was to economy and, perhaps surprising- 
suggesting that was fi- sort things ont ing order τὸ Jy. the KGB. 
> Eo aallaral must have known full 

the nation’s existing social and in~ 
dustria} reacts The: he said, it 
would be necessary to make 


well just how immovable the sys- 
tem was. In a one-party state. the 
Secs of Us yoosecane Gate 

τ. ly 
gradually can he bring in his own 
eee only aaa can he chal- 

of a bn- 
poms identified the ruling 

ST aotet haven teatee” tial: 
ig ger dar ls ig 1 
a competitive future 
“now we musi make up for what we party. 
have lost.” —- 

ΝΟΣ everyone was happy. 

Looking back again, it seems re- 
markable how fast that Andropav 
moved on all these fronts, 

‘The men who run the country 
today are Andropov's men. He sin- 
Sovier gled oat Mr. Gorbachev as his heir- 
All others were com 


cy presides. over ice, mein! lead 
word's second largest coonony “in Sibera for 18 years. Nikolai, 
One of the hallmarks of Brezh- Ryzhkov, Vitali 1. Vorotnikov and 
nev’s 18 years in was stabil-” Viktor M. Chebrikov were so ob- 
ity. As he phecnlprierodieny er te ernie 
sonnel and felt comfort- 

able only with the old, familiar ἡ 
faces. Top- officials had acquired | 
lifetime job security. Ὁ) 

iven the hierarchical nature of _ 

removed and thousands of middle- 
echelon officials were replaced or 
shifted to other duties. 

In the struggle against the bu- 
reaucracy, seized on the 
issue of corruption. Members of 
Brezhnev's entot and some of 
his close relatives had become in- 
hi a peace βαρύν A feel 
ing of po! social disgust in 
the country was fueling demands 

for change. 

Apart from the insights he 
gained from KGB reports, Andro- 
pov could witness instances of cor- 
Fuption and misuse of power al- 
most daily. 

An ascetic figure, be lived for the 
last 16 years of his life with his wife 
in a one-bedroom apartment on the 
sixth floor of ἃ massive building st 
Kutuzovsky Prospekt 26. The 
apartment consisted of a kitchen, 
dining room, living room and bed- 
room. He also bad the use of a two- 
story dacha at Barikha. outside 
Moscow, whose living space was 
roughly br peaked to that of an of an average 
United States. 

A few floors under Andropov’s 
Moscow apartment lived Brezhnev, 
whose palatial apartment occupied 
the entire floor, and Brezhnev’s 
crony and interior minister, Niko- 

A. Shehelokav, kings apart 
ment was equally grand, Even dis- 
tant relatives of these and other 
high officials drove Mercedes- 
Benz cars and had built palatial 
dachas at Barikha, at government 


Friends of Andropov say thal 
even while he was in the KGB he 
had on several occasions expressed 
anger and disgust over the a 
corruption, As Soviet leader, be 
used the issue to force personnel 
changes. The bureaucracy was 
deathly frightened of this gaunt 
and withdrawn man, assuming that 
he knew everything about each of- 
ficial from the KGB files. 

Yet these le could be re- 
placed only gradually, since they 
were the mainstay of the party and 
the basis of the system. It was a 
difficult issue, and. ¥ MUST 
have been aware of the magnitude 
of the task. 

Before his kidneys gave out in 
Fel 1983, Andropov had a 
talk with a leading Soviet novelist. 
“He ios me that doctors were 
giving him about five years to live,” 
the novelist recalled later. “But he 
said the things he wanted to do 
woale j require at least 10 years of 

Once he became seriously ill, Ao- 
dropov gave the impression of ἃ 
man in a hurry. His speeches be- 
came bolder and more direct and 
be announced thal a compreben- 
sive blueprint for economic 

changes would have to be complet- 
ed in two years, or before 1986. 

At the same time, he initiated the 

most far-reaching internal econom- 

Page 5 

ic debate between economists. 
managers, scientists. Central Com- 
mittee experts and officials τὸ de- 
termine the course of these 


In his speeches he seemed to fa- 
vor a new pricing system, fiscal 
incentives, reducing the authority 
of the state planning commission, 
and measures to “provide scope for 
individual and local iniuatives.” 
‘The trend was in the direction of 
market socialism. 

‘The debate abated when he was 
hospitalized in September 1083 
and no clear blu 1 emerged 
from it. As he lucted business 
from the Kuntsevo hospital he 
seemed to focus almost entirely on 
the personnel issue, sensing that be 

even at that time, seemed itke his 
political testament. The course had 
We hae raed 

“We have rai: ε΄» expec: 
tation,” he wrote. These the duty of 
alt Central Committee members to 
stay the course, he said, in whut was 
almost a plea. 

Although his health was ἃ state 
secret and even Central Committee 
members did rot know much abour 
it the word had filtered out that 
Andropev's days were numbered. 
His opponents were waiting. 

A remark by 3 74-seur-okd Cen- 
tral Commitice member in January 
1984 dluminates this. 

“What's all this about Andro- 
paw?” he said with evident con 
{EMPt to some απ people ata 

had only ἃ short tue to live, wedding party “He ἴδ Just an old, 
He had seen the hidden dangers sick mun." 

facing a leader seeking to make EXT: Why was Chemenho ciw- 

radical changes while he worked as sent tes succeed Andrupie™ 

a Central Committee secretary, 
first for Khrushchev and later for 
Khrushchev was removed wher | ~~ While 
he precipitately iniuated changes | ° . 
in Madrid 

that threatened bureaucratic privi- 

leges, Alexei N. Kosygin's profit- 

onented reforms in 1965 died a 
slow death in the bowels of the 

dewels.Works of Art-Watches 
Main distributur: 

bureaucracy, while a passive Brezh | 
nev waited on the sidelines and 
used the failure to Besser ediyen his 

By focusing on the personnel 


energetic peuple who were building Ἴ ἢ ra 
their careers, he ws hoping that his eee eter pa 
strategy would be carried ont by| Ere — 
int μίξις of December 1983, he 

AL γ 1983, 
made Mr. Chebrikos an shed Mt | AUTHORS WANTED 

changes and advancing young and 
Politburo member and pushed Y NY. PUBLISHER 

Yorowikoy and Mikhail 5. Solo-| 
mentsev to full membership. He | τσ το το 
had prepared a speech for the Cen-) =" =! 
tral Committee but could not deliv- 
er it himself, 

The last section of that speech, | 

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‘Nairobi i: Meeting Brings Unity on a Radical 15-Year Plan 

By Elaine Sciolino 
New York Times Service 
delegates will remember about 
their three in July in Nairobi 
is that despite the odds the United 
Nations Decade for Women ended 
58. 8 δον OL aay pL ἃ ar 
sense of purpose. 

In the words of Virginia AJlan, 
the only member of the American 
delegation to the Decade for Wom- 
‘en conference also to have been a 
delegate to the Mexico City and 

conferences: “Pn not 
‘sure how many women recognize it, 
‘and for the most 

‘the discussions, the conference 
ended in a climax 

developing worl 
In many of its more than 350 


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taphs, the document de- 
aoe ee ἐν 
women to gain in 
the next 15 years. Some of the doc- 
ument’s recommendations go far 
beyond existing laws, traditions 
and customs in many countries. 
Among its recommendations are 


an appeal to governments 10 pul an 
economic value on the “uoremu- 
nerated contributions of women” 
who bear children, keep house and 
raise mumenda- 

ewes bert flexible sched sched- 
for wal parents. 
Water became a women’s issue 
at the Nairobi conference. Up to 75 

perceat 's farmers are 
a day fetching and water. 

aed ania: cals Gar 
Of gov- 
Lior to “relieve the burden 
placed on women by the task of 
faching | water” by constructing 

“the final document illustrates 
how different the needs of women 
in various cultures can be. In one 
paragraph it urges governments to 

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cousider the desire of couples in 
foreign-service jobs to be posted 
together, in another it calls for the 
abolition of laws that discriminate 
against women in inheritance, 
property ownership, child custody, 
and freedom of movement. 

Ten years ago, the idea that 
women should be si OUL 85 ἃ 
Froup wil tee arate interests baf- 

ε world. . 

Νον the “Forward-Looking 
Swrategies” are bolstered by νοὶ" 
umes of data compiled by the Unit- 
ed Nations, citing patterns in dis- 
crimination and Plotting ways for 
women to achieve equality. 

But the gear of the docu- 
ment depends on the politica! will 
of independent governments to 
carry it out. The introduction to the 
Ππαὶ paper acknowledges that ihe 

economic situation over 

rocraligh a greatest achieve- 
ment of Nairobi was the definition 
of a potentially powerful new 
force: an international women’s 

ganize an international women's 
interparliamentary organization. 
meena oncom ince 

mmission on 
the Status οἵ Women and talked of 
a grass-roots women’s conference 
in india in 1990. 

Were Crime-Free in 1984. 

The Associated Press 
BELJING — Tibet's crime rate 

agency said. ἢ 

Last year, 742 crimes were re- 
ported the autonomous re- 
gion’s 1.8 million le, down 
from 1,090 in 1981, ua said 





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For Women, a Look Forward | 



pian famine cetief center at Yonet, 
where the forced evacuation of 
g about 56,000 peg bee 
caused an international ovtcry. 

of May, has been reduced to 6,000, 

the off said Friday. ΄- 
ta waa Fore iaaiy 
North Koreans, left, faced UN officers Monday during talks in Panntunjom truce village. ern oy ey oer 
Arms Cut Pr dat P. FOUN εἰναι as have o 
ol Sad to have or- 
Ut Froposed at FaNMUNjOM pin ota aid ota ας 
United Press International U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Charles teans. Two North Koreans and a roe a my enh ῖς αῆτῖς 
PANMUNJOM, Korea — F. Home 3d, the senior UN dele- South Korean were killed, and a chen οἵ ay be woe 
North Korea proposed Monday ἃ gate, said the United Nations wel- US. soldier was wounded, Tbnet plese 
reduction of troops and weapons comied North Korea's proposal. In August 1976, two U.S. sol- ated δα ον do 
around oe δ οὐ ξαηπαιο. “We welcome any couractve aeck ware ap Seat by. NO ΦΉΜΗ promise = 
move ease - soldiers dispute. δ μοῦ. A 
eee Tape be concd far Vermin tas baa a Tis: Neg konean ie Embassy in Addis 

press ape perlite pro 
ing, scuffling and other incidents, 
some fatal. The most recent was ἃ 
gua battle between North Korean 

ad UN troops in November, Wied 

talks between the two Koreas. 
The proposal was made at the 
429th meeting of the Military Ar- 
mistice Commission, composed of 
delegations from North Korea and and 

the δι U.S.-led United Nations Com- a ected while on a sight- 
mand. The walks are bel at Pat σία Lar of the tree 
munjom, which has been the siteof _ He ran across the demarcation 
recent the Koreas. _ line and was pursued by North Ko- 

Soviet Poised to Challenge U.S. in Pacific 
(Continued from Page 1) 30 destroyers, 31 missile subma- ily 85 ἃ ploy to frighten Japan rath- 

dium-range SS-20 missiles, bomb- rines, 103 attack subs, and two ma- ΕΣ than as serious preparation for 

t about the ofa 
ελλλο τοῦ He report seb pris 
been told that all those who left 
Tbnet did so voluntarily. 

The ted a 

government has’ adop! 
policy of trying, to close most of the 
camps or to reduce ther popula- 
tions drastically. Contagious dis- 
cone Sr poe ee 

ek ξονετηζιξηι wanls ἃς 
many peop 38 possib τὸ retum. 
pe rs 

famine victims at 
Tonet returned voluntarily to their 
homes after receiving seeds, food 
supplies afid farm tools. But mys- 
tery surrounds the circumstances 
under which teas of thousands of 
others left. 

“We simply don’t know what 
UR to the people,” said a 

ee ee ene τσ 
refused to allow anyone from the 
ΤΙΣ. Βαίσδεν fa Υἶβι i cape 

τ SWo' hodeady dow’ ἔπονν how 

they got from 120,000 or 
down to 6.000 .” the Ameri- 
Tocated, cam official added. Estimates of the 


Comnbatalls, including two mid- 
sized aircraft carriers, 14 cruisers, 

der forays in 1969. 
Those incursions made the 
Kremlin acutely aware of the vul- 
nerability of Siberia, where 80 A ga : 
cent of its energy and Leach 

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may leave 

ters. U.S. officials say they think 

MARKETING & the requirement is part of a govern- 



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, Ethiopian Relief Center. 
Emptied Again; | Officials 
Da rae of Force. 

the rainy sea- Ὁ 

or 70,000. 

ese cea ἰὸ att the τοί coe i 


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ne en ΤΣ 

ment effort to curtal the number of 
Western relief officials in the coun- 

ἃ was told of people being expelied at 
- night. 

Tae cncp population, which had: 
Tisen to at east 100,000 at the end 

World Vision, a California- 

‘ ‘Vision personnel there had not sent 

any reports about ejections. . 

Only children and the very sick 
gen rena αἰ he oe camp, 
she said. 

BENING — China has made 2 
severe cut in the number of army 
officer administrators under 2 pro- 
gram to eliminate overstaffing and 

~ waste, modernize the military and 

promote younger: officers the 
country's chief of staff said 

-cers and soldiers in the army over 

yougat Gita ta the περιοτε 
younger officers in regi 
commands. The army strength is 
put at about four million. 

a areas eta 

aa "(Continued From Back Page) Ὁ 
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᾿ i ΠΗ ila 18 τρῖθεήντις, ὃ ἢ τ getee,bbtseses rf Sedat fe HACioldoBGAG4EIHE Elsa UGEELL alight SASH GEE Pre EASOLASEEE ts πῆ REE 
ERE 41}} ἜΤ  ΡΗΙ d e 2 2 ἘΠ} 15} ὃ aateenadotannts ἘΠ ΉΓ Ὴ πε anal ALAEE & 
ΠΣ a5 6: xe BUM 118} £ szeaneeazeseace Joa ee ee ee ee τοῦς τς ερς υπήβν 
Ξ Peay ω «ὦ ΞΕ Zaz. Ε 3 Xl, SRESeETapARseae 3] 328990" S2sz 5.5 ona asgNty ABERnaygHa 3985: gABSasReNn AdoatggAn Ὡ9Ω ΕΝΏ 5922: Raga πη 3 
Ξ EEA oe ἕ Te} ig ‘ ὥ Ἶ ἕ Z# g ΗΝ eae a) SSGRES"® GU δξῆκαη βυφαληξθηξοθοιε afyseanresegsana βεβηηηπῆηηπα NEgegeEER GeeegeERARHNS ὠ 8505 βαφῆς. 
BBSE34295 ΕΠ ik GutBtouteph ces qul, ππξι ἘΣ βαξξς ΕΣ ΚΡ συ ΣΘ, ἔσεμξα ππχεππκοκυδας μου θδδτο PELE ECY oPuSeton Ὁ Ἐν ὦ 
ΠΤΕΤΤΕΤ ΠῊῊ ἢ ὦ 8 δὲ gb 8 ely? An ἢ ΜΠ 
ΠΕΣΗΉΠΗΝΣ fl ΡΤ ΗΝ Ξ = & Se eee Ὁ RanshitSte ὀϑξθεῆξι δὲς δρο ἐξ εβεξοῦξ, ρξεήοὐξξῤή tid af hEEM fhe22AELEM nnn CoSAESEEGPCEEALE® PERE ofl δὲ 
= Ε i deagate ΠΗ : 5: ΠῚ ΓΕ ἢ: a 7: ᾿ 5.5 ὦ ἢ i ry ἔπ εἰβξκξοκκξῇ futttinRlaitSteGU4i24EE sal ded dnacdfakinARESEESSEEEIREST actinbnal 988. ππδβαξ, ὅδε, toAREAMAZE EE 
ΜΕΗΗΗΣΗ  ΜΗΠΉΓΗΠΕΝ e's) ax ea); ue zr [tet Leics Wit Genta, ΘΡΌΣΙ , Mit Gaia ΤΠ Ἐ 
ΩΝ εἷς 3:8 gas, ἔξ: Erte td 4 Basal 9 Ἷ: a 2 ἅ{Π|}ὃ on Γ ΓΕ ἘΠ ἈΠ ΠΤ ἩΉΕ ΤῊ ΠΟ ΝΠ ΠΗ ΟΠ ΈΗ 08% 
ESE: PH ines er are (ex A= g68 ὃ Σ & Ἅ 1 | 10 ἠδἕδινηι ὃ ἡ »αδξόξαε ἀξ SAaREZaaBARGeABARESEAEREEEAREEELZ  AEREETINGS oA? Can nESTELAREO OR SAE REEL Ein NS, SSIES 
ἘΥΤΕΕΤ iy Be [ΠῚ Ξ ' ΠΡ ΠΗ ὦ ὯΣΞ 58 3. fa Εν Ι a) Nata 1 [Ὁ al Sesees| | tes -eaeeeeasin ttt 8 lak tine Salgh on on Ἤρκει GL EEE Ayo FEALEE 
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δ See tnt Bettas ne, 5 ere ee ἘΠΙΞΗ deea wcntin Soares Gen Sloat we 
2 gs “eee eet gm ΕΓ ΈΝΙ n 2 = 3 gun ἔς 5 ΠΗ ΜΠΤΜης FTE. CERraaieOtags shee Pitgpe Sees ΤΉ ΓΠ ΠΗ 
rl a Hd ΒΡ i | ἔν iH {πέτηξέ bs 3 3 = τ LESSEE LU a a 
Qi ibe ΞΕ ἘΠ ΗΝ πΠῚ ὃ “ = Eo | [[| BEY ΓΤ ἘΠ ΠΑΤΈΡ ΤΕΤ ΠΚΕΤΙ ΠΤ ΆΕ ΜΝ cent ΚΣΤ Ἢ 
Γ τ stall ἘΠ i ii ag i : Ἢ : Ε pene ἢ [1 ΜΒ Spob fSGALERS MAG EASISEAREEEESESREEM Eh S84 ono ool nde En SPEARENE SEO SRERSECEA Tht AS GRE 
8 3 Ξ gules ΒΕ ἃ ὃ Pi Η ἤ ͵ 3 HU TH Uist TAL Iti tttistttl siiletite Git it li ΦΗΣΙ Σ tilly ΠῚ ΤΠ 
= a aly ie eee I é é pon REEECREEE ἤθε, προϑδδ ARERR GA παρ Πα ΠΕΗ ΠΑ ΠΙΗΕΉ eed ἐξέ κῆδβι τὸ 
Ι ne GE ΒΕΗΞΕΞ 88 τς y 4 : oe : ar ohaneahe eA Gaud anya sAGacnsane nsnaakana® ssanaeneseen ΓΙ ΤῊ obhakin*RatGhunkhgaasthes 
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eI = ne He ἼΗΙ ἔξ i TLE ἐπ ᾿ Set oe Loe ee ee ee ee 
a Ξ = Ss ab hay az4 ἢ ; δὲ 8 a ΠῚ; τ βᾳ oa eo AIR cic seangyransaa ee Eee FSSA ξ BANAABSTNE 38 
OTE Sait ea Rt || ea a 
Β Ἐξ RS oa ἢ απ: 2 2 Ἶ ΓΗ βαρ of2thinbbdong C553 SERGE ERE. Rt Shanta’ ἐξ α δε SSRERESEISER «SERS *RGELE πὐξξ,ο δή ξόϑη» 
|g Fa x tebacinlelepedlia aE hall : iif iy εὐπηε, C284 vill bd BBP fn SEAEAERRE WESEE. EAR off REE EERCESLEM RE REESE EEREEEERE ἀπῇ, APES DERE 
: ΠΝ ΠΗ [Ἢ egy 48 pat sepayagcgy i 5 Hay G0 82 | Se ἡπ τῷ ἘΠ ΤΤς 
| Ξ ΞΙΊ "ς aa EH oat ΤῊ ἘΠ τος ΠΗ ἬΕΙ jie ἘΠΕῚ ii zt ΠΕ Νὴ «ἀξέῤεξξε. δε τνξε δε νεὐ ε εηξας ἐβελ θεῖε. δ bo 
Ξ eS S gisecastatis juts ie ἔ nis. ae Faage BT) @ ἐξ he Sah aoa sage ἌΝ 
᾿ς ἢ Ξ Pal oes f Ge ἢ ἘΠ ΠῚ BE ile ἘΠ 5 al ΤΗΝ Ἐπ ΤῊΝ 
| aha] . ῳ ΕἸ ΞΘ ΞΕ: oe 3 i ἢ 9858 ΕΞ] eel faeces ΈΡΕΝΗΙ ᾿ Ξ aha d gisg Fak aaa αι δε μον μρυ δι λει δυο 
: 4]. at} ar . ai 3 g z q ξ 58; β eg Bes one a ἘῈῈ περ ἢ ἢ ADAMI SA AP’ "ga | ames ἢ ει : 
1) Segara wtll Age] Π ΒΒ | ΒΕ ΠῚ ΕΠ Airing. fee 
ἘΠ [ΚΞ ae ἘΠ598 priya ge iat ἢ ΓΕ ΤΈΠΕ | Bande Shack agce | ΕΝ ΠΡ ΙΓ ΠΤ Ἐπ ΠΝ 
Ἢ δὲ, rennet AS TEST Insts | Ὁ ..1|.1}.::.:..:.: ὦ] 
= ξ i Ε. ΒῈ Be : i Al δ" ᾿ ἢ Zz. ee fe Η Ἵ zt a Beas 3 # a A RETASHSRACSESLS Ἢ SHLALSS FSI ARKERIEA αὶ 2SF 
i ΠΤ τῇ ἘΞ: by F TAR se Sate Ἐξ soya cess: age Ἔν ΔΙ ΕΤΙ ΘΝ 
8,2 "8 i ΠῚ Ἢ ἢ Γ aa Ι : Ξ:338: ΩΙ 2 ΞῈ Η Ἢ ΓΕ ἘΠΕ Ξ are a Ἐξ ἔδυ δέξο st enone ΠΣ 
ΠΗ Ἢ Pe aaa cir a} — © hi Se ee a ~~ 
ib ee : ait he ᾿ fue PTL eat 2 . iF ' soa Ξ i τ iM ΠΗ ΠῚ ἷ 2 Fe Beg se cee 2 on 5 eRe πΧκΡοΣ ἢ 
fog gases og BAB EY Bae 7 ἀ ὉΞῚΕ : page ἢ ee See ἐξ} gece Zhe a gee 3. 3995 ONANGA + ἡδαϑηρῆποϑαϑα OIA ποῦ τ 
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. wy Wakes Hgeg Br Us Err ECerepiia ξξ 85 z 8 yoeeGH| ges) Ἐπ ΠΕ ΞΕΞΕ ἢ 4885 afeteytiice viet anit ἐδτατ μερκνϑ, οξεϑῆς 
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DE del aad gels TE sett ! ul fla Ξ Gili Σ Ἕ ἼΠΠ ig: aa Ἢ i ii ΠΕ ΒΕ fas, EECUAEAESURSMEN TSE 
a ἘΣ ie a ἜΠΗ He ἘΠ ἢ ΠῚ ἔπι Ξ Ay 72989 | 83a] ἐξ i 3 Ξ8 28 ee ce wre ek ee 
᾿ Megha βπευροθεάς, ἘΡυ δ Σ wisea στ σΉ ΞΕ ΓΕ. i ! letter tt ti ΤῊ ἯΙ Tietities! ἢ, ΜΠ, ΓΗ ᾿ 
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5 δ᾽ ἰὐπβεβδλξ if SEABE (UUSUSAgECGTE ΠΗΙΗΜΣ 1} Ἐξ 888,6 Ὁ sccesg.e-teaee ΠΥ ΕΣ ΕΤΕΝ ΤΥ he 
“ἡ ΩΣ ἔς aigia ἐ ᾿ posed ἘΞ Ὲ nal ἑ Η Sagde εηοος te E OEE [151 oe scree μεν. anne tee teehee apap δὴ μι π μοι 
Ta oe ἢ ΠΡ gwd SBGeH cde? bays" — BER EE g2' 5Ὲ: «eds ἘΠΕ ΝΥΝ ἘΠ 3 ἢ 2 aagaaaagss 5 ago ΠΗ ΔΗ 5Α ΦΌΒΩΙ 5 5ΞΌΠ955 ἃ saa 3 πηππηηαηη 45. aagNA 
ΠΕ ΡΠ ΠΕ mig | |g mee τς πο pele tere 1: 
δ eee eM euautley ieee art ἘΞ ΙΕ ΡΞ bats Se, teva ob 
ΞΕ ten an ini “ia rca teat 
; aA Mls Hien — SEE Aa ESR SR ASS ἜΤΟΣ 



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' 5 ἢ 8 ἐξ ὲϑ ay 
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ΕΗ ΌΡΕΙΝ ΕΣ ΤΙΓΝΤ ΤῊ ἐὐδξελξ, οὐ δῇ, δῆξέ, BEE, δ. BELO SE ΣΝ ΜῈ ἈΝΙΕΜ ΠΕΓ enttttt» Sth RREGERARBOE? GE ἐξ ξ,ἐπξοξξ: Βοξξι κε SESE EEERAM a ,ύ ἢ εβ badd |, δὲ 
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ΠΕΤΣΕΤΣΙ pesca [Ἢ Bere Sei ἐν ἔξ de ARSE ae εἰ δο εξ ἐπ βἀδεμηςεἰποξε δ τ εε ἐπ ῆπ. | | RintabindtSle, 2 dnxbh SESE HEELS ΠΛΥΆ ΡΝ ΉΠΠ Ἃ ἐξα ες οὐ ye RES εξ ξε, TRESER RARE 
ἢ ee eet Ta BEERS ἐξέ βῆ, Κρ κξι ἐξ IRS EEE Rn GASRAARR SR ne nnaanAAeRasARRARANaNS | ἐξῇ ἐπε 6485 ΚΕ Σ ἢ 8 ΠΝ ΠΊΕ ΒΟ ΑΕ ΤΙ ΤΠ SRC Sen τς ἐν ΞΕ ΠῚ 

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ἔξξη βρ CHARS nEERESREnER AGES SEES ἢ β δε δ ἐκ ἢ, ἐξέ RAGE Begs AEE AS feaSZEARere 

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ΣΒΈΣΑΙ ἘΝΙΝΊΣΤ  ΆΤΑΙ ΠἈΠῚ ΓΝ ΑΕ Eicil af RERAATEAR Rafe ς. ἔδοξε, μπῇ, dat JREREE ASCE EE ἔξ. ἐδ aang hes fhaneaty 

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aa] α ἄπ βη θη ρόδα πο 8" PRRRARROE IEG ΤΥ ΤΎΚΟΣ ὑοναμανμανεὐονανσλ ον σα τυδη αν. τς των κα sagesgsanerudnd aneasgge” gna=gine lage” ganz seer sannaGRAgA“OU2RERAS ἜΣ bgOAARant cange=ons gPenaRgee"= BESURRE" CURES "RERERRSE ήθῆνητα | [περσοαδαεκειςοαῃ ee eae 
ἢ Ss meas ee eo πῶσ =H xR SR *g6 * 2 ™ BR Hpenmnpeengesss pes 2 ar ER 2 ΒΑΕ censersesan SASEANS SS REPERRASER? 559 55 Pewee πὶ RuN seee| τ g ne zen ft Β5Ὰ eB Ho nem pore Hogpersees oman | lary « Breese [joe en Ta een μ᾿ το τῶν, 
a ἄξϑβας gaad aaagdcge 5 ang ΞῆΞ8 5 ἤξξποθηξβξηε ΠῚ ΞΕ nagaag singe ἢ neagSaES ΠΝ See ae RAgvAeR | AREER agag ς΄ namnagteg anny: agaenagaseqeaaagag | «ἢ este: BEGEGNI®S 322 Ἀπηϑρ ὐγδπῆ rans mae gaaae§ ay ἕξεξ ngex sweets 34. sanagang | [πη ϑοθήκης ηἶβας πξξβεππηςξηηββδκηη stageR πὶ 
SEAGER e ρ 53:5. “ἘἘῈΞ ΘΕΞΈΞΞΕΞΒΈ οι ceeus ΤῊΣ “5. tepouetBpatgst mepien rot paeeend age nS SE mehr] is ΜΙ ΗΝ ἐξ < πεξεϑξεϑξς, δ  ἘΞΕἘΞΈΞΕΞΕ 8, ΞΕ Ξρυσεῦς 2 ἕξεπες - EBS δες πα νεδε ἐτοβ 5, 5.6] | opfuctEtneesagee ΡΝ π.Ἑ SySScaan 
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εἰ Ξξξξξεξἐξο ἀξ εξξ GSAS AAGABAR AREAL ἐβέςεν spRREZ§!~H8EH ASAE, GASES ΕΣ, ἡ δι σδξε ὁ. 5. κα, ἐλλαἐ ΕΣ Σἐξἐκ, ξξξέ, ξεξἐξε, ξέβες ἡβρεξέξβν. ἐξ ἐξξξάξοβ, ξέἐεξβξεδει.ἐ.ξ, ἐξέξὲ of | ξξδας ἐξ ἐξεξεὸ, ἐξεσε τὰ FE 02S E028, CREE, ἐξισθς δε σσεξεεαν παι εε ἀκ ἔσπε | |FAUEIS. δὰ E8028 | | Poss δὴν BRESERE ἀρδεδιδεσε 
ΤΡ ἀρ ξξ τε δεξ ἐλ ξεν δες aSeRAZSEEREE SEAS pnBBATAELZACERRNCERIECE ἐξ, 8Ὲ | | £182 05 A2GURES CUERERES ἐρεαταν, EE GERtMREas ete cee Ae tazeezzszsaees gees ὅδε βξεἀξαξ atatkanntnanoshaeedeaneanseae ἐκεί se pene stan? 5... ἐγ δες κε, ἐξ. 88 nee fneglASaies {ἘΞ 835 ἐν eesti erntetials 
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Ἡ 8 | ie eke Ti4Ti+i Jt ΠΕ ΕΠῚῚΞΙΈ Ε1ΠῚ ΕΠῚῚῚΠῚῸὀΡῚῚ Det TET et 1 ΠΕΠῚῚ Τὸ ΕΕἾῚ 4477 + Toit ei Ὲ11ΠΠ FIT Tutt 1 ΠΠ] ad {ΠΠΠΈΠ|1Ὲ11} 11 lit ἘΠῚ ttt HOUTEN Ft TEP 17 ΠΗ ΜΉ ΠΕ ἼΗΙ wie 
g 88 58) ἐἐξοξε ξεεδέξεν ἀπ τὲ ΚΥΝῚ ἈΜΉΝ ΓΝ ἌΝ ΠΝ ΠΝ ΜΊΝΛΝ ξεὐξξξ εξ δ ἐξρεεββὐέε  σὀ τ εξλδλες, ἐδεῖβε ΠΈΠΟΝ ΠΆΓΙΑΝ ΤΗΣ ΤᾺ GROMER ἐφαξ AEE Ἐἐξξρἐ h ondaki vain Eee ἐ ἐὐε ἀβ eiaakt hae at ah eae naked SRAERTEtRe τονε 
ERE a}, abeee i ebindhihaGEhs ΕΣ ΠΕΙ͂Ν igen Ba ee ene ἀξβξξέκξβαβευοξ ἐξρἐβέξᾷ ἐξέ ξοβξ EEF abl εβάβερερ. SEER aS ΟΝ ΕΝ sARLEA ASEAEEE EE ESE SA MOALGE? dt oSEERZAEUELEEE! 988. nt RERE SRgages ἩνΗβε εμέ 
He ξ Ὁ ἐξξεά ἐξέξε Gn ε ἀξ ὩΣΕΊ ἫΝ ΠΠΡΉΠ ΈΓΕΊΤΕΙ ΠΕ ΠΆΝΤ SOREL ASRS fa κ ἢ βε τος, ξεβὲ ἐξα δόξε, | οξέξεθξξέ, CUREE 5, ὐ ERR δ, ἐδξέ ἐξηξεξη ἀξ ἐἠβαβαήξξἐξκβ AGAESAL SSA SAE SR ΕΟ ΤΕ ΒΙ  ΤῚ 
eee eS ose —eaeeres = ie lk ek ΠΣ RESEPESOORAGCH HAA=TAUERTE gnaarg isa gzgaesezca-gaageqas> ang Lc oe WR “AUeRORESEE STEN Ue gRR as” ERR gNE aegAASAERRAGes | | FozegcR 
ot 5' SS2 a πὸ SEE ΘΕ 96. τ acre" fae" pres on age sonania & Σ5 Ἐπ π BNESS 5Η55 2 Ret SES ~ ΡΣ Baneeresg = * xymere Be 922 προ ss 595 Ε Pex poner 2 um πάν πὸ > gare = RAS 
ΗΝ 7 καὶ Ὁ fea” ῳ πῆς ΑΣΙΣ ΒΞ. ΣΠ55. AVIETINsIAIIANAN 33 Jaasdgsa9gs9 ssassaagnaeasnag" MANIA REGSS SHNARS 7A BIAITSS: 22] [Ada AMG INT IARIIGEA ἢ SABIN BISA GARE SISIEA TAINAN” OA AAWgNNIT ἢ ἔπ 5525 1. 2 82g assn 
i a gaan 8 sks 8588 5Ξ AASERGASER caeaeeeanacanevavene cafe SE AHesaumenagegnggsgaasaggssaanes | ἰπῆπλει Ξξ qgnem asnage fa aa giageca πᾶς = agers ππᾶξ useqanganty evden afdda Aggns gesngatnjsass fe weggaazag ἢ ἤππεσε [dn a ggg gues 
=e - 39,2 “2 0 ἘΞΈΞα σι πος eo Ἔ iD Ἢ ΠῚ 1 way ied, Ξ Ἐκ ᾶ Saree 7 SES ule G 
g8t ὁ ξξξεξ.υαξξ ες δὲ ΠΝ wand ΤΤΡΙ ΤῊ ἘΡΜΥ  τττν τη τ ΓΤ] ΠΗ ἘἘΈΞΈΣΕΞ. πξξξετ peat Gute 25 τῦθε 5 ΠΕ, Ξε δε ορόδεξεξὸς noes tery. ἀπεβραξξ SEP PSS PUBEUP ἄς ὑερβει Βεξομ εξ. | | =< 9 9 πεξξυευ 
ΠΝ: ἘΠ τ" SET EU | | Π10Ὲ Poe ΠΕΡΙ ΤΙ CRE line Wh ΠΡ ll ligy 
᾿ # Eesti y§ ἐξεξε κε πε sf, 5. Efe ἰδού πε ἐξε γε εξ εξ ἐ ἐξ ὀρ δ εὐ Eh οὐδῇ ΗΝ Ἧρ νος ΠΟ Sete? BFS " αδϑοβεξ, δν pepe Sis titi Reece ip peaspalidesohelpepseelgsaieaaaiiass ἐρξεοξ βάξεξξ 
ΕΞ ἐἐξξξεεεἐἐεξεξ πε 8 ERE hen ἀρ εόξ δά. ξρβδοι SAALERTEES εξ th ἢ, εἴ ἀἐδεθεξ, ἐδαε δε, αδε, ἐξ 5. ἀξοθς | δπνε  δρε ββὴ ἀξεβεξεξεύν δε RZOEEE G25 |] εκδξβ εξ, ἐξ ἢ δϑάξεἠρεηξθηοθ Ἢ ata BRAAnGS oRRRAE SORE op ξ, ἐπ ἀξ, ἔξ ἐξ [58 ἐς δες the 
5 | Uteennamnnaacaall Ue 4 g}h RRR A Tieng eR RER ARNE RRR Rene SEE Ree Re eee eect eee ee eee ee ene ceygmi πέτων ἜΡΤΗΙ Ύα  ΡΡΡ 

vot 1 ἡ εἰτοῦδαθαδοδμέν ον ξ γον Ἐν ΣΣ ΟΕ Σ ΩΣ ἘΣ ΤῊΝ “εἰ «(εἰ 

prices -Ρ, 1 Gold: 2 
NYSE biohs/lows P. Β΄ interest rotes 


᾿ ᾿ BUSI 

: Heraldazz. Eribune. 


U.S. Stocks 
Report, Page 7 
Page 9 

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1985 
Foreign-Currency Bulls | - 
Feed Off a Weaker Dollar 


Β . ὃ New York Times Service 
EW YORK — Forei futures bulls contin- 
ew forage rough ie market iat woot, fending on 

the continued in the dollar. They enjoyed 

᾿ their best meal late Friday, when their buying forced 

those who had sold short earlier in the day to pay dearly to buy 
back contracts. : 

Brokers explained that, although most foreign currency traders 

to cover their positions for 

ἴ numbers of futures short. 

ly conceming possible devaluations 

francs and an upward revaluation of 

The movements in 
the Swiss franc 
tend to be 


265 ceats. to $1.4125; the 
mark, 0.68 cent, to 35.47 
cents; and the Swiss franc, 
1.13 ceats, to 43.52 cents. And last Friday, it took about 238 yen 
to buy 2 dollar, or five yen fewer than the previous week. 

κόραν μάν ty teen bees they ἂν fines oe 
30 use play one cur- 
rency against smother, rather than panst the aa οἵ 
these spreads, the biggest gains in recent weeks were made by 
those who had bought the Swiss franc and sold the West German 
mark short. A foreign-exchange futures spread involves the 
simultaneous purchase and sale of contracts in two currencies. 

“There are several good reasons for using the Swiss franc-mark 
cross-rate spread,” said Donald M. Selkin, senior futures analyst 
at Prudential-Bache Securities. “One is that the Swiss francis not 
as liquid as most other major currencies because there just aren't 
that many around.” 

Asa result, the moves in the Swiss franc tend to be exaggerated, 

US. Cuts 


For GNP 
Sees 3% Growth 
For All of 1985 

‘Two tiers of Anne Kiein fashions 

Π, left, the cheaper line, and the hi; 

ed at Lord & Taylor in Manhattan: Anne Klein 

Designers Turn Out Cheaper Lines 

Wrinkles in Policy of Fashion Houses Are Ironed Out 

By Pamela G. Hollie 
‘New York Tintes Service 

to slow start as designer houses with the 
pre hie Ts 
now, after sev 

are the wrinkles finally being i ses outct many of 
the offshoot lines. 

“We have not been completely successful with 
what we wanted to do,” itted Didier Grum- 
bach, chief executive officer of Yves Saint Laurent 

U.K. Base Rate 
Cut Half a Point 
To 11.5 Pereent 

By Bob Hagerty 
Pirate Heruhd Tribune 

LONDON — Britain's majer 
banks reduced base lending rates 
Monday to 11.5 percent from 12 
percent, and economists predicted 
that the pound’s strength would 
allow another cut within a few 

The reduction, which followed ἃ 
clear money-market signal from 
the Bank of Englund on Friday. is 
the second in two weeks and leaves 
base rates 15 tage points he- 
low their 1asi January. when 
the government pushed rates up 4.5 
points to stop a plunge in the 
pound’s value. ᾿ 

Since then, Britain's high interest 
rates have attracted huge sums 
a foreign investors. ied a yesult, 
the pound has surged about 35 per- 
cent against the dollar and 15 per- 
cent against the Deutsche mark. 
Despite Monday's interest-rate cut, 
the conunued to strenethen, 
closing in London at $1.4285. y 
from 51. 4055 Friday, and 4.03: 
DM. up from 4,028. 

Britain's short-term interest 
rates remain mote than six points 
above those in West Germany and 
about three points awe US. 
rates. Because of that rate advan- 

indusiry has beea jobhying neisily 
for tower interest rates and ἃ 
cheaper pound, 

“We believe the message is get- 
ting through,” Sir Terence Beckett. 
director general of the cunfedera- 
tion. sud Monday, “but we're still 
looking for further reductions ” 

The government is weighing such 
Pressure against its desire ty sub 
due inflation. “They are walking ἃ 
tightrope.” said Richard Jeffrey, an 
economnst αἱ the Londinn stuckbro- 
Keruge of Hoare Govent Lid, 

Consumer-price infistion has 
quickened τὸ about 7 percens from 
4.6 percent ut the end of [ἄνα To 
counter that Lend, the goszmment 
has sought to reduce import ress 
by supporting the pound. 

Economists generally say the 
pound’s rise has been steep encugh 
fo push inflation belea © percent 
by sear-end. But some are con. 
cemed that recent wage settiements 
calling for increases of 7 to 1 pere 
cent threaten to push inflavion buck 
Up next Sear. 

Given that worry, Stephen Lew- 
is, 2 Senior econemust at Phichps & 
Drew, argued that the government 
is being too hasty about pushing 
rates jower, “The government ity 

ἷ παρα Swi flected Inc. “Our first attempt was too basic.” This year, tage, many economists expect in- well be panicking” ubuut the telt 
et ce bone the brsbghog Seeh aan often Pifakag pon mee cera Saint Lauren's second-tier line, Variation. ἐς the to continue buying the exports and jets, Mr, Lewis said. 
devalued by 6 Ὁ the previous weekend, as wellasby 538 annual rate of just 1 percent as younger-looking to answer criticism that its previ- pound. . τ _ He warmed that the government 
holders od Delaia Belgian francs thought those curren manufacturing in the Untted States ous designs were too outdated and its prices too The pound’s strength, in tm, μὰς the impression that 
Sead co's μέζον ἢ ax ᾿ Was being battered anew by foreign signer high to autract working women, The items cost | has created fears that British cx- islosine its resolve to ieht mfLiuor 
ae Sr oy pas rape Merona | 1 τ τε τι λῆς ΟΝ | ete a cums seus gas 

te lar am an - i rahe ep hear tay urke y 2 a 
Soctange traders. is moh cee quid currency and is thos ἵξες αἶα ἰὰ oder to action exe the would take $2,000 10 Fight in the jacket,” said ni otf for πὶ πβητέοα τὴ είτε Sel te ΤΌΣ the cue ine ΟΣ ἐλ 1S aa ns was Hamed το 

Given this situation, Mr. Selkin observed that, when the dicted for 1985 as 2 whole, the | 4, When, lower priced designer toes wise ἔσο. wih the adn of «Cassa lin of par cal Industries PLC last week Me Lewis sak that af the gover 
dollar's value peaked Inte last Febraary. the Swiss frame's premi- American economy will have to a ee ennai ise annie ai, has pushed annual sales to $100 million, from pris δὲ oe fue οἱ ὡς ound, ment appears io exper τὰ ἴδ ταῖες 
Se ee halidened CaCl cea aot bead ce ae Eas year at an annual rate of 5 percem. | While retailers were enthusiastic, business got off (Continned on Page 13, Col. 5) and the Confederation of British pound as fast as they swarmed in 
closing spot September futures, it was 805 points. ~five times the pace of the first six this spring. 

“This meant cross-rate who hed bought the Swiss mon! But Several ra er econo- 
franc and sold the mark t the time dollar peaked in Few analysts are predicting such mists Monday's rate cut was 
February did quite well,” Mr. in continued. “Because both Most of them J Bank In = Pp justified hy the strength of the 
cn ee een ἀοισκοσοε τισί στὰ PAN ee ΠΡΟΤῚ Forearm mina 
units, each 1 cént move : Percent in years, encourage i for profes- mestic industry and lead to sales of ε ὲ παρὰ 

spread aroand March ἢ Scr ὩΣ ϑυῖεο παρὸν nc neta TOKYO ~ Japan's Export-Im- imparts speed manfacured Sol ndeetfeue Pea tty tune CRs the pristry of her ant 
- ᾿ init i i : sal i ᾿ 7 ‘ciently servi : Mele aalin ἊΝ re 
premium over the mark was 5 cents, had, as of last Friday's close, “The Maur deaton. bol ty port Bank stid Monday that it has are a ace eas ike oe Ae ees said that language difficulties could inflationary stance,” said ‘Keith 
Hog! mia ra ce 53.750 ia ag haven't quite found the courage 10 fatroduced imports pga United States and the European about 66 percent of Ja eon- make goods and services from Seth a economist at James 
senior futures. going r ‘oromuni sumers are “worried” overseas unatiractive purchases, ᾿ 

Te lever prof is even more ive because the initial pallet (δ ee ge orate ich can be denomi- te erential-loan τὰς κοῖς ἀπὰς Asked about possible benelits, — David Kem. chie! economist at 
cash margia for a spread is roughly half that for.a “straight” » Roger Brinner, economist at pated in either yen or dollars, are part of the ts trade 2c. 20.2 percent said the cost of Japa- National Westminster Bank PLC, 
purchase or sale. Most brokers require an initial cash margin of 215 wesources Inc.,aprivate fore- meant to be for imports of 11 tion ἢ to be announced nese goods and services would fall said there was no sign that the 
about $3,500 for a straight foreign-currency position. : ing firm, remarked when he specific ca as telecom- Lal eg will be valid until Marck because of foreign competition, goveroment was pushing rates 

As for the extraordinary strength of the ritish pound, which τς told of the revised figures Isst_ munications ment, electric 1981. 19.7 percent said consumer choice down too quickly. He said he was 
went from a record low of $1.02 when the dollar peaked four Jeey. liances and equipment, ΤῊΣ 1 plans to an- would widen, and 10.7 percent said main’ his forecast that base 
months ago to $1.4125 at last Friday's close, currency traders A said. ὃ nounce Tuesday the dewals of steps about the affects of more overseas foreign goods and services would rates would fall to 10 or 10.5 per- 
continued to cite the recent decline in real domesticinterestrates. 8 Mr. Sprinkel’s statement, “ἘΠΊ τους immediately, the spe- designed to boost the share of for- products entering Japan's market, be cheaper than those from Japan. cent by year-end. 

Last Friday, for example, the real rem on 90-day Treasary which was read at the White House cial yen will canyan’anteal eign products in Japan's market the report said. : 
bills was about 3.2 percent, while that on cas os by Lamy _ spokesman for interest rate of 6.5 perceft com- ποὰ ep redness Japan's 545 ας a ae eee 

slightly more percent. Real President ἢ Reagan, pared long-term prime lion trade . random people na- 
rates of return on any investment are determined by subtracting ministration also Projected a μα ὡς 72 Percent at pri- "The bank said the 11 preferred tionwide conducted by the Prime 
the annual inflation rate from the yield. Currently, 90-day Trea- steady decline = εἶπαν τὰ “τὰ vate banks, the officials said. categories include medical/phar- Minister's Office in Fel . 
(Continmed on Page 13, Col. 5) ployment, rate, h Dollar loans, to be made avaii- maceutical products, power The survey said 60.3 percent ex- 
stagnant in recent months, hover- able fram the government's special ating equipment, ma- pect some benefits from an increase 
ig eround its current level of 7.3 foreign-exchange account, will chinery for i industries, of i 
Currency Rates ee bear ἃ floating intrest rate at % meualwocking machinery, general 
Mr, Sprinkel’s long-range fore- point above the six-month U.S. industrial equipment, office ma- 
cast of continued healthy growth bill rate. chines, telecommmumications appa- 
July29 ~— for the U.S. economy was not al- The loans, which will have matu- us, electrical machinery, 
: pw FF, tL Gir mp, SF. Yen tered by today’s revisions. Tities of one year to less than five vehicles, other transport equip- 
“Κι΄ 1124" 3455" 0188" --- osm" 145° Wany 
OS mis ἀδὴδ 1010" 79453 _— use un 
= cams cry aoe on ry a Eo ὡς The mortgage notes are being offered indrriuatly of an groups by Berkies Margage 
ἔξει oS τὰς Ee TexacoNet Quarter of NYSE Sales Seen as Retail | 2“=e2ae ee he 
wy ᾿ΘΩ͂Ι --- χ ᾿ 3 : i + Jocajed on Flonda’s 
ms mm Δ 15" MS 41415" 21 μ--- Tomtgage note is secured by residennal oceanttent property neat Iook 
. . - πῶ" Ae (ONES . b said he sticks by his estimate quent references on Wall Street Gold Coast. If you're ἃ medaum size investor louking tor good reliable paper. vau 
re μη iam peed 2m emo (lame WET Rose by 1% By Vi G. Vartan tart volame in and June and elsewbere tbat institutions are inn hetero tie reper, 
O7Me 190M AM 1958 «328 ΘΜ 2M 1,82) ‘ New York Service accounted for slightly less than 11 (305) 937-0886 
London and Zurich, fixings in other centers. New York rates at 2 PM. NEW YORK — Retail broker- ca wide ἐς ec αι 
ΩΝ wor) Untteor nme NA: ot ube evonania age according 10 ἃ DEW the “I don't want topick tor. Berkley M Corp. 
dolor (5) Unite of 100 (x) Units of 1,000 ty} Unite of 12.000 N.Q.: not quoted; M.A; nof avaliable, study funded by the Securities In- wath the rapes pt SLi Movitege Biviet 
Laie’ Fras mem . ; oe oe (ΣᾺ ale pass hocclag ny pa 19051 Colhns Avenue, Miami Beach,FLS3160 (S05)9370585 Telex: $07726 
WHITE PLAINS, New York— far larger share of New ' oe for the 
Smuvesdrd Ge Gaesue” tt σαν τας. 246 sKerwen wa70 Texaco Inc, reported on Monday trading than is generally POO hor sh is the trend, he said. eas ot amelie realy 
Auctrol.s LABS Greekdroc. 13200 Mexpeso 3600 Θρσαι ραιαα 16450 an increase in earings of 1 t od. ᾿ ipation has been dectnin for the assured to exceed the total for any 
Δὲ. ποθι, W058 Hongkong $ 7245 Norwkrona 824 Swed.krean 8305 50 [ἢ second quarter, reve- Activity by these investors = entire on record, Industry 
felc.ftafr. 5730 fadionropee 118765 PhiLpeso 86575 ToWwuns 40.5 i, from levels of the like amounted to about 28 percent of two years.” year 
Breil erva. 436000 tada.ropicts 111400 Povl.escodo 16700 Thalbobt 24755 nues slipped 7 . πὰ Mr. Schaefer objects to what he sources cite several reasons. They 
Conaiiion$ 1128) ΙΕ agi βσυαίεῖγαιῖ 345) Τωκμαπε 5068 period οἱ 1984. total Big Board νοΐαπις ἰπ May and ὁ ἐς τ ὁ as “the common folk- say there is now afar diver- 
Donishierene 101725 Ἰαγαμῆ chek, 149550 Soa.$ = 24008 UAE Mites 14722" Nes income rose to $305 million, June — the two months covered by | os on has sity of fund products. ives: 
ξ Evyrt.pomd 0.7037 Kowoltidivar 0300 %.Afr.rond 2151 Venez.bollv. 1415 or $128 a share from $302 million, the stady —the association said in 1Ore” beter ease a be a eve Fa imed wantual ftdads for 
ἔν ἘΝΘΆΔΕ Lae irs Hotiong (ititen); Chemica! on S122 a stare το Doe ἀμαε. the first of a planned series Of regt- Feen 10 and 15 percent of overall their Keogh plans and Individual 
| Bane thine Werks Oates taken te hone Gone Berwet Tate Cramveys ue fepe): ter Of 1984, Revenues fell to $11.7 lar reports, volume, while wading activity by Retirement Accounts. And mumal 
ἘΞ Oa es coe ΤΟΣ ΣΝ Baio from $13 bon inthe year+ “There might bea bio eakage pension funds, mutual funds and funds appear to appeal increasingly 
᾿ ἰὰ quarter. igures, other institutional ο vit 
- ᾿ For the first six months of the most,” — fetey Μ, swelled το Siganic roportions. thod to maki thet own ve 
J net income increased Schaefer, economist for ivi firms, t the vagaries 

: Trllon. or 5256 a share from $623 brokerage industry's trade. S70Up. cialis and gelsied sectors acromuts Of the secuntics market. το 

ae million, of $2.47 a share, in the first “This would put retail activity al for about 26 percent of total Big 

a ts half of Latin tr ἔτ about 25 perveat of the total Board volume, a ὃ ous 

Lc eggebearne hey but Rercin Long of Lippet Ans: sociation. Of the remaining “pub- Kong Lists More Firms 

ὃ ἢ Dillion, even with revenues of the lytical Services, the acknowledged Ijcty traded share big Hong 

ὅποθα Ἐν ἣν Pere enn Pr) τι. year-earlier peri “dean” of brokerage-stock ana ΤΩΣ traded riche ΕἾ ΤῸ Agence France-Presse 

: Hater eh er li he to rg a a δα τα le the 5 results were ; more than 62 while the HONG KONG — The total 

‘ Η͂ Ἵνα ἔπ. σὰ AMER WM ΡΣ 9m ὃν bo ἢ Py ecod πον τ τ retail sector accounted for nearly πιιαῦρες ol new competes cess 

: Soren: Maryen Georenty (dolor, DM, SF, Pound. FFI: Lerds Bonk (ECU; Reuters Fable 1984 pexiod, = ire 38 ; tered here in the first six mont 

(SOR). Rates opplicobie to interbank decosits of $1 imiltion minimum (or equivetent). 

cially regi overseas compa- 
nies rose 2 t to 2,040, com- 
pared with at the end of 1984, 

cat = 
hy tdead 

‘apanese auto company, | 
AMC's president, Jose J. De- 
deurwaerder, said Monday in 
an interview. 

Mr. Dedeurwaerder told 


International nv 54 

for activity by the retail sector,” he 
said, City-Clock 
International nv 2.41 3% 

In producing its own figures for 
market participation, the associa- ἢ ‘Quotes as οἷ: July 29, 1985 ; ; 

i is sensiti The famous Corum Coin Watch. A precious ultra- 
sa ciao ahora thin quartz movement inserted between the two 

Investors seeking abave average 

halves of a genuine $20 gold coin, Water-resistant. 

: capital gains in global stock ee” acer dy Asubtle touch: each Corum Coin 
suing #16 FOREIGN & COLONIAL Kets can simply write us a Inladies' versions too. A subtle touch: 
guns ovine RESERVE ASSET AN note and the weel Ἃ ‘ Watch has a pure diamond set in the crown. 
oe PRICES AT INVESTORS ALERT newsletter i P ᾿ en. Fur the 
fa a a ala wil besent ee and witha ede mop δ σις ἐνίοις τὶς 
we oR AM PM chive Reuters obligation. jone to: France, S.A Michel Niarquin. 177, Bd de 
2 3. Hana keog rsd. TOKYO — Japanese video tape . Créteil, 94100 Saint-Maur. tel. 1 4S9.36 34 - Germany, 
wae ne Lemoore Sma ΤῸΝ recorder exports rose to 209 mi- First Commerce Securities bv Austria, Holland, Helmut Tenet GmbH. Hemnch-Heme- 
waiins T1306 ask) τοὶ fion units in June from 1.83 million Herengracht 483 Alles 4, D-8000 Dikweldorf, rel. 0211 150 44n - Great Britain. Saunders 
5: a ear eve and πα 189 milion 1617 BT Amsterdem emerge ion τὰς ἀπο τηπιν 
in May. Color television caport The Nee eae 20 260301 Folz, Via Titn Vigneli 43. M0146 Milan, tel 242.7743 Uther eupatrles, 
rose fo 796,303 in June Telephone: (0)3 12% at CORUM, 2am La Chauwde-Funds, Swuscrland. tet 8 ater 
444.246 ἃ d 

earlier and from 
621,399 in My. 

. Ἢ ἐτῶν eee SI ς : ee ee, πὸ, ἦν 

ree aeeee ἘΠῚ OTT TE ΤῊ τῷ, ΤΤ aaaeas TANS PRT bagsgsaeay on 5. 585 Seas «Ἐπ ΑΒ 5 ΠᾺ Sanya | RENEE δδηπίη. anes ΠῚ | 

5 ts πεῖ | δὲ ἈδθΣ ξἰδηδηδ «= ARRBESEERQ «RETESET: ΗΠ ἔξ 585 ἐπε Lo g i ἐπ τ ἃ ὃ ee ii HONE a | : 
5 8 δε ἘΣ ΝΕ ὃ ἐξ ἢ) ii Me ΩΝ ΗΝ 0 1 ΕΠ Π Ξ8 κι ἕξω κα ἡ! ; i ἘΠ gui aie ANisdaly SSNS, ΒΈΒΞ35Ε, eee 

| 5: πεῖς, ἔπ ως ΜΕ, ἐς ily Hie ty [E gtml, mam, mmm mmm, [} 1 πῃ, i 58. ἢ ἘΠῚ Gis |S) Lat | (EG) yma tecsct ra ea 4 

ἐ ΑΚ ΙΕ ΠΗ ΕΗ geeame (Baie slat ἢ ΠΤ εν ἃ ; ens iia δι aa! Eo a ἢ ᾷ 

iysianty foun an axes Has tia jung liad goatee |” bith, githaf jumneniy deumntad ΗΠ ΠΕ PE ine nee ΕἸ ἢ ΓΝ τε me Te se | ΠΣ fi i 

: jp feet | σας | mn os rib “ἢ Τὼ ἐπα Ἢ yeas] | ἢ auth HEL Ld Hoots unis’ thaone anal 

! ε βιρονρεῖ ἢ ρερο lcm Hana lel legal ΤΉ ΜΈΝΗΝ i ut ea ee H BS aad 3 
: πο  ς τ ἢ τ fh | | “Hise Sill ell | ΠΗ ΙΝ ΝΘ Ὁ ἢ] ez, Sf 5 
| 1} Tey ΜΉ ARNT ΜΡ [1 NATTY RYT TT eee ΜῈ ΒῸΠ RINNE [1 mae Titer tre ᾿ aces: Pees! Poses oH woe) ΕΠ 
Ε1} sass seen aig sna SHERI] HEHE GER ἢ ΩΣ 5) ET SE; BRT | MERE gate εἰπε se ἴων be Reapzicl | i fen Ἢ Ξε i 

| j ΠΝ icine τ eal 188 u§ He 8 BS LHRH: cee a ee ee 1 τ πω, j pas il Ξ | pe | ini pee g' 
: 1 en Βα, a ee ee λνὰ ἔν, Εἶδε Hunntidauiatitnmet? Lb gee dal] ΞΡ: 
| ΕΠ ΒΜ a weeny He δδ ἢ ἢ 5 ee ee θα ἢ ΓῊΡ ΠΕ ΠῚ ἢ : wea id : Hinaaat oft eas a ee ταν ne δ γεῖσος 
fetes Ε ppb ΕΥ̓ ΕΑΔ Εν ESERRERE insane, Pjeutranl? ssladebatiall ἢ a ΠῚ Ἢ ΟΝ Ὶ ΠΠ ΠῚΠ Atmel Fanaa ju ae 8a ἢ ἢ HRS ἢ Ε ᾿ Le ἷ ΠΗ 
i μὴ ἢ neal ipa ji ie a | ΠΣ ΠῚ ἢ; eee [na seta A | jnaeee Τ᾿ ΠῚ Ἢ Foam ἢ 1p | [pana ig ἘΝ ge a HF ἢ ἢ ἢ ἢ "5 ἢ jl Fis Ha 

4 9 = 5 ΠΆΡΕ «αοοϑξ £ ἢ BS 3 fs Bon 

: Js | | πῆ Τὰ — dso UE | creat beat ΠΤ ἫΝ ἜΝΙ ὙΠ ΈΤΙ i alae Ἴ δ! fl : Ἴ Αἱ lg hie Ἢ it Ἴ 
: 3 ‘ : - τιν eewggeee con cence or Be ates M = 
: A ΠῚ [1 ΠΗ ὩΠΡΗ ΦΉΜΗ ΨΗΝΙ af 8 ae ae ae 2 33 li iy πε 
ee ee ἀπ 7 ΠΝ {ΕΜ ee Cr “Ἐν 5" ΕἾ ΓΝ Se ef ΠΗ Ξε antl 

ifs ἔῥέμμῃή εἠβήτυπῇ ἡ τῇ ee ee ee 4545}. ' πῆς marta ad oe 

. ΝΣ IRENE ee ἔπ pS RES ἫΝ 
Ltt ΕΝ ἮΝ EL ΓΙ Be oo 
ve ἢ πὶ ΡΩΝ ἘΣ gummy amen τ ile oa att arama antl tesa eames ane Ν᾽ Ἢ ἃ ἜΝ αὶ Lonel g Mage 
ῳ itil ; athe ovate Gast foci | ΠΝ ἘΠ π᾿ sus Lat k Ay See = psoas fl ξ wad es Paced "t ee a. 
sts | fe ἙΝ | ἔτι ΤΩ! ide) - ace aa ea i i aaa as γε ἢ “ ee bet Ἴ pre a 1] Ἤ " | 
+H on 4 ΠΝ Ἢ : αοξεν 
i εκ ΠΤ ἬΣΓΤ ΤῊ ἜΠΤΤ ἢ a ssaneal eet ἘΣ Ἢ zm ἢ ERR με ἱ quon’ a spe κοΐ ἘΠΙΝ ἯΙ ἢ Ili ἵ Ng Hil ii i AM : ‘rh eT ΠῊ 


E = 
ee ee eee egy ΝΣ Sera eee 
SUAUURATaaaTRIRUEARETSE TORNYS SEVERN Maca testcaeT ec Sct 88 wR i. .: i all 
bee Gedcead. ceeceted Rome recite ξεεξαβξεβα δε δέξου ακέέεσσε glee see Bone ὁ ΠΡ ΕΕΚΕΕΡΑ ΒΕ ΒΈΚΕΜΕΕ Ei re ava i a 
i ul ἢ Ἢ ΓΕ ἘΝ ΕΠ ΓΤ ΤΡ. ἫΝ ἢ Ἶ ay - ἡ | - 
ata anaes ΠῚ ᾿ es a " xe fi Ἷ oe : ἢ a& cal " a 
Ranta ΕΣ ἢ ΓΗ azk δ τ ot αἱ τ ' | it 
ἘΞ ΕΞ Ὲ9 eet at pelaees Saat 3 pea: ἐπε Ξε 2 a4 ag nn g Se eg ΠῚ By‘). 1 
foot ee eee eee eee ΒΕΕΗΒῚ ΠῚ 
ἀδεξεε κε πα δαέπα δε α ἐπεεναδέδαξε, δαξβξαβέξα £ kssededs feckeateBtecs zee ἐξέξεσες, δὲ... πε. ἐβεξθεέεπα ΓΕ: ἀξ © 8 ΕΞ | Ἐξ § i | Ι | 
Seo Ὲ bef BES) dies Γ 
ΓΙ ΤΙ ΠΣ ΤΠ Ἧ τ: Ἢ εἴτε, ἐκεῖ δ Ξ ee Ξ ΠῚ at iE i 
"“- ll πα τ aati ἃ sae ae Κὶ "3 ἬΝ ἷ iL 
5953) Ν is τ 5 Se Ε Ξεεχ ὃ Zee ΡΞ SERESSSE sa A 5 
a... Ee ae nH ! 
: aia ἘΞ ΞΕ ΠΞΗ͂ BERNUHIE ἈτΞ Ξ ΗΠ ΞΈΞΞΞ rg o ,3 #2558 #8 G3 3g FE a geegea ἘΠῚ ge ὁ 5 BE | Ἢ tha Ε 
| . 3 aauecen oRenesenerucsiilenste catesteseat eadtecnes cealdertceceet 5 33 g ἘΞΕΕ ΗΝ 5 ΠΝ ΠΗ LL a ΒΕ 8 i ἘΠ ΠΠῚ j Ε 
i ἘΠ δῆ, allel. etl ΠῚ fo fie πὶ le τ 588 ΠΡ τΓΞ 
ΝΗ ΤΊ eae | ΗΠ ae 
i senesaad HT parece UE i 83 Ξ aa ὃ ΠῚ Uy rele i ἢν ἢ Ἰ i 83: Ε ΠΝ ΙΝ ii 
| ‘ seeseies sfeceenegtiel 3 ΤΠ i a = Τ ee 5 ὃ Ξ τά ΠΗ ΚΗ eds δὼ 1H oe | as ἜΕΙΒΕΕ 
πες τὸ τὶ ἘΠΕ ἘΞ ἘΞΊΗΣΙ ἘΠ 51 Ε S62 ἢ Οἐεὶ: ΙΗ ea 95 ae it ἜΝ ἢ" il 
ἘΞ: τὴ 3 3Ὲ ΞῈ -- mea||5 2 τὸ ge 3018 343 πεϑγαθο ἐξ νέες ἘΠ} Ue 
| {μεξεξ, ες εεβα, ἐπαεεξεεξεξεκεεεξέκεβεα. Set ἐξέ szszetiz.teacetcas || 7 Γ a 8 AH Ree ΕΠ ἝΞ Ε "! ΡΝ " 
| Ἐξ a ae 3 eg ΠΕ ΠΗ ΗΣΗΤΗΒΉΠΗ - ἢ : : ll 
π᾿ ἘΝ παν ἢ πεῖς aftekll Σ Peer art i ΠΣ 
ALL ie ἘΠ ἀπ ἐπ ἐπ να ὁ ἢ πο, 4 aa ΤῸ τα τ ν it 
ἬΝ: ἱπωκεῦστιῖ | $l {Ἐξ Ξε ξεν ο ft Ee nd ESEEAAASARES gSASRC ρα Rte SAG ABRREAERGnng κε ἈἘΒαΒΝυδαβεϑεκεμακασγαδεσεεβπομπηκησπσακωμμκπαπακακηκοβακον meen ee meme πὶ ie cee a cet enc cea nae pees eee: 

---- ----- - o8 ὦ] 44 CCC ORO RU Σιν Σ Ha eee Ὁ RE oN mK SI ee curiae egrens | τοιττ 

a 3 
᾿ y 
im TS oy i 
5 ty " 3 ΞΕ 
Ra of Ue ! ε 
a3 ae Dollar Lower; Pound Up Despite Rate Cut 
Bd v 
ων ΓΗ 3 : pst ose Fake 5 ἘΤΎτΝ Reuters ward, came as the dollar was fall tensifving because of the impasse 
Bae By, Michaal Schrage ΄᾿ has pout. 300 employees and an. bringing innovations to -matker "researcher ‘who came from LONDON —The dollar moved ing, helping the pound absorb the in budyet talks in Washington, 
ΕΙΣ Ἢ Wiashinghor Post Service 100 give it a competitive | ford University and the Xerox still lower against major currencies . Ἤ dealers said they expect the dollar 
ἘΞ fu ἘΔ ne AUSTIN, Texas — With’ the. he an dione she 1° Mr-Inman concedes thar MCC ' Palo Alto Research Center, scary betes ff gph ut the pound remained equally to test the 2.Si-mark support level 
BE Ge ΔῈ Sa 3 ain andsewy that oncemadehim  isbeing Spent on specific ’ ‘cain succeed britfiantly asa research . However, the tone also inchides ing. In Frankfurt, the U.S. currency steady against European curren- this week. 
ας 1 δὴ Be {Washington's consummate high - retired from. an and development organization but an overwhelming concer for the was fixed at 2.8304 against the cies, with the Bank of England's nesters said the undertone also 
Sue an Ἐ tous | nate | in Jnly 1982 and joined ultimately. fall in ts if ἜΘΗ Aas aca Deutsche mark, down more than 4 trade-weighted index closing at pemsined weak because of expecta 
Abed) Ἀπ Ὲ Ray Imma, bas tumed his talents MCC in: January 1983, a a _ meniber Companies prove to be un Eero with special pfennigs from 2.8792 on Friday. 84.7. ie ma Te peas fon tions that trade and employment 
Pier, from the. to the propa - annoyed many of the . willing’or unable to prevent in The British pound, meanwhile, SPénia data due this week will pamt anoth- 
: ἘΠῊΝ OT τς τος eon penile por Se ΠῸΝ οὐ ἰεοῦπον" via ‘wbout ivan eee tn shrugged atta Laur petan oar mais αν re er gloomy picture af the U 1S. econ 
08 Lanne is ἢ sophisticated prarrety security . offered Ἦν the member'companies ὅπη. at 2 . ie es “τὸ ” certain at the Austin com- fw Bt move ἀιρι ἀξάμει lin Domed wrens Ἐν sight ΝΟΣ European trading Mons 
a “teoheckeee ἸᾺ the United Stamm, ὃ δϑὲ δοοῦ co RRR ὦ Μὴ rarer katy yaar te eel lee pd major currencies. Ie finished prP te opening 4.0345" and’Fre 650, the daliar fell to 3.°9R0 Swiss 
— be: ran ational Security [though | 's Seve e Ἔ or Seven programs aré care- a SLAs, 4985, up from $1240 at the day’s close of 4.0 franes from 5.290 Fridsr oxen 
Agency from 1977 to 198] and programs —-which range from members,” but béshastens io. add op aoe So that companits opening and more two cents 5005 close of 4.0340, Rrench ἢ from ΟΣ 
Ὥς served as ty the to new: -that he doesa't expect more thn. not hibited froct reotivine un wgher than Friday's close of ὦ Siler eam pete tra Rg 1,895.65 Han tire from | iis 
πε See τττΣ τιτ τ σῦν Sa sian Daas τς se ies bes δ λον 
. ἔπος cers chairman Ἀνὰ ci heacemene d peta or -jatent oo and sr ae: os ἀκα σας ‘The current membership is Ad- sale tha τὴς fet wich at other pote ae κι ae nt Tokyo, the dollur fell to 
- fours & Compu Technology” independcat sensi eet oo ae ifing ΜΙ MTs current meray Be ach ding alee ape αἰ σας Ars bona dear each > 237-90 pos awe S90 ede 
1 oe research consortium, or ly, Mr. Jaman has ['ve. tried io give ; cape BMC Industries Corp., Bell 
MCC, which presents itself as the _ not lot is Washingwoo-bon ᾿ i , Communications, Research (Belt 

; Equipment, Eastman Kodak, 
Inc, Harris Hon- 

a πὰ ee innovations. . ' 
ven in the random sampling of research- gram is “right on schedule.’ ᾿ 
sad lead it sone of me nol industry, et fing that A 
fer From Japan Exports More Vehicles 

and engineers. wi esearch 10 pro” 
ts, MCC is the bowl caret luction model has ry pe aah 
TOKYO — Japanese vehicle ex- 
. ports in the first balf of this year 

 gonmeata oo Ports 

rose 8.3 percent over the like period 
i companies that share of 1984 to 3,269,315 anits, the Ja- 
first-level efforts that later will be- manne ee ἈΡΟὶ pan Automobile Manuf 
come proprietary products, MCC nese. indusiry’s skills at ἘΠ Dou: Association said. Monday, 


5 Yhe Roval Oak 
Quotations Supptied by Fonds Listed 
29 July 1985 







Ἐπ τ 

is 5 
cent, vile fs taal 3 ἐμεῖς 

ἘΞ Ξβαξὶ ΓΕ 


ee es 


due oa at ΓΝ 
pa ly ἐπ τ πηι Μά, 

The noncallable i mayne 
aed by Security Pacilte 


ca PARIS: 8. τὸς Royale ~ 33. avenue Vietor- Hugo - Aéropon de Ἀρίων -Dury-Free- 
ν᾿ CANNES: 6, la Croisette GENEVE: 68, rue du Rhéne CRANS-SUR-SIERRE: «Les Trom Veterans: 

᾿ pen, issued S30 
due ΕΣ ἤ ἜΘ: poe αὶ 

Been = 

a Bile The international Herald ; 
a fetes me Tribune's daily paid circulation 
ΞΕ tw) SHB intl Growth 5 Ε 
—— Bias eins to break records, up 
anew 5% in the past year and 24% in 

the past four years. More than 

om 1} 10 59}. 95 5 115.1..5.- 519): ἢ 

164 countries around the world 
now see each tssue. And latest 
figures indicate that this rapid 
growth continues. 







" εἰ 
Lug Mauls LA 


ΞῈ 1 







ese ἢ 


scared for OD ai 

wary 1, to Decer 


τ πτβθ το 





χ .--ι 
ἕ ἢ banded of 
t on 

eee ἢ a 













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δε ας Ξε: 9: 298: 




oe LLL 



Internationally acknowledged ἃ 
to be the finest cigarette in the world 



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London Paris: New York 


ὮΝ — Dautache Mork BF — Bolaium Francs: Εν. — Dutch Feely: LF = 
Shanoe FV ΕΙΟ ton per ual ΝΑ. ἐν awstohe, fee acorns 
ΣΤῊΝ ss Stock § Solit; * — wm ΕΧ ΤΆ; “ 

Worlawide Εἰ Θ Pri ee boar 
‘ond Lid; @ = ce im. 
rice as on Amsterdam Stock Exchonca 


3" FHF 22 

fovftittcoteadces | lel |. 
se pencneens! Hae 
Ξε ἐξειρξιξεβε κερ!. ge | [ΕἸΣ 
δ τως poReesgemssnAmyanans [4] |g La a} ᾿ ἢ 
Ξ ~~ ne 5 Ξ earnsasqes 8 hl? Y ῷ 5 a= Ξ 8 Ξ 
5] se on 9 ΠΣ 3 Zaz a 2 A 885 2 188.38 ῷ “ ΒΒ a 3.8 
: 3 =| [Rs ἥν a hae ἅ ERY eee 2 ws Sok ssys Eg s - pe Seas 
: sale ΠΕ gesi| τργεεξηηενεσειν τε ρθε εξε τε γετεθεύερε 3 ῷ Ὁ Ὁ ᾧ 5 5 pa eS egie 
ee 215 ete BE) TEE a Ey I] > ΠΟ ΞΘ ΘΕ Ω ere Er oS ὩΣ 
age | [1 Su sega | | RiEaRetogecgene 22 SP yess 2& B88 8 Ἐ 
ΕΣ "πεν ΠΤ eee eal oa. Se Ὁ θ ΕΘ ᾷ885 5 βϑθεϑ 
i | |e ate fat | jegcasancescceeen [88 ΜΉΝ to 078 PE SY ‘aga sgggisa 
παν sty Μετ πτὶ ΤΗΣ ec ΜΔ ik ee inne [] tie ἘΠΕ Ἠ ΜΓΠΠΊΜΤΗ ΠῚ ΙΣΤ ΠΡ ΤΌΣΕΣ ALL Gat ΤΗΣ ἘΠῚ cn Ξ ΕΞ ΓΝ Ξ eee kt S iB δ. ᾧ Ὁ Ἐ ὦ "6 ἘΞ 
| i Seat cAh ttt πέρ εν lick date kal petans «ἀν ἐκεῖ εἰς, ἰἐκρξ AEE AEE SAE SAGE AGREE CSOD RCRA OE ἐλθὲ “1! ΣΝ, Ξ Ἐ "3 0 ΒΝ ΣῈ Ὁ ἘΞ δὲ Sse eae 
M ACRARE ΤΑ ΡΠ ΠΑ ΠΥ ΠΡ "μα ἐπὴξ. £¢2H64,62 | | S26. C880 ALECORSEE. S44, οὐξαξξυνοβεβδκν 8, δὲ Ἔκ ΕϑᾺ ἐπε ἕδξες. ὥ ΒΞ ὦ ᾧ a δι 
ἢ εἰξηββ εδξξδεδὲ. ALARCCEEG HOG, Oe, SUE 86. ἐς ατβοξφεεξῃ, tee] |_e4ees ete OEseS ast | [Ξεῆξ ὅ58, ἐρή Gate ἐξἤξεβσξΕΚΕδΣ meen dat an ῬῈ Se ΟἹ ΞῈ 2 Bas δὺς τί ϑ Ξ ΞῈ ὦ ἘΞ αὶ 
#8) arene germoonssidiisaunene-gensecqaza gseenenae Ξξαρεβκικέ ΓΞ ΞΕ ΞΕ Ὁ ᾧ ἢ Ξ rom S 
: ᾿Ξ Pais Paps eee REL RL eegrnpatong ᾿κεῖ ha set inct Sues κυ και κι ϑ του σον sg yy eoee-gnngerg eens eral op egng enn σαὶ «ὦ ὦ Ὁ Tis ew δΞ og. Ξ ΒΕ oe 3 | ὰ 
Fy "  S&eRReee eros a “5 πες 5 3" ene gt enon] la on = + SRR ah og me» gene FS : ‘ tt δὲ Ἐ 
Slaazpanunsnnanessagas yo ongqges a 5 aa zm ὦ wna τὸ napa 3994 9822" πὴ 5 S ggngugangs 555 259 aang εἶν. πῇ “ypapuaseass 2. O0 ῷ no) 4) Ἑ Ξ 8 oe ϑ᾽ ss δ | 3 Ξ ἘΠ 3 φ Ἑ Σ ῷ Q 
. - 4 ee q Sladen as aml ἀἴηπη 5. Ay seusnag | (Aone 8 ὅη an as 5 2 mangygteng see ane sie 8 AER 55 Βδαξηφεῦηης ἃ & Β pm 3 Bg Os Ἐ ᾿ A ge 5 Ἔ 8 Ε Ἐ ΠῚ zB ῷ δ 
᾿ ἢ BEEER SS ER Pack Ξ athe een τ, τ ἕξ, .phuwenuge<ts, pier ery 5 ve ts eee os ©, es} 
! juni TRH RELSAITAS| JnMND| iin] 8S oS GEAEGES, 8183 gessteTs κα 
ΠΕ: φατε μοπρο λα νιτρσο εν spender ΓΕ ΤΙ ΤΕ | |2, 88, #85 gEReereE BGA REE EE AERO E- mM 8 > ΟΠ 3 3 ΓΕ ‘g ΕΞ Ε ἢ ἝΞ 8 Ἔ ἢ = Ξ gis 
: ΕΓ ΠΥ ον ον ἘΝ τ ΠΧ ΡΝ ὃ EM Eo πο Shh f fe Sate BE ΒΞ 
8] et eee i ΕΙΣ ΤΡ lilt | ili tt Merit i. Milter anny ae] Cait ΡΣ faa ΓῚ ΤῈΣ ΚΞ aaa e ae Y 9.9 Ε 8 Ξ se ΒΕ ἜΝ agg Ὁ zg ϑ By 58 
| ΞΔ εὐἰεέβ tat deta sce esti ith ΡΥ ΡΥ ἈΠ Ssh enpnececeresee | |gsgetaee catsceeese _ie| ΓΗ ΡΝ ΕΞ OL ASRePegs ὁ Ἡ 8 Η ἘΠ Bo 5 5 8 ὦ 
gh] ἀπέκει μβρετονδένεξ, 4 ἀδεέβδεεβεεθξοεάξ᾽ | at FARE ἀβεξξ, θα, Ἤεατξ γε fsbeeedeeee| (tee egeenteeeg,c| [18 segnseg, τὲ 5A. Swe eam gst yRSS BSCE Sees 
“ΩΣ προ, | με, κων ΤΠ | AEF to SBC ght ATRAESECERAEREE ARES 2. cdatkat | |petores. genase, cess, coe| (pee. g,Ceeegedy | |€2-2 SX τ UPsusses Fee CHER Ὁ τὸ σὲ Ἐ 
515 με διε ὦ ον. τὐι καί. θεν δας ARE“RUQQHARERRUGAAATUG ER NS RENDER ES RARTE RETA” | | RAPA-PRORS RO Re galinas | |zae~agonmencgg | |n-ren CO A Ξ 2 5ι ὁ 5 5 Ε Ὥ 4 ee 3 5 id cee SNe 
wep S| ΚΞ Be eee a = ste “ORIN Nene oeRAeNs lesley ΠΡ 5 ox ΕΗ ΞΒΟΒΩΣ ΕΝ ns meg mhresg ee se se |olosgy 9 8.555 ps RN al - EF Boe Ἂς 9 ἕ g Poe θ' 
a ἕ a8 af "κ an 8 15 “3 z ΜΝ 9 23 JANA AAAs" yaaness 3 Β 9398 ς. Ξ τ ΞΡ 9593 98 Ab ΕΝ io} : oe ER 4 Beg a ῷ ee ΞΈΦΕ Bo 
8] ἢ as co ἡ ἡ|᾿ 3Ξ3 4 9 all 4 aM g ἦ πῇ ἐ ππεῆς πόκον 4 8 ἐπ Asien α΄. "ἢ & δὰ ἔξηῃ ἔξ] [πῆ5η5 οΌ ΕΒ δ BE: ὅϑαι SSSR ἀπ ΘΟΞΘΘΗ 
Ὧ . a <o ε8 ΜΕ vet 

SERAHS, 285, GEAREEERE [28 ξαξείες 882  ἰξλστε 


SpM0EAG0508.052 | | FEAQH SESRERStETgIAE 2 | | ASE τῇ SES RARE FE δ6458. ESR SAREE. Sansa e gees 

E, TU 

83) | | ShaSZERARE, Se6e, SELON RSREL Ε ΙΝΠ ΤΙΝΙ ΡΠ ΡΝ | gene |. St a ae 


eff : πε = i 
4 pr] PénESERR | | CSp TATE ~CARAK TE | | MAP ERRS TERE RAE SE AES | |S ARSLRNSRLRRS TERE SeteRPRes ues sees teeee AeEaR εὔξ ἐπε Sess RARE, BER aoe ofits ; ἐς 
“Gi + + + [Ft] 4+ 11: My κε + τε i ἢ τς Ξ 
‘ 5 ΕΠ ερλεριβουξυ ἐδ ἐξῥε φδβεβῥθέ! Ben fERS RES oBSRRERERER RR ὁ BEER ἀπ ἀξ δ ορε δά ee ΠΡΉΡΈΠΗ eat ARERUAIRAP ESS tht ξ] τς 5 . 
i 53] al | {δεδξε βρηκυξεξεδει, πεεεξ δα, | | angegenaange. ἃς .genasarereee 2.88.8 ἐξέ, tating ncheereeseegegsee. tees. ξι 453, ααελνεσθεε εἶτ αἰ |= κῶν: : ὍΝ ᾿ : oe 
: 3 ᾿ ξρβεβββξκδοξξέεῤξελεοξε, 2668 BER GELS ἀπ ἐπ ἐς λ δ δά εἐξεε νος | | SERAGPREIAEE GRAS PRERRSERSRCESE ἐξ | | EARL RESELL ORES. ἐς ὁ | 18 A Ean 
: : i |. $8] | | cans-osasnegeng MANGSRARLER-R “BUR SER RANA ΞΕ ΝΑ SRNL EMA E TITAS δ τ ον HAIR AN VRATAAysEE Keg RUANO-QABRNEARSELAMEQUBA= 5, : . : te Mog ee τὰ : 
By] oe lujan cee sce κ aon ger ay a g°aR Boone 50 "A S enmane x ἰχ| ὅδ 2 eegneese ΒΞ eee 8 ΞΗ͂Β. π΄: απ. φῷ Κὶ Ξήβ᾽. od ect : pease a 
> ft BY] aR agra a 9 8815 Ons ad 8 ΞΕ ae Sag Ὁ [829° 9am ange 3 2A zag 38" 8 Ἢ 3}. ; ΓΈ ΠΣ τοις 
᾿ = ay | τ 848 ἕ aa ze ἔν. |) 8. aga 58:48 a κηῆφ x ἔης. ἐδ «sal 3 auha ὃ ἢ gg ἢ πὸ 8 ἢ fee Ky 4 18 ee ae ae al τὸς ; 
, “- ΠΤ ΠΤ = nie “a SEP ἘΜ ἘΞ. 5. Ἐπ Ἐ ἘΣΕΩΒ : : E 
Ζ Span ge __ Beeseege betes ΠῚ SSE DEE if SRE cows E . = 
. la ἘΠ ἘΠ ΠΕ sc ἘΠῚ εἰ ΕΠ ΗΝ SANT fit ATE, 3 τς | γ᾽ : 
i ἔμ ἐξα, δερεξεαδεξ, EFS 2. Sah | | SRSCCCIRERERTAAISS E582 FSIS ὁ ὅξεξε {πεν RERSRZESER? 2322 δεσείείαδεε | | ἀξδῆεθα SESS BED z 5 ES @ Sa τῇ 
ee) ΟΣ ΣΝ ΕΒ ΕΣ ΣΝ EES ΕΙΣ pi ὦ a : 
t ΑΙ FS ΕΙΣ 3 5 382 ἢ ἘΠ Letina wae 42 ΣῈ SESS LRAIE 2 SS283 7 #322 S&S S83 FRF A52823, if ‘ ἘΞ J 2 SSF85 Ὁ 3 Sah 228833 5 Ὶ . 
| δ It “ΠΠΠ oT ft 4+ Vist ΠΠἘἘ} ΠῚ Pde UP τ 4{ΠΠΠΠ1]7|1 + ltt 111Ὲ 141 1tIT ΠῚ ἘΠΈΠῚῚ} ἘΠ i Uo Littl ΠῚ let liltie ᾿ ᾿ 
| Bal caagere, Ghaeds ἃ ἀραβξς, ἡ ΠΟΙ ΓΥΝΉ ΒΝ ΗΝ ἯΝ, when EREATREREESE. ὀξείας aqif*dheg | | 88228522 48, δ κεεύμαβα ἐς τ άπ. og 
ἢ EORAG*t ἐξ ἐϑα ἢ, SER SRSE ἔδει αβ ἐπ: 85. 8} CERES 2S, δα εβεξεξοξβοχελα, ἐς. | ΕΞ, δὲ, οὐδε, AEE. 2, ἐπε ἃ σέεξασε | | Peseaesee gence sgseas ae τ πὶ On + 14 
ΠΕ ΙΕ ΤΟΊ ΝΕΌΤΗΤΙ Ὁ ΟΥΕΤΙ  ΤΠῚῚ goRABAReRERt Ce. οἰβεράμε ἔσβοβδ ἃ FBS κοξξ, ξξ. δ". EE Ze | - ᾿ ; byt: Ἢ : 
8 Εν νυν τς ματος πεν ΝΣ δεν RS“ SNRESS ἡ. YM Rae GBESe SSRN S EA TRERNT ον δ δ ὦ ORERRSZPOOeRARERRg"RTEV emer | . fo es Ξ Ξ ἱ : 
tT) ΒΌΒΕΝ O22 SE SDR SL YF “SERR 5 4555 SNe 5 samecg ose 55 esRe Ss ox Se. oe =° PRS SaRTSS 9 Ff sees oe Ee fe τυ βξξῶς : ᾿Ξ = ξ 
Hogs 35 Ὁ 8305 δῆ ΞΎΝΜΩΣ * agen 5 x ; 51 3. δὲ [lot δδ 525 18 δὴ ἢ 9 ἃ Anas ΙΝ 3.7 88 5Ὲ 585 : no) lon : 
j " mae aay an καρ ἃ Sas 2 8 ek ae ee 4 πὲ ἥ πη 4 satis mg a « ἃ end La eT 5... > 
ἕν δεγερηπε  ἐξϑξ ΤΠ ; τρέξε at. ἀρ ΤΟΙΣ ie πὶ τς ἢ 
| RUBS nna ΕΠ sulla ξ΄ pa Ξ-Ξ ΠῚ : 
i εὖ Heal GPRASSSE RA" 028 ooh h AE ἘΕΕΕΙΘΕ Ξύξεξξεξ. δα oe ΝΣ ἢ ΠΣ ἢ οδξ 5 ἘΞ ΞΕΞ ΕΞ ἐξ} | SRESRELESES EE SESEES aT ee ay arty, ἢ - -Ξ Ν᾿ τ ᾿ 
I ἕξ ε Ξε ἢ RARER GRAS ERE , ἐδ όῆξε ἐξδὲ, θἐβεσθβασεε, aAEt A SPE ΕΕΡΡΕΣ ἐκ feta ἀξ ξε ες, BRAS SERA TIS, BEES asta. gto NCR age ee” oe Or ~ ᾿ ὔ 
| ἐ ΠΡ ΜΘ Migeliiiiiiuisieduiles steiin velit ΠῈΣ ΤΙΣ anal teLunueal li: “gee | 


| Hi ᾿ ἢ [ξξετεε πε ες Bees seater AEA ERRR SERS ἀξεεσπες strats arts ERRASEEE SER ἀξεαααευνεξ _asscegesesaaey  [κ σὲ 

| Η ᾿ ΠΣ ΣΝ ΕΥ  ΥΑΝΠΓ : ; : 

Ϊ q τ i 3 af sumone dae dea sacs ee ee RODSRME non RR REAM A RAEN AM RAEN RNR | | mare εν . 

ξ ΕΞ ἃ ὮΒ OWSESR “ SR @ AE MER ARES PA St me 2g Ὁ men 5 5]}.} "5 22 FS weecme πρὶ eer c= er 0} 55 5 : a ; | 

| HLS ξ ™ gy "22 9 Lawes τ aa 3299 9 5 g al /s 8329 ASIA AS YADA 3} 2 we Yes ἢ ᾿ 

; gees a ar Gy πῇ 8 ἢ Loe m gitas as 41 τῇ ἦε ἢ ἢ ἯΝΕΒ 5 τὲ δ SHS ὃς a ὙΠ ἢ ᾿ : 

i pees Ser 2p Ss ΕΗ ΤΙ ΤῊ i ΓΗ 29 =, pasts | [Ξ Es sit Pio. Ἐς asec! | 38 . εν oe 

ΠΝ ΙΕ ΠΝ ΠΕΣ Tih] [ge| | 

[ 5 Π ἯΤΟ Ἢ ρον ἐδ a dite ἀπε nee ΑΡΕΡΕΝΙζΕΕ "A SELMA EgRsER ees Eesee | | #846 “τον σον BEE a γα ΟΣ Ι 

| TE ΕΝ 5 pe Ἐξεξεε, β ἀξ, Τα Ξβ βοξ εξ ξ ἐδεξά «ἢ ἀξ Ἐκ ἐξ Ε δε gE SghSRbC SERPS SER RARRE aint EEG δεῖ, Sad Ree δ es ὃ τ νας τ Ἔ : = : σι δε ; . 1 Τὰ : . | 

he ΕἸ 

ἰ ; aq] | |SRECARELE Fults nnd EERE AGSARAS oSRTHER nRaR Ee AG aBASEAREfieag RRRRERARALZRRE ARSERA MER ANE EE εθηπββαξηβαδευνμηνιξαναιβκωθηνδν mewmmnn rene Comme Oo Εν cee eee ᾿ Μ Ἢ ες ἡ 
ιν | £5] |] ἐἐἐε ἀέξει εα ᾿ πὴ τς πολ ΛΑ aatanrasc σα ΑΝ μα Αλ μηδ a EAmmARTOGAE SR ESERSASMRRESEGEE. 6 μέν 

ἰχ] = τὸ 
2 Gag gees oF Ξ ἔς i "ὦ τ ΠῊ αὶ 
i eee segs gt 2 28 Ἢ Ε fib 
ΦΠ 182 gx ὅπ 32 4 3: g a | Ὁ ᾿ββεθεμέξεξς a  [ἀεξκάε 
> cS a ES ΠΈΣΕ ae 8 ἘΞ ἢ : τὸ a a >| |i Rypceaney ΠΣ ΩΣ ἀρ en. R eze | le | [Ἐπ 8 ἃ 
& a agent ges 29 Boge ee wpe get | BET) | yo 38:5 π ἊΣ sey a 8 στ - &" = ec lex 
3 ae} ie ΤΙΝΙ Ἢ Ἢ 30 ξ i Pass TES ΞΕ: ὲ aaa nggad κα ans 4 ae a ofan g|| ἢ 4 
1299 a0 525 ous au a κὲ ile aeataal Κ ς EEG: SESE BPE Es #8 ξ < | lees cs 
ἘΠ ΕΗΒ BD ta ΠΕ ΕΓ. - oe Ἢ : ἘΠ}: 
Ἔ ᾿ ὁ Στ gree ag es aces Fa ΠῚ tebe dct ΗΠ 982 ἘΠ sgresse ee : 2 é alll Ko [5 Ὁ 
: Ἐπ τ ἘΞ Pee eee 2282 Gs stee ke ἐξὲ 28h ἀξ ξὲ Rel seks gai et aE=D αἴξ (46 
ἘΞ hee) 011 memcag yeu mpage sie )20°| |e Tue Le τι TE LLY πττΡῚ, GCN GE Tatas ΤΣ 
A I=} G6 S435. age i Bagong ggg fees Byers gongs ses pasa tin E une! z ery 44s Ree eta EEE oS 425 BY eee SRiat 8. ΕΔ 
a5 ἜΒΠΉΒΗΗΙ : i jpn ἡ ait pearls (ea |S ΠΥ ΤῊΣ i. srarrrpparti 
a eS Sopive casas £23 ΠΕ τ Ἐξ  ξεεος ott gu" | Εἰ ῤε,ὐεδεῤεϑεῖ, ἢ aBOGGiEGtad SEARLE 2E22 AEGIS ῥά 
eR 2 ΤΣ ane Ror gat gible j ab spy php, Siete J ΕΟ ΤΠ Ν ΤΙΝΙ 
= a3 &S a ' 5 RSSEmEESREBEE «ἘΣ aiES2E eRe BRR: 5 ΓΗ} ἐξ ΠῚ τ τοις ΝΕ εξ οστς προς ἐν τς τ ΑΓ ΑΞ ΑΔ SR RSGARSE “ANE ESNATIS 4555 Sh ARORENRCR AER TRY 
BESRISHR ἀΤ ΒΞ SBSRag sess ΒΡ aes Bee & $52 i Ap ‘| agaaa? 32:3 ΔΔῈΣ ΣΙ Ὁ 4S Adz “ 5 ro] ἃς By . 3 ow sage 4 ‘ 
= Rg Ξ alfa εἴ ἔ Ἐξ ἜΗΝ i Ue Ξ ἕξι ΒΗ ἢ sve mee |) Aang” ages ἥδ ane % : ; Ξ : ang ; Ν of a 88 “ak 7 ᾿ a ; ᾿ 
° ΞΕ ΣΡ SL ὅθι, pee eee esd sh 2232 sige ayy ΞΞΈΡΕ ΒΕ: aggeaeSevsy. ϑεεῖξο | | snc tgserccveasidey ον ἔπε αϑ εὔέδο, ἔδέδοξεες} | «cies ΣῈ ἢ deSepstecee ΓΝ 
ἘΞ <5 i ΠΗ ΗΝ ΕΠ ΒΗΞΗΗΗΗ ἢ & nie Teer | | (HRS ΠΤ ΠῚ ἘΞ ΕΠ ἢ 
pe ἐπεξὲ δ i j ἢ or ied ἘΠΕ 2 43% ages ir H ee a aha ase |g #2af4 SEAEREEA 30? ΠΑΤΕΤ ΠΑ ΤΑ ΤΠΤΤΙ , 9182 Fed ΤΙ | | EE ACES Σ] 145, ἐξεάρεναβαε, διά, ας ASR ἔραν ἀπὲ SEMESEE κα αὐδὰν 
a tHe mie ἐξ ἐμ ifs ΠΕ Ρ ΠΕ Π ΠΗ ‘ Deel Sui 5553} fe gg | Hal Liscsesesasnae2to8¢ | [aabobsGaesaseescBRssksQHaSSSeREl tak -οδδε, 8 ῤεάα ΠΕ ΓΤ ΠΤ ΠΑ 
se § ΕἼ 8 83 - ΕΣ Fa 3 - yf } a BPE 32, Pir 9 515 5:5 Ε F 
8 35 Fig at ia 2a ΜΠ Ped i ΣΕ Ἢ pees. ΗΠ Mie ἘΠῚ ΤῊ ieee [ΜΡ ΠΟ ΠΤ ΤΠ ΠΡ TLL | Di ΠΊΗΤΕ ΠΝ ΠΗ ΠΗ ΤΥ ΤΗΣ ΜΗ Cte δὰ λα ἃ ane 
ᾷ ΤΕ 4: HELE EL Ἐπ εἶχ quid ξξε ὁ | a TE Hu ΕΠ ΤῊ | 5 ἐξῥίερ, [ἐξ βεξερεςξ | [Κβέξοξκξθεβεδεκεμᾷ (εξ. οξκβ | {E086 EEE, thal εἰεραβεκεκῤῥ, ἀρ. ἰδ, OGRE GCREERCSAEITER LGR ΠΥ ΤΟΝ ΎΝΈΌ ΠΗ ΜῈ ΤΠ 
5] oes εξ aah Boost dnc nets ἘΡΕΙ ΠΕ Ye ΠΕ ὅθ 5 885 88 | 7 cepatsg| [.ἡγ 8. ἐπε, ἐξ | | AEE LaSEe ap ARLE LESERE | | EAAASROEEC.d856 £5 024.6888 8s ἀγξρεδι AQseeCEEE,SagaKgeesed g | ΞβΉ46ΕΕ. ἀκτεδμβ,ξιν, ἀϑε δ ΚΕ δ C6, 
᾿ & re + tere | hi Wa | ΠῚ ΤΠ ΠΗ κ᾿ ΠῚ ue [ ΣΕ ΝΣ ΤΕ cl Oh SHARLEEECESS LEEK 
= =| ὃ τ Er : #8 au Σ ; 83 8 ἔ : Bod 2 i saa i ως Φ. ΕΡῚ Ε ΞῈ ἢ arenes! QrERvtperqcegga | |Regrenegnsensgnpsang¥p-spen bert ΤΡ ἊΝ REVIR MSGS ΓΤ ΣΤ ΡΩΝ Με ν τ" Fs “gay ἽΕΙ ΒΕ, athe 
ἢ ᾿ g ‘rie & ne ap ares τς να νιν ἕν. μρν ἥεὰ ag | | ARRERS“RNAMRRSAMICRURSES BREEN ΝΠ, 
Ξ ΕΙ an fat ling al opal 2 fete i # S a = onga cea ae 20 884. a7 aS oR =i 2 515 -3 ; gaa te ae a ang me a Raass ἢ 
& 5: Beg teed pao es Η ἶ ΒΒ 5 5Η: rf - 85 ant .- mA GARR ἃ βῆ 8 2 58. 5848. 8. eee ἕ αὶ ak ase 5:5 ἅδε: Ν ΝῊ ας {ες 8 
ay " ag Cgaa τὴ ee. i Ε i sige Ὶ ‘N agai ΠΗ Bie] | oF ; ΓΗ ΤΠ SREB ou ἢ ΕΠ Ἢ ἐξα ΠῚ ΔΟΒ ΘΕ, | δὔ, 50. τῆς eoghsbezee tt 3 
ἕ 4 Ἢ ΠΗ ih Heal ᾿ ἢ Hiei Η εξ He giles 1ΠῚ ΠΗ ΠΕ ΠΕ ἘΠ AGS ΜΕ ΠΕ ΠΕ ΠῚ ΤῊΝ ΠΝ 
μὲ =e os ἢ g = ἢ Vyas 21 = ἐξ. i ἘΠῚ i “ar ee: ἃ ; a) 2838522 | Εἐἐβϑοξ, δ ἔς | | SP RER RE RERAEL TEESE Rak | [Sach op SECLER ἐς εν κεεξ δα ἐξῇ SUF? ARREARS ὁ, Ξε σα, 5 ἡ ὁ AOMERAE SS | | tage ἐξ βεξκέξεσδα, αρξάμες, SE ἐπε SES 
ἫΝ = am 2 Σ 3 aaad: ; ΓΒΕ g 2 ἢ! ΕἾ: ἌΠΑΙΣ ΠΕ Ξ 7? 4388 Ξ βὰν 1 ΠΑΝ 2 a J 355 revi an 1553 Ξ ri = ne 7 πὶ 3 τ #2 Ξ: 1:15 ΕΣ 588} rn a Wat 7: ᾷ ἘΠ art ξ enna wen 584 ga 
ἘΠ ΓΙ ΠΡ ΠΡ cerca eau eel 
ae 5 Ἡ pgp eeee Baby 51: a3 ; ES Bilon Ἐ é Re δ ἐξ CRE RERe ROS As | | SERRE ESCACRASE. | ἐξῇ «δ ὐ δε SEMPRE AE Rand RS hachteeaGe | Ἐξ 8. RHE R aS eRRERUSEE AR Rees | [Ἐξ 
: ὥ ἘΠῚ el ξξ ον i ἢ ΗΠ i gs ist Ἐξ i i a, ὁ eeeseg| | 2nAeetslt too tRE SHS SUS SSASUd| | LUGE SaEEABU| ε νενἐξημεκαμαε μετα αι ΑΆ 2ΕῈ [eaten ααβα, κα αμ βεμεέ ει, τὲ 
: Ξ ‘ Es ἘΏΝ gis a Ἶ τῇ ΕΞ εξ anus ᾿ 34 bass ΕἸ aa tall $8) sancrggaoas | | anaggeapazcnngenengeageonmopgzecnnsnongenezsenngppegee | |e-e~aqasapraanangageape | |2--eevuageengarangnygrcenssycHse GAP" BOO ABEORAERpanas™agzapen | |ecg 
Ζ i gee Age oesa ag By are |] 3 ιν ἘΞ 58} a8 iB ΜῈ 5 δ᾿ A 92a AAS ὍΣ SA ΣῊΝ ὩΒΌ)Ὴ ABH IAM WAAL) ςὮ'Ὦ “ oe A Yt ἘΔ ὅπ ag Δ tg “og a 3 
, Ε Fae aati I ᾿ ἜΤΗ Hi ag ae ἐν ease BY] qf os wh |) gages nm 58 ἔπ τρεγῆδηδαρ woe a mag deen] | 2 as εἰ ἃ Al [adopt ag sh τη ἤν. | [2g 15 2 
: : sans Ξ : ἘΘΈΒΙ | 455 πξδεδεῆε] |.-tedsecrsted bates pnbudsdeaeghsstyazeuscepectetuncs te | | peels cciany gate εὐξξδας ἐπ εξϑϑε aegegervesseoees (|. ge Γ 
ξ τε μη τ πὰ aga 1985 ageegye gaceegs ga | {|||}}} [stilt isa ΙΝ HAUS | οἰ ΠΕ ἢ ATES | τ EESTI lal ii 
Ξ ἘΠῚ ΓΕ 5 i Be 34 FE EEE seyed ΠῚ ΞΉΗΙ ἢ ἐἰἀέξ,αε. ΕἼ 1. Ἐπ88, ας δ δός, ALIFE SERREDEAE με τοῦ eCRAIEE RE CEE At | | RELELURRAL, ἐξ, RERERESE | δ. «5. ἐξ εεῦμε ἐξεηεοδάβεες, τα] ἜΒΑ AA Ε, κε ἡ Γ ἀξ 
! a s ἘΓΡΉΣΗ is i 5 Euee ete: ay 3 ΠΗ alge εἶ FL a ἐπ te_seseeses [δ ξεῖνεε, ttbte AasetsRanzhd SUEUR ACGESREEORESERCseReS | |aszeae cececeenede. seas | | Acer. teseeageensae f.ctszzee.£2 | |Asee ἢ, 454, CECE, age baat Aaeze | δε: 
τ Ler ΠῚ : ἕ 5 5 a ᾿ =, 5 ΠῚ ‘so ae a3 Ξ joes Se gat 7953 sguee 2? wanesnae £232 3 yaea 5 Sa 8 ἀρδαξκανοξς ἀραῖς of ἡ BASE 3 SEES FERRE πα αὐῷ SSD EETES #ELLIFS IKIF2 34 5558 RAZ 330 #8 $2 352 8 Ἀπ 
4 a ΕΞ: . He ἢ 8 ὅξε} As z irs Ἢ a. ditt TTI { ΕἸΠΕ ΕΙΠΕ Tadd My {1 + +1t ltd dd lt Ε11}}1| + Ι ΦΕΙΕ 1411} + ΕΓΠῚῚ 1ΠῚ11}1 aed Be (LIL dd Tale Uitte yh {ΠῚ Lh # 4d id Foti 
ἘΞ ἐμ ΓΕ Ϊ ΣῈ 88: ἐξ ff 4 sa eesdee. A Yi «ΕΣ Ἐπ ΞΕ} GEG 888. 31 SPREEREGAASE axtonKt8E.4- staf SAAENE BIOL ASASEEAZAERSEE TATEAEAAEE κε, C0005,6¢56.p E00. GRCRECREENZ AREA | | BARRSUCEE, AADEARE Re GRhteRE. Ge, ἐπέλῥφε | | te deb tdpastate te 
δὲς i Ce Bu ayaa το ον μ᾿ ἢ E ΗΠ age ACA μα ERAEERAERSREELR. ££, C0255, μέ ΤΣ 
| i | uaa i. ai | ἢ ἯΙ ὃ 7 ΓΗ ΒΝ ἷ ἀτξβξϑ ες ἢ ᾿πεβκεαβϑεξέ EE δῤβηνΕΈ 78, ἀβέβε ΚΕ, ΠΣ ΜΉ, δβδέβ, ἠξεδβοβξδ, θξβῇ δρεξὲ, HEHE SESERPEECE εξ, PAE SRA C406, | |BAERCLERY ALES να, dee satane, secuaee.f| [56π5, σεδϑεν πο, ἢ, ὅτ 
: “δὶ : Lit Ἢ πεῖ 9 58}- i ΜῈ Hee [3 ἐξ Ἐ 88 8 ἃ areal Ja) Sebongneugspagzanespasmanaatyegngesnane=partangtageensre npnsygagResutngenssunsag ΝΎ ΎΝῊ | | Uga-perpEHeNERgsgr-gesMsaagscennnspgaes | |Resey “Byes ESEDSTE™ 
: 2 i 2 

complete because it States said it 

through the issue of 18.75 million pence each, down from 320 pence 

Ὁ gauysudee - ΒΕ ΒΞ ΑΞΉΒΒΉΞ) ἢ ὃ 1385 3 55 am ἢΝ ἈΠ 9 sata: 2 Ὁ ἢ 3 3 53. 3.335 " na Sanat 58 amg ἢ 
Ξ ΠΕ Ba Ha B 388 By ks a wll tH ἢ SMe ἡ πα AO πε ετῆκη ὃ εκ πῇ ρθη a ok Ε ἧς -π ὁ αὶ ve 2 RR 5 nana ae x "ἢ 2 
i Q g : ἕ ΓΕ ΕΞ rc) 9 fx ἢ ἜΣ ag Pats ibe Sge6 anne Rarer Ly Ses Gneebe ΓΕ S%sPeE_ Be ow, δ 538 5 ἘΡΥΥῚ Laet Ξ880 σι Σ ee cease ΗΠ ὡς anette sa 
| | a epeseah Ξ io paul ἘΠ ΙΕ ΤΉ (Eitan 
; 1 ἘΞῈ εἢ aE ar ἕξ a 38: SSRSER in fa pe gal g Boke af ἐπ εξ εξ, AEE RSE ORE FES co ἐδ. REECE ἐν oS * EAE ESL EARS EERE δόξες SE OE AEARES ὅβμες δέσανε ας, ἐξ} | 2428 FHS CREEP PEE ha ἐς τεν MEGSRECERS | | 2. SSS2EAECAERS ARE 
ΠῊ 4} δ 48 baat Ὲ ἘΠῚ aii ΠΤ eee εἰς Ξἢ Wit Gates ΤΕ ΤῊΝ ΠῚΤΗΝ ὙΠΕῈ ΤΣῚ ΤΊ ΡῈ Gn ΠῚ: mien ταν Mangan? ἜΣ ΤῊ Tare aaa 
᾿ ΘΓ5 Pres δ σε ae, a 5 εἶ wil τ Bude ΠΗ ΗΒΓ ΤῊ 4, 44°E,.# SORESTEE EGRET SGUESE PRL a oncn fll | | RRGRSEREMEERSES LOE SEARS EP LRecEaE, ΣΝ ΠΓΉΙ |2 be dag ecetete 
eee Wr - Ws Oe" aha gi i Ce | coment ΘΕΒΕΡΕΒ ἐξ ηΘῈ 8 ἢ ἢ [ἐξ ϑέ εξ β πες βεό εκ. 5. ΕΞ ΈΞ5., ἐξεξ δ ἐπ nh Εὐτε, ὅς ἐφ βεεξεσεξε, THER EO ἐΈξά. {ες | | § -SRERGFRLESE SERS EAGER IASEL CE ἐαεέφέεξα ἐς | {5:88 ἀτξέξξξεσις 
ἔπ ἢ ΕΞ ag i az 2 a vie U ΓΗ ΠΗ qeigy wad [Π 2) | | ngsesege. 205 τῇ, exegeeesgesseszs.. «βάν EO QERELE GREE GBS tfEahent- REE | | gER{EEEEREGEE GPE EgCE not Ὁ. δὴ, 258 20002688 | ἐδ. ἐν, δὲ, £9806 ' 
yoo qa - 1 N ἘΞ ΘῈ a" ess τ Bee ¢ εἰ ᾿ 
: : . 3 εἰ τη 5 Ξ I 5 ian i Ξ ΠΗ ΠΕ a at pl Ἢ i αν νὰ FUR πες εκ κυ HBN™ SOG ERAN NH AR κι χι ν ε να κυ τὸν δ πον οτος τὸ} τον πα ἢ 
Ἑ κ ag | rere §. 2RoB BA: ΗΝ Ν᾿ 3 5 “55 § a aR aa ἢ aR 5 a 835 3 992 tags SAS “1 ἢ 5 50 Ξ “Ὁ 
ea ἥ [ Ε ἘΠῚ ad 3 a ΞΕ ἢ ; ξ Σ ἘΠ ἘΠΡ ah Ξ He i ix vie δὰ e 8 pate ag y ᾿ Ξ ἐξ τᾷ 53 & mee aia sie : sare ag ἢ 5. af 
ee FB 3 4 2 S24 ἔ asape ἘΞ. ΡΣ br zag Ee, EEebSesEstale βεᾶς υ ξεδ ἐξ stele βοθῆσι acteniucheuysGasta, φὰ εὐτεῦταν ἑξρὰ δ υ εἤτώξεσθας, 2.059, RBS a pon ξευμδυϑηβοξ ες τἀν ε eves 
lel ee alu oe aU Stiga Ἐς ee Gil Hees ΠῚ ἘΠ ΠΕ UNE) |GET REETE Dod ΠῚ ΠΡ ΠΕ ΕΠ ΠΗ] 
πές ς 8 a ee eer ey er is ξ ἶ ἘΣΈΗ] HE ἢ ye gi | | sseseeeeetoseseeneseneeneatee age ae A ELEEL ALREGE AEG AERELED- | ἦδέ, θέε. ἢ, Sha AGEEN GE εεῖεῖ,θᾷ.. [oof CERRCESERE 
tal] 5. 5Ξ1π2: age a Aeisstiy Agghbe les 5 3358 ΞῈ 1. εἰκοιξηλασάράτες SEES CEAMEESRERESE ALES 2SCEPELEIOLIE E2U2 δ βερξροὐδἠββρβά  [ξρβ δε βδεθηϑεδξης αϑξ. ες, 28888, .agegs2 | |e. 5. 288 τ 48 

“Ss mended 














EIGHT MORE YEARS? SHOPPING MALLS! KLASS: How Russians Really Live ἱπ Willis’s view, tis the hes that winds the 

ως spring that powers the gears that drive the 

By David K. Willis, 355 pages, 51495, eheels om which. che Sine Ruan sys 

ταῖς, Ine World rigsha reverend 

Se. Martin's Press Inc, 175 Fifth Avenue, 
New York, N. Y. 10010. 

Moscow bureau chief for The Christian Sci- 
ence Monitor. Dering that ume, he became 
aware of what all long-term visitors to Russia 
seem inevitably to notice. Far from being the 
classless society that its theoreticians and 

Reviewed by come,” writes Wat “In the {πιὰ Kingdom 
‘ y it is still connected to Sirth, speech, menaers, 
Cheistopher Lehmann-Haupt In the USSR. daw is ἃ deadly sedous 

ΑΥ̓ΤΌ K. WILLIS, an Australian by — business, bound ap sat job, coanecuons. ite. 
birth, served from 1976 unnl 1981 as tative, vigilance, and rue Riess is whag 

you have in abundsace if su ure at the top — 
if you are a Communint Party clvef, 4 govern 
ment minister, a miiary marshal. ἃ senor 
general, 2 member Οἱ GB ur potice elite, 
or among the hancful of well-hnown scientists, 
intellectuals. artists and entertainers. Buz Adass 


pends finely calibrated degrees of rank leaks down. evert to the lumen levels of the 
ome and varviege to an its motivated and urban and rural classes, Evervone hos at least a 
Hon! its economy moving, Willis calls the resulting tiny piece of Klass. even if oniy a job ina 
— perquisites and payoffs by the simple name theater bux office or the power to adaut pa 
Γ- klass. tients to a hospital emerzency foum: otherwise 
ite Instead of merely mentioning this phenome- it would not be posable lw survive. 
ian non among numerous other sociological obser- Kass is interesting 10 read about. up τῷ ἃ 
"3 vations, as 50 many authors of books about the certain pount. in Wilhs's hunds. i provides an 
me Soviet Union have done, Willis devotes an occasion for funny or pathetic anecdotes and in 
5 Ε entire volume to it. It is fitting and useful that permits him (Ὁ reveal some sevacficant detads 
Zz : Ξ he has done so. Most withevenacasval οὐ Russian life: that it is nat unusual to ἡ 
ao YOUR WIFE CAN'T imterest in contemporary Russian life have more than 51} percent of one's budge! on food, 
= LITTLE BUILDING, ἢ ᾿ΘΤᾺΝΡ PIPE SMOKE heard about the shortages af consumer goods, or that banks pay only 2 percen! on savings 
15 MR. ZERO? Ξ IN THE HOUSE, the inordinate time it takes to perform the most deposits, We learn what Russian authors re- 
i Qoeal> = basic household shopping, the endless lines ceive in rovalty payments (tht more their 
mn i ong must wail into acquire the sinsplest JUxUry. books sell, the lower the rate: and that st has 
isu grip? z have heard of the shadow cconomy proved possible τὸ bribe traffic police with 
ΕΣ a 5 3 and the black market, of the terrible shortage = copies of Plavboy maguzane. We are wld thal 
La 20 Down Under 63 Iroquoian 35 Crandall of FY of living space, of the near impossibility of because of Klass and what st has done to 
ite native ‘ 37 Spons a 5 buying a new car. Yet few readers will beaware Russian health care, tie life expectancy of men 
ΚΗ 21 it 64 Stamue's garb - shia i of the pervasiveness of klass in Russian society. and women is less than what it was 30 years 
iu 22 Suffix with - Frat vets 38.Catherine——, 3 ago. Klass allows Willis to discuss the problem 
on acid ee nica last wife of ἢ Solution to Previous Puzzle of non-Russian nationabties in the Soviet 
ver 23 Tent Heury VIL Η Union and to conclude thal, contrary to some 
ἘᾺ 25 Bandleader DOWN ? os Meatow, ὃ leit SI ja [Talia TL [ν ΤΑ] speculation, it is not likely to cause sertuas 
ae Shaw 1“New Earth” 49g Ξ [τ| 0} ΒΕ Μ]ΕἸΘΤΑ Balu) iin δίεπις of dissension, at least within the 
ἢ, 27 ears composer: 44 Moand Sta foreseeable future. 
in 30—Vegas 2. Jacob's twin from Ariz, The only serious drawback to “Klass” 1s that 
me 31 Movie mogul 3 Equine has- 45 “Shed ——-!" its author seems throughout to be driving at 
Ὡς 32 A feast —— beens Keats some final climactic point. What that finally 
ΓΗ famine 4Hideawayfora 46 Hospital tums out to be is contained in the question: 
ΓῊ 33 Weakens skeleton? department Will Klass eventually serve to undermine the 
a 35 Jr.,e.g. 5 impish 47 Habitat for Soviet empire? Willis's answer seems to be that 
Ὧν ι bats? maybe it will in the fong run. but not in the 
ΕἾ immediate future. For the time being at least, 
m he concludes, K/ass is more an instrument of 
ΕῚ party control than it is ἃ time bomb tickiag 
im away in the foundation of the Soviet system, 
3. Christopher Lehmann-Haupt is un the steff of 
ΓΗ 7/30/85 The New York Times. 
ξ By Robert Byrne QBP’s by 3... BXN; 
2 4NPxB was not to create ἃ 
5 yi‘ ‘Timman, a 33-year- yyinerable weakness, but to 
i old Dutch grandmaster, cripple them so that they 
i achieved an easy triumph in gould not be used 
2 the second Interzona! Tourna- ’ 
2 ment, held in Mendetaxco, did undoubie 
was 12-3, 
᾿ interzonals are the sec- may acd : 
ond step in the two: le — his backward QBP, His 
UNTIL_A FEW MONTHS AGO Sa Rete Ser vente NA Stage ΠΡ Teurna, @empl 10. take tactical , 
I FELT THAT NO ONE RESIGNATION P_RESIGNATION? Tn “| meat, were Jesus Nognedras, a Vonage of Timman's, piece 
YOU CAN HAVE! Coban with 10 PxP, PxP; 


_ worl QED; 14 BrR, OxPch; 15K-- aly 
was third with 10-5, and ΚΟ. Bi, ὀχβάι; 16 ΚΙΝ2 RXB tive win Ree ee 

[ After 2 en the 
Party was over, but man 
qualified for the Candidates RRP, but after 19... QR- played to the pert 

πα SN RENNES τ τ ΓΕ: 

Tournament from the first Οἱ several white pawns were before giving up. 
Totexzonal, which was held in banging and not be 
Tania, were se SE ENGLISH OPENING 
Bet te te Ge DD NS te --- κ΄ 
count wii Ι nh ‘Tm . 
JU MB! J gl TH ϑοπαμδιεῦ worn ame Union aad Lajos Postisch of but after 20°... ΟΡ ΤῊΣ ἘΣ Her ἘΞ 
AR @ by Hens! Amokd and Bob Lea Hongary, The remaining place Black’s threat of 21...N- 3 ae ote ke. 
Unecramible these four Jumbles, wil decided by ἃ piayot? Ké6ch dominated. ite mm whence PN 
ona letter to each square, to form match between Gavri- After 23 N-B7, Timman $53 PS? Zhe 
ondary kov and Alexander Chernin, could not play 23... Ἀς ὁ Μᾷ, Ba, 5 ΚΞ 
TINAF both of the Soviet Union." QBI? because of 24 Ὁ ΟἹ, ἡ ΒΡ he EEG ΕΞ 
NAF Timman used his cnrent ing to mate with 25 Big ge Κὶ ἐπ 
rXyy [|| favorite variation against the N-R6éch! However, his ἡ ὅ5᾽ ΝᾺ “Bees Sone 
\ AA 1 ing tw defeat the 23... NxP!; 24 0.86, R- BME ἈΦ BEM me 
ae British grandmaster Jonathsn Q8 cut through the technical ἢ ἘΦ Gar Ress ΚΕ 
CIDDE . τς and left Black with 3 bap gen 4: og 
‘The point of doubling the a winning game. ΕΣ ΤῊ ὡς 2. 

Ki (χ) 

“a 8 Mien Lew Close Chee 
| MIRNIF | [:.} 2580 Lumonics. Se 2 De te 
δι ΒΒ!) δου Mcton HX ΠΡ τὺ Isles By 
τε ΤᾺ oy 
moonemice tc a "EB Bel omeee | Bee PS 
Ε KAA hk NEEDS INORPER Vi Fi BHP 424 gaz we he BuMorsy ΜΝ 
‘ JO KEEP AFLOAT. ἴα Agence France-Presse July 29 perol a4 μὲ ἫΝ] omsampre sie γπὶ uty mune. one aa Bete 
Closing prices in local currencies unless otherwise indicated. Castlemaine 745 740 | Rican Wa Wo) ὦ WAckionds = Slew Neu τοῖς — ἰὰ MBFNoronda = S17H Ie IT th 
; LSTEJER gaale- # Sime 1 ὮΙ ae, Se LH eee, ἐπ ὑδ Bee 
ἂς {|| ΚχῈ oe . corel ip | Be ἐξ [2] Rte και ἐξ | aA Bee Tee ἐδ, ἃ cee, ge ge ghe w 
: A A hs J Hoechst za 1x90 | Commerciot U ἊΝ 41) Bis | Bunton, 2 243 |SwnttomaBonk md 86] “anarcce ἈΠῸ ΤᾺ A” Svosmeoa! sine ane wae 
: σψ-τ ν-Ὸ- Chose “Prev. | tortor 1,46 "Sgt | Coorsoutds F my ἠδ fel Avsttutia 38 Ἢ See Re 13 αὶ wa Sy ἐν την wl ai ρας Alin Sue We! Ἦν ἃ ~~ 
ἢ Aowral X X XY jort } ΑΒΝ sm] 501 | Huseat age 31a | Dotocty. Ἐ a ao i 15} ποὺ ὅσας “see 2500 Poncan P A aaah 
i PAN A A AA A 27 274 | ὮΝΚΑ ‘27 _ 27 | De Beers « Ba zal mm 299 181 (ieee 18} ed Sz Sh oe Bes Ὧν, Bete 
4 100.50 101.20 | Koll + Satz 2s 27 | Disiiliers zs [51 Ziad | Aver 320 244 | Talsno marine ὩΣ wm ‘Bank NS SW We a+ el ὁ00 Pembina Sos 16 Tels 
J wee N@0Borricka ὀ 157 153 — 4 | ΠΡΟ Phonix Ol {σ᾽ δὼ 5 Φ 
H A ἘΣ tages | Karstost 2a Die | brteorrein τς Ξι} Ε & Aust gonk = 475438 | Takeda Chem m@ ἘΠ "mieal HS, eK 41 ΠΡΟ So” Se e+e 
L Vestas | Jumbjex: MERGE RANCH EFFACE GAMBIT am op "HR | Keectrer uo, "tes ba | ΙΝ on ΓΕΝΕᾺ 3 4G, “toeracme” 29 15 2 — 9] csiesPloce”” τὰς τας Bus w 
Answer: How some prominent femily trees were Amro Bonk Ce Βὲ τὸ Stahl IGT 110.10 | Gen Accident sig. 5 145} id Coat Trust Tm Ww Fp mene an Τῷ Bramoles 17 δὴν 17 -- Me] 225 Proviog 0 δεν ξέν 
εἰ staried—S¥ "GRAFTING" BVG oe “Ὁ tose. 402 25 | GEN ΖΗ mw 552 542 ‘Printing ie ‘Brenda δὲ ἅν ϑῆς aoe Que Sturge «Ὁ “5. 4S 
3 Buehrmonn T 2 yet | Lafthonsa 212 777 | Glaxo 12 1172072 19764 i Thomas Nation 214 219 Forey Ind oS 25} BRB. PO” ὍΔ Ww +] BOO Ro δι, "δὰ διο- ἴα 
Ἐκ eles 8 MAN 1S7 162.29 | Grand Met Ε.:} a 140 @ Western Mining 45 4 μεὶ Π Res a me ay ‘2535 Rovrock f Si Bh et ὦ 
2 Ekavier-NOU Y Monnes| 187, GRE m 7a 55 Westpoc Banking 4ΔΕῈ2 458 35 BC a 8200 Redpom Si 1H 1 
eee oe Se eon el a | ee = | won tek ἴῷ ease 8 S| fore, |e Be ἔξ. ol Sais Be ee 
Ἴ WEATHER fon Bae, os lime = ἘΩ͂, τ πε Set ee ua 
ik See πῷ gee ae Comoe Ε ἃ & 3| —__ aie Briere, Bh By Bo lien Bee 
τ EUROPE ASIA Not Nedder 140 7798 | RWE 750 17429 | Josvor m= ἴῷ 1 ΤΙ 3 WCNorwest τῶι +% ἘΝ Goat con 255 We Ὁ 
τ μι τον pace) HIGH ἴον ΟΜΝ ΤΩ LandSecurites 421] 24 Te δῖ y ΤΣ C Pockss, se e Tutt 7e90 ὙΠ Bu 8 -ὦ 
tg crFcrE crcrF See vender G aa ae | igen ἘΣ WB | Cover cencrat 4 5] δὲ 8540) anor τ τ 55 Sem Trost Ξε ἢ ὦ] ἰδ oe ΒῚ ΠΡῸΣ Ὁ -- ὦ 
μας δῆμα" . ΞΉΠΘΠ : ΝὩ ὀ ῴἜἊτὴὶ ὧδ ξηοςς ΕΝ ie ΕΣ Ξε, Εἰ ἘΠ rr ee Pe ἐξ oe 
τ Barcelona eae oa ΞΈΞΞ καὶ [een ‘Be ea tee come Se feats ΟΣ Ge wraas "ipa | Bridoestone By BE | Aces 306. sam) ΩΝ Gora Hee ie" i * | ao ξεν ἃ m i Bt ek 
ΗΕ: ‘Belgrade 88 1 Ὁ G6 fr | New Dothi 2% 34 7% Ὁ | Rorento 46 | Wells 573 374 | Midond Bonk ὯΔ 1) 7% 4) Cana a δ ἘΞ ἘᾺῚῚ s6i71 Celanese Ws We e+ We) WEA Syonevo a % τς τῳ 
ta Berle ἃς Ἢ 17 83 ch Seoul Mw ἢ Not Wes? Re Costa 1385 1359 | Autoahon 5900 5875 [ 5110 Contr ΤΙ δῖαν 12 000 Talcere 
if iss DD fe Sn =D [Olen ad it commoner: won [Pong ae ἔξ ἘΞ Βπτῃ οι rie (ἢ ita |Sromn liver «ee 94} ἠποξιιεε, ἸῺ ty ὕὰτ wl ieltecrte εἰς Ὡς Ey 
ti βία «4 3 19 ἐ6 ΕἾ Tape BRS ἢ s+ | VME Son he] jae 0 Doma towe ἘΠ 80} αδυ σεν ΤᾺ sata | comcoranes «=m fe ἐπὶ Ὁ Motenten 6 Se i sie 
«ἢ ξοροσιύσνα Ὁ ἐᾷ 15 5 0 Tekyo Bonus κι [VNU min 725 |(~“Johenneshearg ] ew 1 owe nes Ti 7g | Ecrowalt Be ἘΠῚ οὶ αὶ | GI ἢν esa] gMoTomna = fie ie 5] 
ἢ geod RABE Areca aneges gern βόε ταῖν |L = Sac “ee afd Sie, = lee, | ἘΞΞΕῚ aa lt (aces, oe ee 
13 Sdiaburat 15 89 12 St OF Alters 35 95 18 δὲ fr . Anglo American 2510] Reed inst a ru 86 azz | Joab Suchord 75 δίζῃ | 200 Crown 
(fo fom ghd Ὁ Stim FBTR E ln a ere ae Heian 6 ΘΙ ρος. ΚΙ lee baw | deine SRB 60 5: 
ta Geneva. man τ ἔοι δ ἐξ aS ΕΚ Ἰδὸ τὰς a ΞΡ Henke 10 yaa | fm 40} ΦΟξροππαα Tn 1 Ἰὰ — val SUR Trcon PL. Whe Wie 
a Hetsind Ἡ 66 12 54 fr perore nanva “τ Arbed 1495 140 | Suffers 625 60 a 65 donan Alr Lines = 7725 yee S790 G0) Seiden Bt πτῆς Tee IsK + Hy] 2ΕΣ2 Trimaoc OM Δ 5 --. 
ris istanbul Ἃ Ὦ 1 ar Benn Bekoert san seu | De Βσατβ 1900 980] Sainsbury τὸ ὑδ Kalima, ase es | Gertikon 6 451s 153i | 1800 Devatcon τῶν, δὲη a Ὧ 4425 THON A, Ὧν ἢ +h | 
19 Las Poles, Ian Aw 2 Cockerill a7 ὯΔ Oriefontein 425 915] Secrstekings 9%. Th e Kansai Power 1860 1870 Baby MeO [ 86963 Dickasn Af bc Τὺ ie ἃ V6 Trizec Af wa a ag 
ΠῚ Wolrabt Sate ip Bone te ΤᾺ ve Kowosoki Steal = 159168 | Sondoz We tao} “Ts Dicken Mas Turon Ἄ, p 
ee ΞΘ ΜῊ amen [item ἢ Bele | ome ὦ ἢ Bue ὦ Slee, Ὁ Ὁ] eee, ae eS) ἐδ υτέσ. εἰν Τὰ ie 
¥ Hivesg 55) 50 345] Kubota ὅς us | Surveltionce ΝΑ --ἰ Tang =I5 nepeise x 
‘yg nica ne ἢ d SaL ee | ae ἐδ EB} nan a 48 ΕΠ ΓΞ Se τὴ | Setnoir tS wn OuPontA ἔζη, ΕἾΝ 700 U Keoa Ae Het ἢ 
Vie ΓΝ 5 is & ὦ BuenmAires ἰῷ 8 5 um tr | Gevoert ii | Hoot ΘᾺ ΘΕ ToteondLve = 4g) at Ha Bi) Με ee nde eo so | See me THE | Sova sige ἸῺΣ a+ 300 Slane Es 233 
158 Meni Moms 15 δ᾽ fr | Caracas ΞΜ Ὁ on tr | Hoboken 35) 500 | Pres stevn Seo oan} eee emt 8B Ὁ 315 Mateu Elec Works 764 70 | SwiseRainnronce mel ταῦ | δὴ eee Same Med 000 Versi 46 -} -ὸ 
ἢ bros Pea Of cme we & δ | iercom a ΜᾺ fam | ΤῊ ΕΞ 82 ΔΕ] Μηδοβέν, Book trad ΤῸ | Swiss imo ims | was eae Be ih ies ἃ} ovation =e ete 
iif Osta anu i fr Mexiociy 2 73 1 ὁ] fr | Kredigibo SA Brows, MS ΤῊΣ Tre we =O 2 278 ‘Aiteubiahl Cham 483-4) | Urilon Bank ὧς am] SCAR ΤῸ, Fes | Da Wekiwod wo : 
ie Poris Ἢ Ἢ 5 9 εἰ Ridadoneire Ἢ 16 14 47 tr | Seay a St Helena ἄπ 206) THE Ww Ὧς 256 258 Mnsublent “3 ep | Wieterttar Seo 50s) ὙΠ ΟΡ | Se Te Wes μὶ Gwesmin ἔτι τῷ TE 
is Prague 1 i Sosol No. “30 —-| Mitsubishi Heavy 50 | Zurich Ins zs Das} y SUL Lvs δὰ. Wy) 2280 Weston wo atm 
iS Ev fg ¢@ τ NORTH AMERICA iver 38 ἢ] Warten ΝᾺ =| Bolivar moa | Sime θα ΕΤΊΕΞΞΕΕΩΣ ΕἸ iMepceak αν oe Se, y|"Saveae” πὲς ἧς ae 
1B, ΕΞ a REAR © ante | We ἢ ἢ oc | tone | ay Stock index : e750} UilzES Biscuits @ pac Ξ Ra ἤλπισα ΟΡ ἊΣ BA | ρπνίοας ssa ποῦν Πα fee ee Total antes LANE? ποσται » 
‘iat iro oD aa Alin mn | Unery ΜΆ 1 viene Wookworth aan] 3Steaneo 222 9) | Aitsumi 42 : $78 Geoc Come a ae ὶ 
i Venice nan tr See aes Bc | Viele Montosne 6800 δή FAT. 30 Index 3 93240 Untied im ΤΠ] Nek tensor ie ἮΝ ΝΑ: not quoted WA; not | 30, 3S 6s 5 --ῸῚ δεν Previow’ 
=e Vienne 2 Βὲ Ἢ 8 Danver 75 la 57 τ | Corres πέσον Index : 207723 | Komden |) mereen ΝΙΝ ia bass iano Sec Ὁ Moro | Seaham eerie, ie] 1 ge τὰ FRA ἴδ} 156 200 ane: τοῦ onal 
ter REGS αὶ Bes, pad oe [Ame | ΕΓ ΤΩΣ - : iz ies 
εἴθε Honoleiu 2 23 71 pc ΑἹ YOns Zz 7:8 a Previous 5 ἢ 5S ὦ <5 
δὲ MIDDLE EAST ewstea ὯΔ ὅδ ἢ Τὸ 5α Ἀπαῤο πα. De sh . OGL rerest se nw D +h * 
: im EERE 1 ἃ Ὁ τὦὮἃὮᾧὮἴᾧὮ!Ἕ ᾿- 
ΠΝ amore ΠΕ soot Ὦ 984. Ψ 5 μὲ anperes ig ΤῸ Wace s δι, She τᾷ : 
“ah Beirut BM MS ft Minoo ἸΒ ΤΊΗ 8) δὲ [ARG Telefunken 12458 ym | Borciors Ὁ Hx Sommer esta τς rat. 570 Howker. a : Y λ 
ξ. Ser Rirgi Ge g222% ie” ae & gee gun Ὡ ei, ἘΣ a ἔξεν : 
“ OCEANIA buproxkc is a | Save bere Bice TS τοῦ | Erkdona 20 11400 | arias coocn Ὁ ἃ δ η δον ms Bw 
iy | SEEANIA πος ος dear oe fr | Bey vere = Boe Circle = Ser ἴα an | Belen "Ἔ ἐπ Bie ie eS To Our Readers 
© « BBC age Grau sum εν . mh 10 
| rr er ee ee ee ἘΠΕΊ Boots a £4 | Gerwren ἘΞ sain | BSS @ 2 apie rm ee Se | Montreal stock markets quam 
ΕΗ Srantere ca onows τι σίβ έν: CONNORS ροφοκεν Claudys frais ΟἿ BAM gM MM | Bowler Indes OS Ξὶ iF ementi om dies Hondatsbonken ὀ 183 117 ἘΞ ἘΞ Ὁ τὶ tions were not available in this edi- 
a TUESDAY'S FORECAST —CHANN ei Glentores «fa | farebuion ὀ pram sang | Sosconla ua, S@tjonoce ty faa Ty ὁ tion because of transmisson prob 
ἘΝ 7: --Ἰ 5 [Ἢ --- 59]. LONDON: Cloudy. Τί ἈΠ Ἀ! [Grit Aecosmace ΤῺ δι... 718300" ek -..- ltt ΚείΒεγ Ἡ 5412 ste 41, αὐ. σης, ἈΠῸ a ᾿ ᾿ 
22 Teme, 28..-- 16 (2-- 61). ΜΕΝ YORK: : »Ἔς 51} Bote os ae te ΤΕΣ Wa RO Ker Asa ἴμθι ἊΣ eat wy sh ee . 
a Oftvett! Lebar S77 al oar τ φν Ἔχ 
᾿ BA τ τη as μη} ΤῊΝ | Bresoner Gonk ay Burman ἘΞ # Piraiil mot ἈΠ ΠΟ ΝΒ 1 πὰ τος Merl τις Tek μι ας πον ie = 
jcremeni |S “ge lems ele. | ee ores ime EPEAT τὸ Ὁ Ὁ 
-- 7}}. τ " Affaersvoeriden ἯΙ i ees Bp Ais ᾿ % 
Tena TTA 15»... i BG! Gerercone” | faa fag ' Ste amo ΣῈ ἢ Previous 1 51710 i Bere, Bh a Ban 8) Sees 
s Is Toe hee = 

Ν oc aioe 
τῷ aie _ COOPERSTOWN: New York — It started, 
Brock recalled, with a radio broadcast, 

=z KeMON an St Lous reaching al the wa down 
᾿ a Lenidinna, There-was.a Pescball 

The itself has 

i ee 

proche gl og po 
kept black 

Slaughter suffered from the reputation, fair or 
unfair, and was not voted into the Hall of Fame 
in the [5 years after his retirement from baseball 
i. 1959, despite a -300 career batting ai 

Hi nally mde it lant March i ἃ voto of the 
Veterans Committes, along with Arky Vaughan, 

“F've never been bitter, and I'm not mad at 

* Stan ter Said, Asked what he 

for which he was honored about 's memories of listening to 
games on KMOX, Slaughter chose to 
Wilhelm, the late "bt Breck to or and made wh seit as 2 tribute to the: na their mutual 
v and by the most that was closer to Martin Luther team When asked ically if he had opposed 
ῃ Enos (Councry} Blog's ἢ have'¢ deen” than to most Robinson, Slaugitter said: 

Piayed io those first games ie re _Tve ever in my life pke against a black 
x, ful talks by fine, Shaughter player. I was accused of Robinson, but T 
‘They sat next to each other during the cere- ter, Patricia Johnson. on alot of players. When pitchers threw 
Brock never raised a bitter feeling, but he did at me, when Ford Fri 's Signature was printed 

that it should have been framed on my back, I never complained, cither, 

νυ of lis. τὴς 
'ed Williams, Stan Musi 

of the leading 

ε Lend] Wins Tennis Title, but Not Fans 

INDIANAPOLIS (WP) — Ivan Lendl who piqued civic pride lst 
‘by saying he did not want to in the tournament, won the men’s 
rrnkyetp Open Clay 
Andres Gomez, 6-1, 6-3. 
for coming, even if you dide't Sait αν τὸ wi Lendl 
it atreard told τὶς crowd of 6866 ver iblic address system. He had 
been thee averationl Pro Teams Goon lay in 
the Clay part of standard measures 
toe ality Belds, Dut he was aol ahy about valet Σαμαα δὲ 
© being farced to play on clay so shortly before the U.S. Open, which is 
oo a bard court 
} P Sade ἐς crowd pulled for Bors Backer ap Lendl and Sunday 
switched its allegiance to Gomez, often booing, αἱ Tae way 
goes,” Lendl said. “That's too bad. Maybe next year your Boris will win.” 

. ° 
Joyner Wins Festival Heptathlon 
BATON, ΒΟΌΟΕ, beer Lie yr mel Joyner, silver medalist 
at the Los Angeles Ol ymapics, produced 1985's ! beptathion point 
5 total, 6,718, ou Sunday night at the National Spons Festival, while Andre 
Phillips won the 110-meter hurdles in 13.25 and the 400-meter hurdles in 
| 48.03, both times second fastest in the world this year. 

[| ὧν ἐν τς τ στ 7. 
: meters, Charies 4 major surprise 
; ἃ ΠῚ oudueling ro ord hole We Bas oak ἜΠΩΣΣ 
ἫΝ a Alem triple} feet 11% inches 
᾿ ἘΝ yr (16. Flies ban tn at 

: 4 

5 Olympics of 1984 Commemorated 

et) lar mf el LR pr pa the 1984 Olym- 
ee pics was rekindled Sunday as former gold ier Johnson re-lit 
- ξϑρ the Olympic torch atop the Ana Coliseum to commen- 
orate the first anniversary of the Games. 
20.000 cheered as the ceremony was conducted to 

heer hatin torch-bearers and others who helped staged the Games. 

For the Record 
a ee eepice woctentaly World Association junior- 
Senied his own i Minsk when 
referee {Hae oped ihe out athe cg und bie 
David Braxton, the WBC's δι bonita a's Gad extn Με ἸΩΣ 
eyelid. . f 
The We Wanderers, one of England's most famous soccer 
disbanded aaa miele 
). ᾿ Η 
was in stable condition in indi 
τ collarbone, broken a crash fate in 
on Sunday; he also incurred α frees hip socket and 
Emerson Fittipaldi, (AP) 
Vay Fae (AB) 
ner enn Vik, rae at) 
team, making its first a: 
Poel ee aes Bae 
Open Anatenr Base Ly ren og my Οὐδέ South 
Korea defeated a Ventura. California, teens by δὺς (AP) 
Sumy Winder, the NFL Bronco's Pro Bow! ru back, underwent 

Nicky Farrugia, 24, the Maltese long-distance swimmer, 

ce a εις a en pommean Scly ad Mah, bie 
Organizing committee said. (OPH) 


Sunday’s Major League Linescores 

(71 ἀπά Sax. Gedimare (δ). W— Moore, Pa, L— 

1 Colttornia P08 888 910--Ἰ 8 1 Hurst,7- HRy—Seatile, Thamos (20), Boston, 
‘Tereato 218 110 δθχ--ὅ 19 ἃ Evans (12). 

titCoskil, Clements (5) and Boone: Alex- Clavelond 10a 009 8Ζ1--4 9 8 

Under and Whitt, W—Alexonde. 104. L— Kansas City 300 814 Odn—-7 16 δ 

-. McCaskill, 6-7. MR—Callfomio, Jackson (17).- 

Ruhte, Eosterty (6). Thomeson (8) and Wik 
Jord; Gublczn, LoCoss (6), Quisenberry (2) 
@nd Wathen. W—Gubicza, 7.5. L— Ruhie. 2-7. 
Sv—Quisenborry (23). HRs— Kensos City. 
. } =McRoee (9), Botbon! (18). 
Schram end Leudner; W—Tonona, 510. L— Ouklend ᾿ 
τὰς Scheom, 811, Sv—Hernandes 120). HR—-De- oon tas et to 

ἘΠΕ νὰν —_ Krueger, Howell boteert Tettaion; Darwin, 
Baltimere + Waits (9).Gitson (9) and Moore. W—Krueper: 
bee 68 ὦ 8 ἢ oy, L—oarwin. 612 ὃν-- Howell (20). 

Chicoge Oop 80] coe) 4 2 
McGregar and Dempsey? Burns. Long (8) ΝῊ York 
Ond Sinner. W—McGregor,¥-B.L—Burns,1}- Ts 
7. HRs—Bottimore, Daver (7), Murray (18), - 

000 (29 δου. -ἃ 9 4 
520 100 Gix—8 11 8 

Bystrom, Shirley (2). Allen (5), Bordl {7} 
end Bradiev: Welsh, Rovere [8) ona Petrelli. 

Roenicke (10), 
— W—Welsh, 22, 1—Bystrom. 0-1. HRs—New 
Seatte 286 200 218.-2}} 1 Yorks Henderson 114}. Texcs. McDowell (102. 

Bosten 101 990 008--ὦ 9.2 . NATIONAL LEAGUE 

Bi : "δ Mooreand See; Hurst, Crawford (7),Clear Atanta 3 108 10--ἃ 5 
ἐς Set ee Phitedeiphia on ant ron ne 
ὃ * Bedrosian, Comp (4), eorker 
Major Leagne Standings one; Koosman ond Virall. W—Koosman, δ. 
Le-Bedrosion, 5-10. HRs—Ationt, Harper 
AMERICAN LEAGUR 1123, Runoe U1), Philadelphioe Sets (21. 

Heuston 182 200 17-12 15 1 
New York 802 088 820--4 δ 4 
Niekrocnd Ashby. Βα μὲν (3); Darting. Gor- 
man (5), Sisk (8) and Carter, Revnotds (7). 
We-Niekro δ, L—Dorting. 104. HRs—-New 
‘York, Strawberry 2 (12). 
Cacancti ἢ 


90 000 066--ὁ 4 ὃ 
80) 20 Os Ἡ σ᾽ 

8.5 5 Ὲ Ὁ 

tardelio; Hesketh and Fitzgerald. W— Hes- 
3 ket, 6-4. L—Robinzon, 5.2, HA—sontreal, 
5 Dawson (18). 

‘St. Lows a0 100 100-5 δ 0 
Son Diego ws Wo 160-2 10 ὃ 
Tudor, Lahti (9} and Porter; Hoyt, Tir 
mond (8) ond Kennedy, W—Tudor, 12:8. L— 
Hove, 12-5. Sv—Lohil (12). HR St. Louls Por- 
Yer (4), 

Chicase mp 200 0-7 11 
Los Anpeles 306 p00 080-2 5 1 
Suiciiffe, Sorensen (1), Brusstor (7) ond Do- 
vis; Powell, Honeycutt (5), Costillo {7}, Olax 
tf) and Scloscia. W—Sorensen, 3-2. |—Powdll. 
81. Sv—Brusster (3). HAs—Chieaga, Lopes 
{9}, Matthews (6), Dovis 0]. 

Pittsburgh Ore 081 oo 2 ἃ ἵ 
San Froacites 00 011 δδῦ 1-- Ἱ ὦ 
118 Innings) 

5 Reuscne!, Guante (Ἱ and Pana: Krukow, 
Dovis 110). Gorrelts (10) and Branly. W— 
Gerreits, 5-3, L—-Guante, 2.3. HR— Son Fron- 

ταξο. Brown (101 


Kas! Divi 

ie Ξ 
βεξέες Ὲ 

wehepe ΒΕΒΕΒ5ἢ 


Sorginen who has often been portrayed as one 
ean ties tives 

tennis championship Sunday by. . 

Smarr alee ae: (ΜΒ) : 

a ee τα ae 

Robinson, Stuper (5), Buchonan (δ) and Ble ἡ 

Brock ove the) Oe μαό ee a 
“] existed as ἃ major leagne player even at ἃ 
sine Fw ving he mosey Ta 

pher with an assist. 

Blackmar sank a 10-foot ca 
the first hole οἵ the playaii —- 
37th hole of the day, calla] 

and Dan Pobl, but, said Blackmar, 
if it had not been for Bob Child, an 

“Τὰ just like to thank the 
tographer I hit in the head,” 

 tarareneciomnt “E aed TE a ata 

β i 

The Associated Press 
ARLINGTON, Texas — "Bie 

Β oo 
ἡ i 


ΒΒ 55 

Manrtin left the ort inning 
Tea Ranga esc 

complaining of 

Sad He yas jaben to the Ar 
a ton Stadjum first aid th Aig 
given an injection by BJ. Mycos- 
Kie, the Rangers’ team doctor. 

Arlington Memorial Hospital 
for Xeraye that showed a svall per- 

Petra pl 

cHtcaGoPurchased he δὰ ‘contract af Jost 

GREATER ᾿ξασελλανατασι ρθη ay πων 

Phi Blockmr, ΞΊσΒ 05 72-67-64-66—2771 KANSAS CITY-—Picced Shortstoo Bi 
Dan Pont, 88-69-68-66—271 Blancolano on the 15-dey dhzabled list. TO- 
Jodie Mudd, 352.200 60-67-70-66—27  RONTO—Plocad Jim Clancy, pitcher, on the 
Warne Grody. 525.200 7045-65-72--272 15-day disabled list. Purchased the contractat 
Rov Flovil, £25200 6448-48-12—272 Tom Henke, . from Syrocuse of the 
Magee, 519-425 72-68-45-68—273  intornotional League. 
Lon Hinkle, 519,425 70-66-69-468—273 Leegue 
Brett Upeer, S1¥A2S 71-08-6648 = HOUSTON—Oplonad Ron Mathis. pitcher, 
Peter Jacobsen, 519425 9 T1-49-67-66—"73 to Tucson of the Pacific Leogua. Re- 
John Cook, 514400 46-1-7267—D4 —colled Germon Rivera, Infleider, from Τυς- 
Lorry Rinker, $14400 O7-88-46-71-274 son. Purchased the contract of Charies Ker- 
Scott Hoch, 514400 ΔΤ ἀδόδ-- 4 tat, pitcher, Irom Tucson, Ploced Jim 
Mark Wiobe, $1449) ἐδτι ὁδ 67. έ — Ponkovits, infiaider, on the 15-day disobied 
Jack Renner, $10,200 THEB-4-68—D5 ist 
Mork O'Mecra, 510.200 OAN0-61-68—205 FOOTBALL 
Gil Morgen. 310.208 PPLE TTS: Natfonol Football League 
Dan Forsmen, $10.200 J0T-6—TS = DEYROIT—Placed Billy Sins, running 
Bon Eostwood, 510.200 75. ὁδ:6Ν.65--:25 * backs Homer Elis. gvord, and Rob Rudick. 
Huble Green, 677143 71-09-7027 tight end, on ther physically ungble fo per- 
Mohattey, 6.77143 — 66-71-70-67—275 form list. Slanad James Johnson, linebacker, 
Jim Nettord, $771.43 Th86-70-69-276 = ond Wiliigm Grohom, sctety. 
Burry Zoeller, 36.771. 6F:71-68-70—276 * HOUSTON--Reieased Nilke Clanienen ond 
Joe Inmon, 5471.63 fon Horter, kickers, ond Mark Schlecht ond 
Mark Lye, $4771.43 7A6-70-48—276 Jock Well. punters, 
Glorence Rose, 5477143 6 = JNDIANAPOLIS—Relecseg Rick Dwenger 
George Burns, $4420 Τι ἀν 70. 10--Π ond Tory Cichoke, lulibocks, Roy Brown, d- 
Rover Mottble, $4420 tensive ond. Tracy Groom. uard, Nell Harris. 
Wayne Levi, $4620 48:70. 7γ66--] defensive back, Eric Smith, safety, Brvon My- 
Tom Purtzer, $3452.50 7V70-68-49—Z78 ors, punter, Phil Smith. Corl Aikens,ond Ran- 
David Lndstrm, S45250 9 725046675278 dy Grant, wide receivers. Phi Bromley. cen- 
Bobby Wadkins, 5145250 61.65.7 7Ὲ- 6 tar, Ron Ziotkowski, linebacker, ond Eddie 
Greg Norman, δέ.71.8).72.- 278 μι ΟΝ, tight end. 
Victor Reoolod 145250 61:7 δ 0 δ = LA Rokders—Announced Curt 
Lorry MAlza, 524525) Th70-69-60— 278 crusrdiwtlibe anes Intored at for tin woe 
Tom Kite, $3452.50 7248-7246—278 ΝΟ. JEFS—Placed Tony Paige, fullback, 
Steve Pore. 5145250 68-45-75-70—278 ston Wokdemore, guard. ond Glenn Dennison, 

fott end, on the Shysically unoble fo pectorm 
list. Signad Bob Gruppe, punter. Clalmad Pots 

SAK DIEGO—Sioned No. Idroft pick.offern- 
sive Hnemon itm Lachey of Oto Stole. 


Montreat 31 0 & 1 6 
Toronto 22 814 BB 4 {41 Lndionopolis) 
Mamilton o3; bP 8 a a “οὶ SINGLES 

Western Division ἃ 
Grit Cima “40 0 14 4 6 lvenLendl καραιοζαναμιο α, AncresGo ἢ 
Egmonton 2.1 ὕ Ἢ 120 4) maz, Εσυθῦο, &1, 
Winnleey 22 05 9 #4 Mears S bountes 
Soskoichwn 32 096 π 2 Finat 
Cateary 093 0 3 3 8. Ken Foch. US. and Robert Seousa US. 

SUNDAYS RESULT ef. kim Warwick. Aysiraha.ond Pavel Sipzit. 

ONawa 14. Coipary 12 Creehoslovahin. Gu. bd 

" the choice 10 be a major league baseball 


‘SLou Brock: Baseball’s Liberation of a Southern Black 

"I was ἃ 9-year-old in a Southern town. Jim Crow was king. I was searching the dial of an old 
Phileo radio and I heard’ a game in which Jackie Robinson was playing, ‘and J felt pride in 
being alive. The baseball field was my fantasy of what life offered.’ 

—Lou Broek 

Traded to the Cardinals in 1964 so 
could acquire the pitcher Ernie Broglio, Brock 
helped the Cardinals win the World Series by 
batting 315 and, within a few years, replaced 
Maury Wills as the most feared base-stealer, 

hr finished with a 293 batting average in 

dass a 1974 aad Ἧς 938 stolen bases in is 
974 and his 938 stolen bases in his 

ead ecopeed sop epee pec pr 
some writers 53) 85 ἃ jalist and that 
some players had resented dedication 10 

People oq uate stealing ἃ base to winning ἃ 
weeninge 1 Sisk a pune ἃ mala be 
ora to winning a game. len is 
designed to go from ane base to another. It's 

base on Harry Walker's hit, scored a double, to 
win the 1946 World Series, and he did not deay 
that hustling gave him an edge. He corrected the 
old story that his minor-league manager. Eddie 
Dyer, had chided him for not running out a 
ground ball. 

Another North Carolina player, Hovi Wil- 
helm, joined Slaughter in the hall, Wilhelm 
ales recone (ae ee Ρ ‘itched in the 
ae leagues, 1 yi: from 1952 through 1972, 

ity is pele explainable by the 

at ἀρ δ knuckleball he threw and by 
pace only 52 starts, one ἃ no-hitier against 
the {pennant-winning New York Yankees in 

His career is all the more remarkable because 
he did not reach the major leagues until he was 

29, He pitched his three seasons at 
Mooresville in the North Carolina State League. 
and even was released ance by Mooresville, and 
he lost three years in the service — taking 
shrapnel in his pitching arm at the Battle of the 
Bulge — before he ever got out of Class D ball. 

Now a pitching instructor for the Yankees in 
the minor leagues, Wilhelm said he often tries to 
soften the blow fer young plavers who are 
released by them how he survived being, 
cut by der ἢ 

Arky Vanghan, like Slaughter, was selected 10 
the Hail by the Veterans Committee. He batted 

Page 15 

Lou Brock 

batung average τῇ i935 
1952, at Eagleville, C. 
fishing companiva / 

Catches Donnie Scot ini ine blLand α god lk αἱ 
home, bat he did not have time to make the tag. The 

Mert Lang Pcl tin 

os a ca aad 318 with Pirtsburgh and Brooklyn from 1932 τὸ 
way. 1948, sitting out years, from 1944 through 

Slaughter also bristled at the label. 1946, after a we with the Dodger eer, 
He is best remembered for scoring (rom first. Leo Durocher. 



foration in tbe lung, which caused 
air to come between the chest wall 

Ἵ 1 misj 
ness of Martin's wall. Usually peo- 
ple associated with baseball have a 
jot more thicker chest wail,” My- 

again Monday, 
public relations director Joe Safety coskie said. 

“It’s not that serious,” said the 
doctor. “The needle created a very 
small hole, but flying with a punc- 
tured lung poses a problem. 

“We're sure not going to send Lou 
bim up in a plane with a puncture 

Mycoskie said the back spasms 

Comptled bv Our Steft From Disputes 
TORONTO — The Blue Jays are 
genin the talk of the American 

fn these last four games, the 

hitting, pitching and defense 

to all come together ut 
once.” said Toronto's manzger. 
Bobby Cox, after his team complet- 
ed an impressive sweep of the Cali- 
fornia Angels with a 5-1 victory 

Th Biv Jays won thi tam 
record-tying εἰ; stragnt in 
creased their lead in the East Divi- 
sion to seven games — their biggest 
margin of the season. They began 
their winning streak the previous 
Sunday, wher they held only a 115:- 
game lead over second-place New 

West leading Angee S67 ὡς 
est in the 
seties and outhit them, 52-28. The 
Angels had not lost four in a row 
since last September. 

as ae WENE gota retty Bood 

i eben some aren't hit- 

at when every: 
one swings the bat like they're do- 

adic ing now, | think it’s an awesome 

affected Martin's right side just be- 
Jow the shoulder, 

Drew Wilkendorf, emergency 
room spokesman at Arlington Me- 
morial, said Martin arrived af the 

~ hospital about 7:45 P.M. but re- 

ceived no treatment. The manager 
stayed only about 10 minutes and, 
as soon as the X-rays were finished, 
relumed to the stadium, Wilken- 
dorf said. Martin was seen again in 
the dugout in the eighth inning. 
Martin remained overnight in his 
motel room in Arlington. A coach, 
Lou Piniella, will sv! 
Yankees’ manager if Martin is un- 
able to be in Cleveland for Monday 
night's game, Safety said. 

Owners May Propose Change 
In Players’ Pension Payment 

United Press International 
NEW YORK — Negotiations 
between major aseball’s 
team owners and d la could en- 
tera new phase Mi ay, with own- 
pails te {fering a counter- Pro” 
the key issue of 
cay y acoording to their ef ne- 


Faced with an Aug. 6 strike 
deadline set by the players, man- 
agement’s executive council sched- 
uled a Monday morning meeting. 

. and their chief negouator, Lee 

MacPhail, said the issue of pension 
money would be discussed. 
“We'll alk about it,” he said. 

᾿ “We'll do our best to get something 

owners and players were 10 
meet later Monday at the head- 
quarters of the Players Association. 

Doring the talks, the players 
have been awaiting a management 
counter-| τὸ their demand 
for one-third of a 51.1 billion tele- 
vision ae The owners have 

eet crate toan hour, with, England winning. 6-4, after trailing bv 43 at 
‘| -balftame. Une Seeler scored twice for West Germuny. alan Ball wice 

“for England. 

England Wins, Just Like °66 

The Assoctated Press 

England — England and West Germany the 1966 

won oy soser inl Stands and used sorse $64,000 fora fund set 
piel tors died in a fire in May. 

beget gobo 

ai Lede Uohed'é Homa ground, which is 15 miles from the 
northem English city of Bradford where the 
_ Gre swept the wooden stand at Bradford City’s Valley Parade 
stadium May 1 Je a the eb was ceeteaing promoting (ὁ the 

ran he Wed Cp Siw hp δὲ 
Δα αν fort ogy Exgioad taatighet ts even 

said they will not pay one-third, 
but have offered no specific plan. 

The sides met for three hours 
Sunday night and announced more 
progress on minor issues. Don 

ehr, the acting executive director 
seal the aed Association, said the 
players Some minor pro- 
posals. He said he believes more 
“lesser issues” can be resolved 
within a few days, presumably 
clearing the way for talks on the 
major issues of pension payments, 
salary arbitration and the free- 
agent system. 

Meanwhile, the commissioner of 
baseball, Peter Ueberroth, said in 
Cooperstown, New York, at the 
Baseball Hall of Fame, that he 
would use his powers to help reach 
ἃ settlement. 

“We can’t allow these negotia- 
tions to fail,” he said. 

Ueberroth did not elaborate on 
what role he would take in the 

in the 1966 final staged a replay 
occurred. The 


George Bell put Toronto ahead 
with a two-nim double in the first 
inning and Doyle Alexander scat- 
tered eight hits τὸ make the lead 
stand up. 

Alexander struck out nine. The 
only run he gave up came on Reg- 
gie Jackson's 17th home run tus 
season, in the eighth inning. Jack- 
son's 520th homer in the mujors 
put him one behind Willie McCo- 
vey and Ted Williams on the all- 
time list. 

A} eid bh Detroit's Dar- 
tell Evans. who a resurgence 
at the plate two months ago in 
Minnesota, hit his 300th homer in 
the majors to break a sixth-inning 
tie at the Metrodome. 

Evans had onty two homers and 
four RBI before going 4-for-4 

against the Twins on May 15. 
Since, he bas had 20 homers and 48 

itute as the RBI, 

Orioles 6, White Sox f: Rich 
Daver, Eddie Murray and Gary 
Roenicke hit bases-empty homers 
in the sixth as Baltimore won in 
Chicago behind Scott McGregor's 
four-hitter. The home runy all came 

inst starter Britt Burns, who 
had a one-hitter che first five in- 

Murray has homered in five of 
his fast seven games to boust his 
total for the ¥ year to 18 and has an 

iting streak. 

ovals 7, Indians 4: In Kansas 
City. Missouri, Steve Balboni hit a 

den thunderstorm. Hy 
bady of water wos Le 

“The fume and sion ἢ 
fe Hed the league with a 385 himself are new his ferever. 

» Jays Sweep Angels, 
‘Fg Pull Away in AL East 


his last 10 gam: 
a aie came 

Mariners 7. Red Sov 2: 
fev got four huts and Doman 
mos singled in twa kev τ 
Seatde won to Bostua. 

A’s 5, Brewers 2; In Milwaukee, 
Alfredo Griffin ud three hits, 
scored three times and drove in 2 
mug for Oakland. Danny Darwin, 
6-12. lost his eighth straght. 

Dwayne Murphy. cig had an 
RBI double and walled twice, 
scored on a wild pitch by Darwin to 
break a 2-2 tie in the eighth. 

8. Yankees 2: In Arling- 
ton, Texas, Cliff Johnson went > 
for-3 and drove in three runs 
against New York while Chris 
Welsh recorded his first victory asa 
starter since September 1982. The 
then falng as the Ranger tok 

irst inning as the tu 
a 5-0 lead. 5 

Cubs 9, 2: In the Na- 
tional League. Chreago ended a 
three-game [ streak with its 
rout in Los Angeles, but lost start- 

ing pitcher Rick Sutcliffe in the 
first inning with a pulled leg mus- 


Davey Lopes. drove in four runs 
with iy Heats and double to help 
end his former teammates’ five- 
game wi streak. 

Astros 12, Mets 4; Craig Revn- 
olds had four of Houston's 19 bits 
in New York to help end a sin- 
game losing streak. Joe Niekro 
Pitched an eight-hitter in beating 
the Mets for the first time in fise 
tries this season. 

Philties 7, Braves 3: Von Huyes 
and Juan Samuel tripled dunng 
two three-run i innings that best At- 
fants in Philadelphia. Jer Koos- 
man survived 2 poor slart τῷ pitch 3 
: ive- pea for his chird vomplece 

e iepor 6. Reds 0: In Montreal, 
Andre Dawson's two-run homer, 
his first in sux weeks, supported 
rookie Joe Hesketh's four-hit piteh- 
ing ugarast Cincinnati. 

Cardinals 4, Padres 2: Darrell 
Porter drove in three runs with a 
double and a homer 2s St. Lows 
woo in San Dieao. John Tudor T got 
his Thih victors in his last 12 dect- 
sions while ending LaMarr Hoyt’s 
1 f-game winning streak, 

Giants 3, Pirates 2: ἔπ Sun Fran- 
cise, David Green's two-out sin 
gled in the 1th scared Chns Brown 
from second base to complete ἃ 
sweep of the four-game series with 
Pittsburgh. ‘APL UPL 





μαννα, ππσομων τεον RUNBWeTPYOEAINUANNAS PISS οι δὲ 6.5.5 


μα καὶ at eee Ne LR BAAS TP PROM ANA Rh Im 






The ‘Kiss’ of Hector Babenco ) 

F By groping around the dark floorfor _ Babenco found “Kiss of the dren, brought him an internation- 
ON Monday night in May. his lens, when 2,800 spectators Spider Woman” in 1978. One of al audience. He work on 
midway through the Cannes rose to begin a long ovation. the elements that hooked him was “Kiss of the Spider Woman” then, 
film festival, some of the principal Thetwoactorsweregone bythe Molina’s memories of vintage never suspecting it would con- 
figures involved in “Kiss of the time the Cannes jury voted Hurt movies. some him. “My family life went 
Spider Woman” sat down with a 88 the best actor. (A month later, And in New York, after ἃ 12. down the drain,” he said. “I quit 
large andience to watch the movie. the judges at the Tokyo Festival hour flight from his home in 880 home for long mooths and lived in 
The two stars had never seen the for Young Film Makers gave the Paolo, he is still simmering with hotels. I was a little bit out of my 
final cut. William Hurt, who plays film a special award.) excitement over his delayed self- mind during the time 1 was in- 
Molina, the romantic movie- | Babenco bung around Cannes cere. 5 ae roundish fig- volved in this.” 
struck homosexuel, spent the First pelisp peepee pe ae ure, 3, is A ᾿ i Angeles 
Armainutes cringing in his seat ἃ a anxiety —“It's talker, a geyser of detail, opinion hunting for money and a second ” 
then became so absorbed that his you give LSD to 15,000 people” and confession, delivered in ro- strong actor when 
self-consciousness evaporated. — and then, with his wife, bust English thar, having been gested Raul Julia, then on 
Rani Julia, who is Valentin, the i220 the hills to recover. ἱ i "and, 
fiercely dedicated radical activist, ‘Watching the movie, I started ἰ5 bravely mispronounced. and the Man.” Julia recalls a 
could aot match Hart's involve. 10 discover why J liked the book, Although he has never been a πι 
ment. His mind flickered from the Teredible! Both characters are political activist, part of Hector 
film to his memories of working [απ of mysell." Like the Manuel Babenco is the" prophet and the 
om it in Brazil, to the audience, Puig novel it is based on, the film revolutionary, 


fF aps 

dering, whether peopl opens in a jail cell occupied by an J 
eet rit ae mgr ei ree pl nto ger, the ie vee a eat 
* a οἱ assuage wor! Ὑ 
The director, Hector Babenco, loneliness and pain, Molina spins mabe see eons Hees 




a gelesen 
my in Argenti- : 
na, Twas polluted by moviefanta- packed up and started for home. πεῖς relatively modest, Julia re- 
sies, it was like my city, Mar del “I called ‘Raul from the airport his ‘role in books by 
Plata, was too suuall. my parents and said, ‘Listen, 1 talked to you ena activists und he 
too narrow. | waslookingforabig yesterday and didn’t bave the Gade cared, bern in ‘ed 
shiniag Τα Αναν omiutic oma, absiksmerebee Ithek toms “THETE Se no fa tral 
mn pate 
1 believe in the to be raise is Branil and S85” and dieted off more 

tender and to receive. 1 prefer to make it with Brazilian actors.’ Pounds, emecging ἃ gat 

say yes instead of no. 1 am from Raul yells, Til learn Portngnese. exp! : 

the culture of yes.” .- Pil start at Berlitz Monday. Pl go 
the remarkable things to Brazil.'” 

yes to unusual conditions. New York theater comunity but ὃ pouytail wig and a 

prospect's a 
reference not to the fms coatent 

1981 on a wip to Los 

receive an award for lis third Rehearsals started in New York 


(1 s *g P, e 
Christo, the American arust, 15 
SS sono Ge 
i e Seve in cen 
is, with ΕΠ] square mt: 

ἧς will aot be affect- 

of 11 islands off Misa 
plastic, wrapping part Οἱ 
A metry _ coastline at the 
hanging of a gigantic orange cur- 
tain in the Grand Canyon. 

Leorence Olivier is to be seer 

physical, onstage presence ἡ 
oaly be told in ume.” avers: 
musical’s creator. Dave Clark. 
jer, 78, will not appear ἐς μέσσῃ, 
but will ulilize a levice sew to the 
theater, described as “one st 

yond a hologram.” “Time.” bil 
as the most expensive show in Brit- 
ish musical bistory. will star the 
star Cliff Richard as a 
singer who defends the 
Earth against alen aggressors in a 

: are A ul ᾿ 
Babenco: “Both characters of ids del Castro, the Cuban leader. 
ed a $1.3-million deal with 

York publishing firm Si- 
& Schuster to στῆς three 
U.S. News & World Report 
the first on the failure of reli- 
gion and the second on the Third 


Queen Elizabeth the Queen 
other of Britain. who celebrates 
her 8Sth birthday next Sunday, τ᾿ 
ἧ ial present from Brit 

" which ἢ Ξ furt, a ἐ 
United States, are people who ἴσιοτν as a fellow member of the ὠ Ης came witha lot of makeup, the sound barrier. On Aug. 6, she 
will board a Concorde at Heathrow 

Babenco had great difficulties had never worked with. The script mle” pabeacs recall. “Tan 
finding finance. “We don’t like was dispaucbet 10 Fag where ‘Listen, Bill, you look like a witch. 
anarchist projects," was one Hons nig "Cooky Peak The only missing is 
American Ἱ 

, the 1985 festival's first stage 

D shy, modest, Babenco had imagined 
bat to the director’s indepen- “Would | consider inviting him 10 a fairly flamboyant figure. But flight, said Sunday: “We 
dence. had heard that fying on Concorde 

wife. Diana, celebrated their fourth 
wedding anniversary Monday 
without any public engagements, 

The actress Ali MacGrar was in 

ied, pregnant 
when she went to 
an illegal abortion at a seedy New 

unprotected way. 
caster, whom Babenco met in He wept, dried his tears and said icto a “brilliant” play that has 
the back on track. 

somebody would i 
.” That film, about in July 1983 and continued in 530 Meee eo Real Jule as ina, A 
Paolo, where shooting 






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fate onors Fars τ Fronce 
oun ae oN 
